Like bcuz of her actions I lost job, cat, ruined family and friendships, extensive healthcare damages, failures and permanent bodily disfigurments due to medical abuse.
I have been led to non functional state X state where now to reverse damages(health, financial and all else harm) will be impossible and/or hard. My health is in state where I spend so far last year over 2,000£ in private healthcare and am likely to spend further 3,000£ this year on not solving anything, not recovering or permanently fixing anything additional healthcare...
I just want to underline, I was raised and taught not to hurt or make others suffer on purpose. Like I am normal X raised right. But what she did to me, my life, now no legal form wanting to help me...
I'm not a medical person, but in my experience, people who commit cruel acts almost always go into defensiveness mode when confronted with it. If she lied so easily to you then she will lie even easier to herself. She won't believe a word you say and spin a narrative that puts the blame on you. And she'll likely ask for sympathy from others in her trying time and paint herself as the victim. Unfortunately these people can almost never be reached. The cognitive dissonance from confronting their own actions is too strong. CTB is very unlikely to make someone who likes to hurt people reflect on their own behavior. The only the that makes these people change is if someone they respect calls them out. Unfortunately her behavior makes it clear that she has no respect for you
Yeah... But the issue is, unless there is investigations or experts weigh in on overall aspects, it's like first, her disease can't be proven. Second-like I overall do NOT mind her living in her fantasy X denial of wrongdoing world, but I want systemic justice and relevant compensation for suffering, extensive losses she caused.
Imagine you spent 10+ years of your life working your way in life from bottom up, suffering, struggling, sucking up things, losses bcuz this is how life is, and when, finally after 10 years of honest X hard labour you were one step away from big time promotion, imagine that somebody abusing you with meds you did NOT need took it all away?
I am not going to say why and how, but yes...she is already playing victim. Look up my old posts. I am so hurt on inside bcuz of her obsession, lies and social perceptions X injustice, covering up wrongdoing NHS culture, but also realistically physical X mental health damaged(in UK they refer to it as catastrophic life altering psychiatric damages) and my finances- I am being evicted out of housing bcuz of severity of my issues(mostly crying due to untreated pain and psychiatric injuries).
Finding new housing plus move cost me 2k £. My savings have melted to point where is serious case of what is next? Go streets, live under bridge or suicide? Where ultimately UK law is so harsh they will criminalize you for being homeless and it may be actually safer in cell than in streets, at least warm, dry and they would feed you(kinda Japanese prisons like).
I am just...given up. Broken X hurt inside.
She doesn't realize what she has done to me, my life, health, finances, reputation, future job prospects and opportunities I should have in life. She lost it due her delusions.
I have read how Long it took Maya Kowalski to fight for justice.
I have studied and read Gypsy Rose case ever since I realized I been victim of same X how she deals with life after prison
I read how long justice took in some cases of wrongful or doubtful convictions...
Just my case is not like any of these,first.
Second, it's not obviously as dramatic, severe, profilic, studied or blown into media as Gypsy or Maya bcuz it's UK one GPs obsession X disorder was related to psychiatric abuse-harder to spot, prove etc... Which means, eg. Gypsy was victim and later became convicted murderer, and yes, she did time and is on her parole license etc..
but she was ultimately given in many ways justice in eyes of society(I heard her case before I realized what was done to myself, but I always associated MBPS as parent-child medical abuse which is misconception/not entirely right thinking or manifestation of disease)... You think of Gypsy, you think of what her mother did to her. I feel nothing but sorry for her despite criminal wrongdoings... Also, and I am sorry if it will sound not right...she paid prices, yes, losses and suffering X on inside impacts, but news coverages and associated spotlight given her enough fame and following(I am not seeker of any of that actually) to EARN on it like real life sustaining income. Also medical abuse she was subjected to-yes, it was harming her in years she was enduring it, but from what I read, saw and understood her health as of now is not as half, not even quarter as bad as mine.
Of course, I am aware she is not extra rich, that she is still criminal X social impact etc but... Like she has means to go on and move on.
In case it's not understood we'll. My condition is so severe X bad I can't manage basic X normal life. I am non functional. Things I used to do in past or manage, where I struggled in past, now I can't do anymore.
Employment wise-I do 1/4th of what I used to. Daily living wise-is tragic X barely manageable. Like constant survival. Today there was no food/food expired for breakfast. I was drying pair of knickers on radiator as load of laundry I washed 2-3 days ago is still balled on top of airer..
Collection of dirty dishes, laundry. No clean underwear despite like 20x knickers. No clean pyjama despite 5x pj sets(if you piss self 2-3times a day this is how it ends). Half of my bed fallen about week ago(due to fact I crawl on bed and since always my bed skeleton misses some bolts to hold skeleton under mattress in place) and mattres sunk down and yeah..I can't fix it.
Shopping X cooking wise...bad.
Plus on top of everything I have to be taking myself out of house and spend money I do not have to sit around cafes X pubs to avoid crying in house. Also I need to move places thru day as no business place except maybe loud pub would allow me sit, cry and whine on premises for hours. 1-2h is enough and my state means I can cry for hours. 10h plus easily.
Due to pain and severity of psychiatric damages I can't study. Can't change careers or move on in case anybody wonders why I am so stubborn on righting wrongs and justice.
If I had chance X feasible and realistic chance of moving on, recovering my life myself I'd have taken it already long time ago.
My health state, is catastrophic. Is complex and long to now give you timeframes, drs decision making and my own decision processes X full life story(we'll. Today I contacted one book firm if they were going to help me write my life story out) and all errors in my care and wrongdoing... But how I can live on?
I was also advised by workplace colleagues who witness me struggling with pain, legs and job to put up GoFund me... But considering my medical history(original surgery REAL reasonings-where due to fact it was done in NOT UK system I lack many paperwork/legal proofs of decision making by doctors, their advises, parents decisions and that surgery which started my issues was Dr recommended treatment rather than my want), due to fact GP painted me as looks obsessed person, diagnoses false of body dysphoria X multiple talked into me NOT real psychiatric disorders where ultimately, one of psychiart meds have permanently disfigured me to point where damages of bodily appearances are so severe on couple of instances when I saw myself in mirror I pissed myself from distress, from panic attack and internal harm X suffering, and where actually to return me to pre-med abuse I will actually need cosmetic degree surgery just to return my body to what it used to be, it WOULD BE WRONG to ask money random ppl, not knowing me or full story of issues ppl.
I am in trap. There is no recovery. No escape. No justice.