

Dec 15, 2020
Humans have no wings to fly, they have no fangs to hunt, they are weak and fragile, yet ... they can still become monsters

Gli esseri umani non hanno ali per volare, non hanno zanne per cacciare, sono deboli e fragili, eppure...possono comunque diventare dei mostri
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Sep 19, 2020
Hello fellow monster, nice to meet you.
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Nov 19, 2020
Welcome to SS.
Lots of Italian lately :)) feel free to pm me when you will be allowed
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
You see it daily, the evil people do to one another, but I binged watched 12 series of Unsolved Mysteries and WOW even though it's nearly 20 years old I saw the horror and evil a human can do to one another, but also the kind, considerate and compassionate side of humans. I used this in a thread yesterday, but I can't believe you could do this to your own mother, fine if she was an evil mother killing her should have been enough.


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Sep 28, 2020
Evil us an understatement. Now with this virus even more. I was on a huge lift the other day, there could easily fit 8 people inside, as soon as the door opened this woman saw me there, I stood back and said plenty of space here ma'am . She said I'll take the next one.... :'(
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Nov 5, 2020
Humans have no wings to fly, they have no fangs to hunt, they are weak and fragile, yet ... they can still become monsters

Gli esseri umani non hanno ali per volare, non hanno zanne per cacciare, sono deboli e fragili, eppure...possono comunque diventare dei mostri
Anche tu italiano! Sono totalmente d'accordo. Se vuoi vieni sul canale telegram, potremmo conoscerci.
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Nov 22, 2020
You want to believe that there's one relationship in life that's beyond betrayal. A relationship that's beyond that kind of hurt. And there isn't.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
The latest most evil I've heard of is Chris Watts, who killed his wife and two young daughters so he could be with his new girlfriend. Yes only humans can do this kind of evil and I'm ashamed to be part of this race.

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Mar 22, 2020
I always like to add the quantifier MOST before the words "humans are monsters/suck/etc" because there are a few ones which are amazing! Just look at the people in this forum!
We're not alone! :)
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Dec 15, 2020
I always like to add the quantifier MOST before the words "humans are monsters/suck/etc" because there are a few ones which are amazing! Just look at the people in this forum!
We're not alone! :)
Yes, in fact I am happy to have discovered this site because there are really wonderful people
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Dec 26, 2019
Some are more monstrous than others
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Jan 20, 2020
I think you guys underestimate the animal world. Several species will kill a female's young so they can make one of their own with her. Babies that are not suitable will be abandoned and left to die alone. Animals bully and torment weaker animals to take their food and resources. Humans are not monsters. They are just animals, and animals are cruel and selfish. We are just weak animals.
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Oct 12, 2020
Sometimes I think this human race experiment has failed and we need to reset.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
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Sep 28, 2020
I think you guys underestimate the animal world. Several species will kill a female's young so they can make one of their own with her. Babies that are not suitable will be abandoned and left to die alone. Animals bully and torment weaker animals to take their food and resources. Humans are not monsters. They are just animals, and animals are cruel and selfish. We are just weak animals.
So true. We expect people to be more civilized than animals, but sometimes that's all we are.
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Dec 6, 2020
When I watch my cats play with their prey for hours I am thankful they are so small.
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Iustitia Mortuus
Jun 12, 2020
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." - Gandhi.

I'm not disregarding how humans treat one another, because that has always been an unforgivable evil. We are intentionally cruel and have invented endless means to torture and inflict excruciating pain on one another. We are to be pitied.

But when I think of the hundreds of billions of animals we kill annually, and the horrific conditions they're forced to endure as we dominate and manipulate them, I despair. Humans are not always innocent, so I cannot always grieve them being harmed, but animals are innocent, and what right have we to abuse those that cannot defend themselves from us?

I have seen so many, many awful things and cannot imagine how any human individual has the capacity to do them. But they do, every single day, on a terrifying scale.

The worst of it is that everyone knows it's wrong, and the vast majority excuse themselves of any responsibility for the sake of gluttony, and continue to fund and contribute to it. The cognitive dissonance is astonishing and the hypocritical 'I love animals' while continuing to eat them is infuriating. And it's literally destroying not only the animal victims, but the entire world. Covid is the fault of selfish carnists, as well as so many other zoonotic diseases.

