

*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
Hey, um, how were you diagnosed with Autism?
How about Adhd? Specifics would be helpful.

I don't think I have either but I'd like to rule it out.
I've used but I could not, for the life of me, get my spit in the tube and had to request another kitšŸ˜“

When I mentioned this forum to my previous therapist, she unfortunately said that people with autism have a high rate of suicide attemptsšŸ˜Ŗ
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Jun 12, 2024
Hey, um, how were you diagnosed with Autism?
How about Adhd? Specifics would be helpful.

I don't think I have either but I'd like to rule it out.
I've used but I could not, for the life of me, get my spit in the tube and had to request another kitšŸ˜“
The meat grinder of social services growing up. A million different psyche meds, crisis and long term living facilities. It just sorta happened Autism, adhd, Asperger's. Surprisingly I never got a chronic depression diagnosis even though ive been admitted for suicidal ideation and have been in the hospital for a failed exit bag and OD.
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Apr 22, 2024
Multiple psych ward visits for crisis. I just stayed there for a week and came back with a diagnosis. I sadly don't really have any specifics because it just sort of happened like that... But I feel like being diagnosed with the same thing multiple times is pretty telling.
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
My diagnosis where done by long tests, a physical, heart / brain scan by a psychiatrist.
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*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
The meat grinder of social services growing up. A million different psyche meds, crisis and long term living facilities. It just sorta happened Autism, adhd, Asperger's. Surprisingly I never got a chronic depression diagnosis even though ive been admitted for suicidal ideation and have been in the hospital for a failed exit bag and OD.
I read this like 5x and still am not grasping how you happened upon being diagnosed? I feel dumb. But my meds are kicking in and so is tiredness; and the medication-induced dyslexia, so forgive my ignorance if your reply is an obvious answer.

My diagnosis where done by long tests, a physical, heart / brain scan by a psychiatrist.
Maybe you had great insurance? I've never received anything remotely this thorough smh. I don't know why only people with seizures or people who've had an obvious head injury get offered mri's. I know they're expensive but damn smh...
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Jun 12, 2024
I went through a lot of shit growing up as a preteen, teen, and eventually adult that has gotten my consistently diagnosed.
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Apr 2, 2024
went to a private center for testing adhd, had to pay a couple of sessions. they told me I don't have adhd, just anxiety.

I think they didn't realize that I actually have depression and anxiety is just a small comorbidity.

they gave me several exercises to do, like puzzles and remembering numbers. it was like... 4 sessions
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Apr 14, 2023
A therapist picked up on it (autism) as an adult and suggested I refer myself for assessment . I then had a 3- session assessment from NHS (england) which is free but long wait. It involved lots of questions about childhood and current life, a questionnaire for my parents then an ADOS assessment. The ADOS is meant for children so involved lots of childish activities (flashcards, picture book, make up story out of objects, show/describe a simple task).
Not sure how this compares to other countries.
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brighter than the sun, thatā€™s just me
Sep 13, 2023
At a psychological evaluation by a psychiatrist. They diagnosed me with ADHD (combined type) and autism level 1 (aka Asperger's). They made me do an IQ test too and I got 120. Lol
went to a private center for testing adhd, had to pay a couple of sessions. they told me I don't have adhd, just anxiety.

I think they didn't realize that I actually have depression and anxiety is just a small comorbidity.

they gave me several exercises to do, like puzzles and remembering numbers. it was like... 4 sessions
That was an IQ test lmao
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Mar 26, 2024
So around a couple of years ago I suspected I was autistic. I'm from the UK so the process may be different for a lot of you.

The first step that I did was take some tests online, these aren't absolute obviously and should be taken with a grain of salt, but I spotted patterns between the results, which solidified my suspicions of autism.

These are the tests I took:

After taking those tests, I read through the ICD 11 (the diagnostic manual used to diagnose autism and other things, at least here in the UK). I looked through the criteria for autism, but also other disorders with overlapping symptoms, like OCD or GAD. I went through each one, one by one ruling each diagnosis out. I realised autism was the most likely explanation for my symptoms.

Here's a link to it:

After all of that I went to CAHMS, about it as I was still a minor. They were very reluctant to refer me for an assessment as they deemed me "too smart" to be autistic. After a lot of arguing they finally allowed me to fill in paperwork for a referral.

The first set of questionnaires you fill out, is in two sections. One for you and your family to fill out, and the other for your place of work or school to fill out. The questions relate to your daily functioning, and developmental history. This is then sent off to the assessment services, and scored. Depending on how high the score is they will decide whether to assess you or not.

Mine came back as conflicting because the paperwork my family filled out came back with a higher score then the one my school filled out (essentially I'm smart schoolwise so they doubted I was autistic). Due to this, they put it under review and then decided to put me through for an assessment.

The waiting list was years long, I waited 2 years before being given an assessment. I was meant to wait longer, but after multiple ctb attempts they were essentially forced to do it.

The assessment consists of more paperwork and then 2 interviews.

The paperwork consists of questions about developmental history, medical conditions in the family, and childhood development and behaviours.

The first interview consists of you alone, and two psychologists. They make you do a lot of different tasks to determine how your symptoms present in person. Some of the tasks they made me do consisted of: Puzzles, creating stories out of pictures and inanimate objects, engaging in small talk, acting out day to day tasks like brushing your teeth, and just overall observing your behaviours and mannerisms.

The second interview is with your parents or family member. They go in depth about how you were as a baby, and in your younger years. They mostly talk about developmental milestones, how you played as a child, ect...

After all of that they write up a report and consult more people and ultimately decide if you meet the criteria or not, this takes around 3 weeks. They will then send over a diagnostic report, with all of their observations, and there you are you're diagnosed!

Post diagnostic support at least where I live in the UK, is non existent. I have asked for support and there is nothing. You are essentially given a diagnosis and booted out the door.

Anyways, sorry for the essay but that's how the diagnostic process went for me, I hope this is helpful for you.
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Mar 31, 2024
Therapist suspected BPD and wrote to my doctor. Was given a 1 hour assessment by a clinical psychologist who confirmed BPD - was put on my record. A few years later I was on a waitlist for DBT and had to go through 6 sessions of assessments with 2 clinical psychologists to deem me 'suitable' to DBT. Their BPD by suspected Autism. Now waiting for ASD assessment (1 year into 3 year min wait with NHS).


F*ck humanity. Let's end this.
Jul 4, 2023
Was diagnosed with ADHD in 1st grade (I was 5). Got the whole neuropsych eval.

I never been tested for autism but I think I may be on the spectrum. There are a lot of behaviors and traits that I've noticed are present in numerous ASD's that have been present my entire life. I want to get tested but that is just more than I can handle at this point in my life.

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