No use to know one
- Feb 15, 2019
- 622
Does any one else think that the human race is a big mistake? I mean evrry we touched we mess it up . We all most kill the planet we kill each other on mass . And seems to me every one is in own they little world and not giving a shit about any one else. I see the youngster with the head stuck in there phone i see them in puds and cafes or just out in a park and they head stuck in they're dam phone . They just not seeing the world around them all seen little kids in pushchairs starting to cry what mum do sticks a phone ore one them tablets no interaction with them at all. I think ee all doomed as we will forget how to speak and to interact with one and other . Fell like should hit the reset button wipe out human kind and start over . This time say up in the trees and dont cum down be better of in the long run any one else think the same?