I have naught but contempt for our species. We do not deserve this precious planet and its inhabitants.
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Always give 100% - unless you’re donating blood.
Sep 10, 2020
Evil us an understatement. Now with this virus even more. I was on a huge lift the other day, there could easily fit 8 people inside, as soon as the door opened this woman saw me there, I stood back and said plenty of space here ma'am . She said I'll take the next one.... :'(
Why didn't she want to share the lift with you, because of covid?
So true. We expect people to be more civilized than animals, but sometimes that's all we are.

Most animals only kill other animals to survive, whereas humans torture and kill (animals or other humans) for the fun of it... pure evil.
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Sep 28, 2020
Why didn't she want to share the lift with you, because of covid?

Most animals only kill other animals to survive, whereas humans torture and kill (animals or other humans) for the fun of it... pure evil.
Very true, very true unfortunately.
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Bill the Cat
Oct 10, 2020
I think you guys underestimate the animal world. Several species will kill a female's young so they can make one of their own with her. Babies that are not suitable will be abandoned and left to die alone. Animals bully and torment weaker animals to take their food and resources. Humans are not monsters. They are just animals, and animals are cruel and selfish. We are just weak animals.

It's long been my supposition that if there is indeed a Hell, this food chain predatory world is it.
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Apr 10, 2019
The latest most evil I've heard of is Chris Watts, who killed his wife and two young daughters so he could be with his new girlfriend. Yes only humans can do this kind of evil and I'm ashamed to be part of this race.

I remember following this as it happened- it was blatant what he had done and why. Damn pig regretted his family "baggage" and wanted a "fresh start" with his new hoebag, who by many accounts made him regret being daddy to those poor, sweet kids.
Scum of the Earth.
Really beats me how those crazy women end up falling for/idolising these monsters after their crimes are made known, even taking the "captive partner" theory into account!
He deserves his wee-wee being chopped off n fed to him!
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Captive of Mind

Captive of Mind

Memento mori
Aug 11, 2020
I think you guys underestimate the animal world. Several species will kill a female's young so they can make one of their own with her. Babies that are not suitable will be abandoned and left to die alone. Animals bully and torment weaker animals to take their food and resources. Humans are not monsters. They are just animals, and animals are cruel and selfish. We are just weak animals.
Damn, Rosey. Comin in hot with that truth stew.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
When I watch my cats play with their prey for hours I am thankful they are so small.
The hunting instinct is so strong in them they enjoy it and it is fun for them. You can't hold animals to the same standards as humans in this regard. Cats are wonderful, but hunting is what they do.
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Jul 1, 2020
Humans are still just trying by any means to do what we're programmed to, dominate and reproduce. We just happen to be very inventive about it.

Then again, if I was a wild animal I would have been yeeted off a cliff by another guy or eaten by now, which would have been nice. Maybe had my head bitten off if spider-me could get laid. I'm only forced to stick around because I'm human.
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Bill the Cat
Oct 10, 2020
The hunting instinct is so strong in them they enjoy it and it is fun for them. You can't hold animals to the same standards as humans in this regard. Cats are wonderful, but hunting is what they do.

It's the militant vegans who also feed their pet cats vegan food who I wonder about the mental health of.
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Dec 6, 2020
The hunting instinct is so strong in them they enjoy it and it is fun for them. You can't hold animals to the same standards as humans in this regard. Cats are wonderful, but hunting is what they do.
I know, and I love cats, I really do, but sometimes those little sadists really freak me out :) Yesterday alone they brought me two birds, one of them still half alive...psychocats.
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Dec 7, 2020
The latest most evil I've heard of is Chris Watts, who killed his wife and two young daughters so he could be with his new girlfriend. Yes only humans can do this kind of evil and I'm ashamed to be part of this race.
Well there is much cruelty among other species. When a pack, pride, troupe, etc. is taken over by a new alpha male he often kills all of the young so the females go into estrous and he ensures his genes spread. Humans are just more capable of evil on a larger and more devious / cunning scale.
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