
Aug 18, 2020
It is similar to my take about the Arturo Vidal suicide controversy. I am disabled but I cannot relate to the hysteria about it.
I have some experiences with talking to anti-ableism activists. The descriptions of @KuriGohan&Kamehameha resonated well with me. And she described the flaws of such groups pretty well.

I considered to join another self-help group for students with a disability. I read their rules and got a pretty bad feeling about it. It gave me the impression that one is not allowed to say anything bad about one's own condition and that elaborating on bad sides of such illnesses is seen as being too pessimistic. "Look at the bright side of life." Such a behavior is a red flag for me. I stay away of such people this is probably the reason why I don't very much experience with them. I read their posts on social media, read about their campaigns in the media and their engagement against the righ to die. I think many disability activists have this stance. I debated some of them online. And to honest their arrogance of wanting to determine my own life without knowing shit about it makes me furious as hell. It is so much better for my well-being to stay away of them. I could now reiterate all my hatred for such stances but this is not the core of this thread because literally 99% of the members here would agree on that.

In one of my self-help group there was a take on antinatalism. And one member felt extremely offended by that take. A huge argument started and I remained somewhat neutral. It does not give me much to convince people of antinatalism. I have the feeling if one does that in real life one is easily seen as bitter, resentful and pessimistic. For me it has become a personal decision of not wanting to procreate but I don't want to intervene too much in such decisions of other people. I hope my sister won't procreate but I won't interfere. (she would be such an horrible mom with horrible genes.) The example with antinatalism shows the hypersensitivity of such people. The dude who shared antinatalist thoughts (withouth knowing this philosophy) told noone not to procreate. He just shared his own experience with procreating as a mentally ill person and how much his children have suffered because of it.

You know the thing with ableism is for me. I don't care how people call me disabled, a person with special needs or a mentally ill person. I don't give a fuck. I would even don't care if the state called me a retard if I had in exchange for that financial support which is not a ridiculously low amount of money. The current state which implies no life with dignity. These arguments on semantics do not give me anything. A therapist of mine called his patients insane or people who committed suicide insane too but with no evil intentions. I had no problem with that if they gave me an exit with dignity where I don't have to risk going to jail or becoming a vegetable for doing it. If I had real substantial support by the system all these words would not matter. Such arguments on sensitive language would be the cherry on the top. But not even the basic needs are fulfilled. So why should I give a fuck on such words.

I often have the feeling such language is often only a facade too. Most people are annoyed by it and a certain percentage of affected people don't even like the movement itself. These are just words. It is easy to create such rules like calling disabled people "people with special needs". It does not cost the society anything to do so. It creates the notion that disabled people had a certain value for the society. Sorry but I prefer $$$ instead of shallow and empty platitudes.

I thought about going to this college group. However I stopped my plan. I could never be that open as on here. Here I can be unfiltered. If I was that open in real life a crisis intervention team would be pretty soon in front of my house. With the result that my current situation would not have changed but I had another reason not to open up. I opened up to therapists etc. These people cannot help me. Even a psychiatrist in clinic said that. My problems cannot be solved by them.

Maybe I just have too many prejudices about such groups. But I read their rules. And it sounded like a thought police to me. I hate this illness. I hate my life. I will never be able to work. I want to die every single day. I don't see any future for me. I plan to commit suicide if nothing changes. I could not have said anything of that in such a group despite the fact my daily thoughts only consist of that to at least 60%. I would feel like a fraud not to mention anything of that. But I also had this feeling with socializing. I always have to show a facade. With my friends I can enjoy parties the most because they know how nightmarish I usually feel. Despite that they love and accept me.

I would like to socialize more with people in college. In order to increase my social skills and the potential to get a girlfriend but let's be real my destroyed vegetative nervous system ruined every attempt to find one within the last 7 years very early on.

I see the advantage that the meetings would be in real life. And in some instances I could talk about other issues than here in this forum. (because I try to hide my identity here). But I also noticed even among people with disability I am very severe case. I barely know anyone in real life who has such a fucked up life than me. The other people I met see some meaning in their life. Are somewhat happy or can at least accept their fate. Me instead I am a broken person and I know what is ahead of me when my parents die. Maybe this is one reason why I like being here in this forum. We are probably at least in the Western societies pretty at the bottom of life quality. Not all of of us but pretty many. But this something that unites us. Except maybe the psychopaths who like seeing people suffering and watch this place as some sort of pervert entertainment. But for real these people probably have their own demons that might errrupt one day and they are sort of pathetic. And have kind of weird hobbies.
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Feb 25, 2023
I read your whole post and I really relate to some of the things you said. I especially hate disability advocates that don't really advocate for anything other than more popularly for themselves online. I guess this applies more to online influencers, but rarely do they actually advocate for anything. A famous disabled Olympian actually used MAID after being diagnosed with cancer, so not everyone is against the right to die. The ones that are are so ducking loud about it like bro shut up. Advocate for some other shit that would actually help people not wanna die instead of just taking away the right and taking away the ability to make a choice
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
This is definitely a valid point. While there can be a need to educate people to be tolerant and understanding of certain conditions, a lot of advocates take it to the extreme of forcing people to repress any feelings of wishing to be normal.

It reminds me of the movement to normalise obesity. Body-shaming is not a nice thing, but that does not mean that an unhealthy BMI is suddenly something to be celebrated.
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