

Zirkua ata heriotza
Jun 9, 2022
I wonder if, even if you behave normal in interviews, a Human resources manager can determine the cognitive state of a applicant
I asked because this stupid tests like that one with drawings in 8 squares, or make the stick rows or that one of "person with a umbrella"
In kinda discouraged about new interviews because I fear that some HR manager can detect my mental issues and always be rejected for that
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I'm not meant for this world.
Apr 10, 2022
I wonder if, even if you behave normal in interviews, a Human resources manager can determine the cognitive state of a applicant
I asked because this stupid tests like that one with drawings in 8 squares, or make the stick rows or that one of "person with a umbrella"
In kinda discouraged about new interviews because I fear that some HR manager can detect my mental issues and always be rejected for that
Well, I never tell them about my mental issues or medications I take. I don't know if they can detect it or not, but I'm working rn so if they did I didn't get rejected.
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Dec 27, 2021
I don't know either. For me it is usually confirmation bias stuff, like if someone is looking for signs of mental illness in me that they saw on my medical records, they will use any evidence or even just normal behaviors and exagerate it to fit their suspicions.

I got called anti-social, unempatetic, and paranoid/out of touch for arguing that the ink blot test was stupid, and saying that one of the cards looked like a spider or crab and the other a bat lol.

(just for shits and giggles. I was just sleep deprived and didn't want to deal with some, in my opinion, pseudoscience so I just made random shit up to see what they write down. And they still managed to actually come up with semething)

Otherwise, unless I really fuck up and say something stupid like, ''I will eat your soul and set a innocent orphanage on fire (sarcasm).'' as a answer to what year is it, most people don't suspect a thing.

Most people are actually oblivious when it comes to seeing signs of mental illnesses, it's one reason why ctb feels so sudden or out of nowhere. Even psychchiatrists can't correctly diangnose people 100% of the time, so a average joe is going to know next to nothing.

When most people think of mental illness, they think of the most severe, and sadly associate mental illnesses with violent behavior. Which is really sad when people reach out for help and aren't believed because they don't fit the 'crazy person' sterotype so it is assumed they are faking or lazy.

If they don't know your medical history, it really is a slim chance people notice anything. They are more likely to assume you are drunk or high, or even lazy than think you have mental illnesses.
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
I wonder if, even if you behave normal in interviews, a Human resources manager can determine the cognitive state of a applicant
I asked because this stupid tests like that one with drawings in 8 squares, or make the stick rows or that one of "person with a umbrella"
In kinda discouraged about new interviews because I fear that some HR manager can detect my mental issues and always be rejected for that
Apprx 1/3 ppl wll exprnce mntl hlth prblms in lfe-tme & mntl illnss cn lk vry dffrnt btwn ppl - thnk h.r wld prbbly b lookng fr cmbnatn of intrpersnl sklls & prfssnl sklls & hw thy wld trnsl8 2 specfc rle - nt thnk mntl illnss wld stnd out unlss = svere & obvs
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
My depression came as a surprise to one of my employers once so evidently not always.
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The number zero is feeling lonely...
Nov 30, 2020
Employers are usually informed on signs. Mental health is sometimes taught and or required as part of human resources degrees.
My assumption is that after seeing so many people they're rather adept at telling the outliers
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May 10, 2022
I doubt it, most HR managers and other administrative workers are dumb, they can only judge if you're "fun" at parties or not.
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Apr 19, 2022
No they can't, maybe if you mention it or they look really hard into your medical history but other than that no.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
If they do their job well, they know it. In fact, it is usually psychologists who interview you (or accompany the interviewer) after having you take the appropriate psychotechnical tests to assess your suitability for the job.
But don't try to unravel the qualities that are best for you, because they are looking for a certain profile and maybe what you want to hide is what they want from you .... it's better not to worry.
Si fan bé la seva feina, bé que ho saben. De fet acostumen a ser psicòlegs els que et fan l'entrevista (o acompanyen a l'entrevistador) després de fer-te fer els corresponents tests psicotècnics per evaluar la teva aptitud al lloc de treball.
Però no intentis pas treure-hi l'entrellat de quines qualitats teves són les mes aptes, doncs ells cerquen un perfil determinat i potser allò que voldries amagar es el que volen de tu.... és millor no preocupar-se.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
HR cannot discriminate against you based on mental issues or disability problems. It's against the law and they can be fined heavily for that. Sometimes what they do is they'll do sort of a personality test to see how well you would handle certain situations or how well you work with others. Are you a team player? Or a lone wolf? If a person stole something, would you tell the manager or turn a blind eye? Questions like that to get an overall profile of how you think and act in the work place. I wouldn't worry too much about it because some managers out there can be difficult and want a certain person working with them and it's nothing that has to do with you. Just do your best and move on to the next interview.
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May 25, 2022
No that's fucking impossible. They aren't psychics. The only thing they can do is go off your behavior, actions, and history. You lack self control and awareness if they find out

Hiding a disorder or illness all comes down to only one thing if they aren't doing brain scans: intelligence.
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Unlovable 💔 Rest in peace CommitSudoku 🤍
Mar 11, 2022
In fact, it is usually psychologists who interview you (or accompany the interviewer)
It's true. I had an interview recently where, for the first time, there was a human resources person and a person assisting who was a psychologist. However, I don't think they detected my depression.
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trying to save ourself
May 23, 2021
If HR at my workplace formally knew I was neurodivergent, they would probably be more proactive about meeting my needs.

As it stands, the head of HR at my company probably assumes I'm autistic but I never communicated this or asked for an accommodation. (I don't have a diagnosis but I think it's obvious.)

I told her privately that I used to have a problem with alcohol and continue to have anxiety in difficult social situations.


Aug 18, 2020
I am a horrible liar with a very unusual CV. 95% noticed it straightaway. I had a lot of mental problems to that time. I think most people can lie way better than me.

Two or three times I even admtted I had a mental illness. Someone of my support team encouraged me to do so. I had the feeling they did not give me any chance in these interviews.
Good news for most people. I am a horrible liar and I was really socially awkward to that time. Your chances are way better than mine.

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