

Aug 27, 2018
So I planned on ctb late August but couldn´t go through with it because as the date came closer I thought more and more about how much it would ruin my parents life to the point where I almost couldn´t think of anything else.

And yesterday my father´s sister died and we are going to her funeral next Wednesday so how am I going to ctb now!? And when can I ctb? I mean my father really loved his sister and they were very close so if I ctb now it would destroy him so in my head I think how long does it take to "get over it" 2 years? Obviously I can´t hold on 2 years maybe a few months at most, this is such a dilemma.
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Resident Slime
Oct 18, 2018
Someone will always be dying, and people never truly get over the death of those they love. Death affects humans very profoundly unless they're abnormal in some ways.

I think of suicide like I think of other things involving change, such as exercise. If you keep waiting for tomorrow (or any time in the future) you will keep coming up with more excuses and never do it.

In the end you have to determine whether their feelings of sadness outweigh your suffering. Keep in mind that in most humans, bad events will normalize over time and they will be happy again. If you wait 2 years for your dad to get over it you will probably cause him more suffering because as soon as he gets over it another death happens. If he has to handle both emotionally now, he can move on from both faster.

However, if you feel loved by your family and care that much for them, you might also want to consider talking to them to see if they can help you, maybe suicide isn't the right thing for you, or maybe it is, I don't know. I hope you find your answers.
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Aug 4, 2018
This is my problem too. There will never be a 'good' time :(
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Aug 27, 2018
Someone will always be dying, and people never truly get over the death of those they love. Death affects humans very profoundly unless they're abnormal in some ways.
The thing is that in most families they are used to someone dying but we have a small close family and the last time a close member of our family died it was my mothers mother (my grandma) and that was over 10 year ago I think and that is the only time we have lost someone close to us in the family (while I was alive) and now my dads sister.

I think of suicide like I think of other things involving change, such as exercise. If you keep waiting for tomorrow (or any time in the future) you will keep coming up with more excuses and never do it.
This is so true there isn´t a time where we just magically wake up in the morning and think "hey I am ready to die today" suicide is something that just need to be done like exercise. I have heard this several times before but thanks for mentioning it again because it is so true, sure some people can make a date but the vast majority just have to do it like exercising, or quit smoking, drinking etc.

Keep in mind that in most humans, bad events will normalize over time and they will be happy again
This blew my mind there has been a few times in my life I feel like a door or a flap just opened in my mind and I feel mind-blown and this is one of them. I really have nothing to add that sentence just sums it up perfectly thanks for posting that! <3

And I can´t talk to parents about it since as I posted yesterday. Anyone who isn´t suicidal will have a biased opinion on suicide no matter what I say they won´t agree with me because they have to make me "positive" because they don´t want to lose me that is why this forum is great we can talk objectively about suicide we are not trying to dissuade people from doing it but we aren´t pushing them either we are just objectively weighing out the pros and cons and that can´t be done with none suicidal friends and family because they have an agenda and that is to keep us alive because of the selfish reason that they don´t want to lose us.

I also have several problems the most prominent is my throat condition and allergies so I can´t eat like other people so no amount of talk is going to fix that. I am never going to work because I can´t eat fast enough and can´t drink protein drinks or smoothies due to allergies so talking to my parents about suicide wouldn´t magically cure me.
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Oct 20, 2018
I have a similar issue. A friend just died who everyone I know from 20 years back was close to including some family. Even if they were not even close to the person personally and just through someone else or still in contact with the person, I feel it is "selfish" to detract attention from the person who just died that people want to remember and grieve and talk about. I am sickly enough so I could maybe die "naturally" if I forced the issue by total lack of self care in a shortish timeframe (months??) (Maybe--and it would take a lot of effort on my part to die "naturally" as it would appear to others and would not be pleasant, as I have discovered by trying to make things end that way anyway.) But then that would be totally acceptable to me because it was "natural" for all intents and purposes despite how much I did to neglect myself and torture myself to make it happen. But a forced suicide with an obvious method like hanging or pills or gun or whatever seems like it would make me look terrible, too, compared to the person's natural death they endured till the bitter end, even to people who don't know me but will find out about my death from other people who knew them.

