I'm glad you're trying it again.
My experience with therapy is that a lot of it is about finding the right psychologist with the right method for you.
My first psychologist, second psychologist, third psychologist, first psychiatrist, they all did basically nothing for me. But my current psychologist has done so much for me.
There was a time when I didn't even dare to leave the house, take a bus or go to class. Within a year of going to her I was leaving the house, taking the bus and going to class again.
The stuff that I wasn't able to do in like 3 years with all those other psychologists, I did in less than a year with her. Because she fit with me personality-wise and she had a method that fit me too.
So I'd say, even if this one doesn't work out, don't ever be afraid to try out a new therapist with a different approach. It can make a HUGE difference.