I was in a similar situation in your case, I don't want to downplay your situation because I don't understand your situation, but as for your age and given your situation, yes I only recommend that you should explore your options a bit and try some avenues before completely giving up. For gaining social skills, I don't really know much except to try to talk to people outside and just start out small, I'm also still working on my social skills and it's a long road, and I don't expect to be great, but just enough to survive and get by (basic minimum). Once you do that, you can start focusing on finishing school and/or just find a job that you are able to do and earn some money.
In regards to finding a job, I would say go to your local vocational rehab and/or job centre and then go from there. Tell them about your disability and social problem and then work with them to get some employment. You would need employment and income to survive and then be able to save up in order to progress in life. Just over a year ago, I was in a similar situation and getting job assistance from where I lived (current city) helped me get employed and be able to earn some income in order to support myself (as well as afford other amenities in life).
As far as losing your virginity, save up some money and then take a trip to a country where sex work is legal and then go there to lose virginity. I went to Amsterdam specifically to do this (along with visiting Europe and getting a small, cheap vacation), but just any country that has legal sex work would do. Alternatively, while you could go to Nevada in the US, I don't recommend that as that's much more expensive (even on the lower end) and you might get just the same quality (or worse) compared to other countries.
I don't want to sound like I'm patronizing you, but just giving my insights and what I did to solve these problems. I believe we had similar problems and I'm almost 30 years old btw. At age 22, I think you have more time than I do and possibly a few more doors of opportunities. I hope you are able to find my advice and are able to recover and progress.