I still say if I can't make it, I can't. But I can say that I have tempered the plans a bit since the recent death. I think for me when things calm down about the other death, however long that takes depending on when people move on from it to other things, then it would be okay if I wanted to. But if I could not endure for physical reasons, I would go ahead regardless since I am the one suffering, not the living people who would be talking about us when I am dead. (Edited here again to add that) I have dealt with so much physical pain and torture from my condition for the last 3 years, things I am surprised I didn't already die from, if I am being honest to myself, I'd probably just be waiting to die naturally anyway for a long time, since that is what I'd really want regardless, because I don't really WANT to die but physically feel I might anyway and hate to suffer so much longer if I don't have to. I am not a terminal patient with a guaranteed death sentence, but complications sort of are making it so recently if they do not improve soon. So then I would if I was likely to die but under such gruesome circumstances it would be too cruel. I put my dog down when she had many seizures a day, was terminal from her years of bladder cancer, and could no longer eat or even take water from an eyedropper. The vets told me that was the only "kind" thing to do, and I agreed. It happened within a few days that her quality of life just ended, and I knew she was really dying FOR REAL NOW regardless. I just wanted her to die without further suffering of starvation and dehydration. I lost 20 lbs in a month because I could not eat or drink and was 15 lbs away from starvation to death for my weight this last month. If the pain of hunger and thirst got any worse and bad things like mouth ulcers developed and I could no longer drink and eat this month, then yes. I would end it if I could if it got THAT bad and I really WAS DYING NOW but too gruesomely for too long. But maybe that wouldn't be so bad and I'd die in the process waiting for the point I "really couldn't take it anymore." That's how I am here 3 years later. It's really messed up when it's physical and you hope to get better, not die or be sick and crippled.

Edit 1: to add that I am under 40 years old and so is the recently deceased, and so the deaths will be discussed more and for longer and especially suicide, since another person I knew who killed themselves many years ago is still mentioned in that respect on the topic of deaths. A person I knew who was murdered 12 years ago is still mentioned as well. I think as people get older, the less time must elapse before people "forget" enough to take on a new death. I think under 50 or 60 will take longer, even years. And the less people you know, the longer as well.
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Resident Slime
Oct 18, 2018
The thing is that in most families they are used to someone dying but we have a small close family and the last time a close member of our family died it was my mothers mother (my grandma) and that was over 10 year ago I think and that is the only time we have lost someone close to us in the family (while I was alive) and now my dads sister.

That makes sense, I get you. It's both fortunate and unfortunate I suppose, good in that there isn't as much suffering but bad in that when it happens it can be so much worse because it's so rare.

This blew my mind there has been a few times in my life I feel like a door or a flap just opened in my mind and I feel mind-blown and this is one of them. I really have nothing to add that sentence just sums it up perfectly thanks for posting that! <3

I'm so glad you understand! I was worried you might misunderstand my post as being pro-life. I'm glad you understood exactly what I was trying to say and I'm glad I helped!

family because they have an agenda and that is to keep us alive because of the selfish reason that they don´t want to lose us.

I also have several problems the most prominent is my throat condition and allergies so I can´t eat like other people so no amount of talk is going to fix that. I am never going to work because I can´t eat fast enough and can´t drink protein drinks or smoothies due to allergies so talking to my parents about suicide wouldn´t magically cure me.

I completely understand this! I have such a hard time with this because everyone else's selfishness means we have to suffer more. They surely know better than we do about what we want in life, or at least that's what they think. Sometimes the best thing you can do for your loved ones is to let them go, kind of like the fear of letting your little bird fly as a mother bird. You just have to trust the other person.

Your difficulties sound annoying, I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Eating is one of the few pleasures in life and if I had that taken away, then what would even be the point? You were dealt a bad hand to begin with. I'm sorry.
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Resident Slime
Oct 18, 2018
I am sickly enough so I could maybe die "naturally" if I forced the issue by total lack of self care in a shortish timeframe (months??) (Maybe--and it would take a lot of effort on my part to die "naturally" as it would appear to others and would not be pleasant, as I have discovered by trying to make things end that way anyway.) But then that would be totally acceptable to me because it was "natural" for all intents and purposes despite how much I did to neglect myself and torture myself to make it happen. But a forced suicide with an obvious method like hanging or pills or gun or whatever seems like it would make me look terrible, too, compared to the person's natural death they endured till the bitter end, even to people who don't know me but will find out about my death from other people who knew them.

