2 hours a day is already really good, it means you aren't procrastinating. Make sure you're studying that much every single day. If you need more help:
Make sure you limit your access to sites that give you instant gratification because your brain will make you want to do those things instead. Also, if you're scrolling through youtube/instragram or whatever the fuck BEFORE you study you will not want to study, make sure you only do that after.
If you need to study more then you already are, take 30 minute breaks in between every 2 hours.
Make a list of everything you need to study on ranked hardest to easiest, get through the harder stuff first and it will be easier for you to get through the other stuff. Make sure this list includes absolutely everything you need to do as well, this will help you a lot if you're behind on homework for example.
And finally, if you have a condition such as ADHD that makes it hard for you to study, or even if you don't and you're having a lot of difficulty despite all my advice get a prescription (or obtain otherwise) a stimulant like Adderall. Look up the dosing for ADHD and never take more then that and it should make you more productive as long as you are using it for study and not recreationally. Only do this as a last resort or if you have a genuine condition. Best of luck.