today was ment to be my day everything was set and ready to go but for some reason I just can't go though with it I've been looking forward to this day for a while fucking survival instinct hopefully I'll come around and get the balls to go though with it soon so pissed at myself
Try not to be too pissed at yourself. I flinched and failed three Mondays in a row --with eb/N2, no less, which is supposed to be as straightforward a method as exists. Suvival instinct is a bloody nuisance!
As of tonight it will be two weeks since my last attempt. I'm currently trying to steady myself, rest up, and get in the right mindset for the next race for the bus stop --but it has taken all of these last two weeks to settle myself down and really focus on why I want to ctb. It'll likely take another week before I'm ready to give it another go.
It's exhausting and crushingly demoralizing to miss the bus, so go easy on yourself. Be kind to you. Accept comfort, if you can. Catch your breath. There'll be another bus coming along whenever you need it.