CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Disabled. Hard talk, don't argue, make fun, etc
Sep 17, 2022
Human think repeat boring keep new sant. Tell you thing human not care content nothing care new not bore some say old keep still same concept this person seek new in old. Everything wang entertain new repeat brain not want make bore, how many media great song show mind say repeat bore mind make bad only new want. People chase new chase new even chase new be boring human die finish.
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Reactions: Astral Storm, iamalwaysalone, madebrief and 7 others


Tortured by evil humans
Sep 24, 2020
I personally see nothing interesting about living at all. All that humans do is repeat the same monotonous tasks all for no real purpose, trying to fufill endless needs and desires until they eventually die and be forgotten about. To me it's all so tiring and I'm tired of being trapped in this life. The thought of existing could never appeal to me no matter what and I could never understand those who want to be here. For me, permanent dreamless sleep will always be preferable to any kind of life.
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Reactions: Astral Storm, madebrief, niki wonoto and 2 others

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