

Aug 4, 2018
I live with my over protective parents so I have no way of writing a will without raising suspicion.

Instead, as I've mentioned briefly before, I'm putting together an unofficial document listing things that I'd like to be put in place following my death. As it won't be a legally-binding document, it could all just be written for nothing, but it makes me feel better to know I've at least done my research and given a few tips for things like how to close my bank account, end my phone contract, access my laptop (which will have any trace of this and related sites erased).

I've mentioned a lot of 'this is what I'd like, but at the end of the day it's not my choice how you choose to do things'.

I'd like to think that some of my wishes will be respected, but it's hard when you've got a family whose religion and beliefs don't match with your own (I've written about this on SS too). Either way, I'll be dead... so it's not like I'm gonna be able to bitch and whine about it.

I'll have to start sorting things like chucking crap out of my bedroom so my possessions are a (little) bit easier to trawl through. I have a lot of crap that I don't need.

I feel better for adding to that document this evening. Just doing a little bit at a time.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Same here, I grew up with overprotective parents, and even though now I don't live with my parents, I live with other roommates. I don't really have a will, but I personally will be writing a note. I am still deciding on the contents of the note itself, I don't plan to have it too short where it misses it point entirely or gets blown off/swept under the rug, but then again, also not a huge research paper.

My idea is to have my laptop contain lots of blogs, diaries (which when survivors read they will understand my reasoning), and then the main note highlight my life, what I did, and some instructions (while referring to my laptop/cloud/etc. for the really detailed shit and for people who are really curious to dig further). I of course, will never mention this site, or any other suicide forums, places as I don't want to add more fuel or give ammunition to the disgusting, wretched pro-life (majority of people) to push their agenda.

Instead, I may point to other articles around the Internet who share similar sentiments and that would act as additional information/support my reasoning. After all, I know that I would be dead so all that is irrelevant, but at that point I'd rather at least have some understanding and maybe perhaps even slightly push society in the direction of rational death, rational suicide (if possible).
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Aug 4, 2018
I of course, will never mention this site, or any other suicide forums, places as I don't want to add more fuel or give ammunition to the disgusting, wretched pro-life (majority of people) to push their agenda.

Instead, I may point to other articles around the Internet who share similar sentiments and that would act as additional information/support my reasoning. After all, I know that I would be dead so all that is irrelevant, but at that point I'd rather at least have some understanding and maybe perhaps even slightly push society in the direction of rational death, rational suicide (if possible).

I would never mention this site, it would horrify all the 'normal' people, and I'm already in trouble with my family for having used various websites they disapprove of. Of course they'll know I've done my research, but it's better if they just don't know that SS exists.

I'm not going to use other peoples' postings as reference simply because I'll probably be seen by people around me as a copycat of sorts. I want people to know that this was my own choice. I'm not doing it because I've seen others do it. I'm not doing it because my friend died in August. I've probably wanted to go for as long as she had, I just wasn't as vocal about it.
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Earth’s Parasite
May 11, 2018
Have you looked up a "holographic will"? It's a handwritten letter but in most cases it needs to be signed by a witness, not necessarily a lawyer though. Some countries/states/provinces will accept these. You'd need to do some research. Maybe you can find a few friends to do it?

You can always just lie telling them you're preparing for the future that "one day if anything happens they know what to do." To make it less suspicious maybe? That's what I plan to do anyways. Lying to people.
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Aug 4, 2018
Have you looked up a "holographic will"? It's a handwritten letter but in most cases it needs to be signed by a witness, not necessarily a lawyer though. Some countries/states/provinces will accept these. You'd need to do some research. Maybe you can find a few friends to do it?

You can always just lie telling them you're preparing for the future that "one day if anything happens they know what to do." To make it less suspicious maybe? That's what I plan to do anyways. Lying to people.
I'm in the UK. Will have a look into that, thanks :)

And when your daughter spends all her days (off work) in bed, not showering or eating properly and growling at anyone who speaks to her... the fact that she's suddenly willing to get out of bed, get showered and dressed and go find a lawyer is just too clear a message to give out. Because straight after that I'd just go straight back to how I was before. I should have done it two months ago when my friend died, because I wanted to use her sudden passing as an excuse.. but it's a bit late now.
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Earth’s Parasite
May 11, 2018
I should have done it two months ago when my friend died, because I wanted to use her sudden passing as an excuse.. but it's a bit late now.
:( I'm sorry to hear that. Good luck. We'll be here to support you :)
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