This really struck me somehow, I think it's the idea that people are so supportive of those who die naturally and accept it but when it's a suicide people feel somehow responsible, like it was their responsibility to stop it somehow or to have known your suffering, so they lash out angrily at others about it.

You don't have to endure the pain to the end just because others did, you don't have to endure months of pain to make it look natural, the choice is yours and anyone who thinks otherwise after your death is being selfish and unnecessarily hateful. No one should have to endure months of pain just to make life easier for a day or two for others. It's amazing to me how kind and compassionate people like you are, it's as if those with suicidal tendencies are the most empathetic.
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Aug 27, 2018
The vets told me that was the only "kind" thing to do, and I agreed.
I hate how with animals we can "put them down" if they sometimes have as little as broken bones but us uncureable humans has to suffer because humans are selfish and they are speciests too because humans feel that their species matter more than other species´

Your difficulties sound annoying, I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Eating is one of the few pleasures in life and if I had that taken away, then what would even be the point? You were dealt a bad hand to begin with. I'm sorry.
I have heard this a lot of times and yes food is a good cope for most people especially if you don´t have any other hobbies or activities in life and when not using drugs and food is something we have to consume so not being able to enjoy it is terrible.

If I didn´t have my throat problem I would enjoy food so much more and probably try more drugs but they mess with my throat even more so I really have no copes left the only thing I have as small enjoyments in life is shooting at the gun range, tanning once a week because it´s so relaxing and taking small drives in my car but because of my financial situation I will be forced to sell my car maybe even by next month so that is one of my copes to stay alive that will be taken away from me.

I dropped out of school even though I only had one year till I would graduate and go to college (if i wanted to) because I want to get diagnosed by a psychiatrist I felt that was the responsible thing to do since I have never opened up to anyone fully and I think I am now ready or at least that was my thoughts in August (when I wanted to ctb which I had planned for 3 years) so instead of ctb I have chosen to give life another chance by starting to get a diagnosis if i have any and now I am going on welfare and have no money and they take away my copes (car) in a very unstable time mentally for me in my life and I could actually use extra money now since I really need it for coping with all this that is going on but no the government takes away more even though I am on the edgy and they keep pushing me so I am not sure I will make it because they constantly are punishing me even further (financially)

- I hope you get what I am saying it got kind of confusing in short I am just trying to say when people are really beating down by life they actually need more money to be able to cope with food, extra long drives if that help them or even alcohol or drugs anything that keeps the mind of ctb but no they do the opposite strip us of all our money and assets like cornering a tiger and we are forced to lash out most likely on ourselves (ctb)
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Jul 27, 2018
I hate how with animals we can "put them down" if they sometimes have as little as broken bones but us uncureable humans has to suffer because humans are selfish and they are speciests too because humans feel that their species matter more than other species.

doubly speciesist because many animals can make it work with a little medical care, or could be ok for a little while longer with a little attention.
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Oct 20, 2018
This really struck me somehow, I think it's the idea that people are so supportive of those who die naturally and accept it but when it's a suicide people feel somehow responsible, like it was their responsibility to stop it somehow or to have known your suffering, so they lash out angrily at others about it.

You don't have to endure the pain to the end just because others did, you don't have to endure months of pain to make it look natural, the choice is yours and anyone who thinks otherwise after your death is being selfish and unnecessarily hateful. No one should have to endure months of pain just to make life easier for a day or two for others. It's amazing to me how kind and compassionate people like you are, it's as if those with suicidal tendencies are the most empathetic.

Thank you so much. (I am sorry to respond so late. I didn't see your post and was learning how to use the site all these days.) It really means a lot to me after all I have been through to hear someone say that. Other than an endo I went to for a tooth, who was appropriately sympathetic and accommodating to my physical needs, NO ONE has done anything but avoid me and minimize what I have been going through, telling me others would be handling it much better or that others have it worse (never citing who these mysterious "others" they are referring to are and giving me tips on how to handle it better like them--just that classic shut-up-and-deal-with-it comparison to fictitious people they think exist someplace who cope with pain with smiles on their faces and never react).

And yes, I mentioned that on this board, everyone is so much nicer than on other online places I have seen over the years (for any various topics). I think people who KNOW all sorts of suffering have a better capacity to be sympathetic and empathetic to others, or at least keep their mouths shut when they disagree (or put the point politely and constructively).
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