

omg mokocchi
Oct 18, 2023
title ig, just want to see how everyone went then, bcuz I usually see SI starting in adolescence
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send N pls
Sep 27, 2023
I don't feel like going to much into details. In one word: terrible.
The first time I felt I really wanted to die I was 16.
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Kundalini Guy

Kundalini Guy

Mar 27, 2023
Absolute crap. Probably one of the worst teenage years ever but my adult years have been easier and happier.


Jun 28, 2022
Same as my childhood, crap.

That trend has continued on.
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Hey, you. You're finally awake
Oct 10, 2023
Well. I was raped at 12 yo. So the pre-teens were.... zesty. But because of trauma response, my brain shut it behind wall and I forgot. So the teens themselves were awesome, in a way. Booze, games, parties, stupid shit, trips, beaches, amorous rejection, depression, more booze, more parties, always rejected, low self esteem, do workout, lose many weights, get sexy, still not confident/traumatized about physical relations, not knowing they were connected, but very sexy nonetheless, family, friends again, madly in love with a potato of a person, more depressed, graduation.

Fun times... Fun times.

Rocky, bumpy, harmful, just like my ways.

PS: We never forget our traumas unless we face them.
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No one will help you unless it benefits them
Sep 13, 2023
I was just running after what my parents asked me to pursue, now I feel like shit.


Sep 19, 2023
my life has been trauma filled since a young child. I wanted to ctb since the age of 10. teenage years were the same.
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real human being

real human being

full of broken thoughts
Jan 28, 2022
Awful. I had a lot of problems at school and I was even more depressed than now.


Oct 13, 2023
I was an anxious overachiever always trying to please others while putting unfair pressure on myself. I wish I could go back and tell my teenage self to stop giving a shit because none of it matters.


Me, my whispers and a broken God
Oct 18, 2023
12-15 y. o. pure depression. Fake friends. Stress. Stuck in a tiny house with my dysfunctional family.
15-18 y. o. better friends, got my own apartment, still very stressed though
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Adolescence was a pure nightmare, as for the majority, since the emotions you feel do not obey reality at all (there will be those who have the misfortune to do so). I mean I'm 45 now and I can't help but remind myself many times how my mind did nothing but make me suffer for stupid things or be upset or angry for absolutely nothing to motivate it.. or very sad and sleepy .

I don't know where all those emotions came from, I just know that one day they suddenly disappeared without doing anything and suddenly I was an adult with real problems that I didn't know how to deal with (because the problems I had from 'teen were only in my head).

I think that adolescence is like a kind of test that just prepares you for the adult stage, if you don't pass it you will spend the rest of your life with one problem after another accumulating them, but if you pass it with success you will be ready to deal with the most everyday problems easily... and cross your fingers that you can get away with the most serious ones.

However, it is a very delicate stage of life that, as it overlaps with real problems, it will be very difficult for you to move forward without any support.


L'adolescéncia va ser un pur malsón, com per a la majoría, ja que les emocions que sents no obeixen a la realitat en absolut (hi haurà qui tingui la desgràcia que si). Vull dir que ara tinc 45 anys i no faig més que enrecordarme moltes vegades de com la meva ment no em feia més que fer-me patir per coses estúpides o estar alterat o enfadat per absolutament res que ho motivés.. o molt trist i ensopit.

No se d'ón van sortir totes aquelles emocions, només se que un dia van desaparéixer de cop sense fer res i de cop i volta ja era un adult amb problemes reals als quals no sabía fer front (perquè els problemes que jo vaig tenir d'adolescent només estaven al meu cap).

Crec que l'adolescéncia és com una espécie de prova que t'acaba de preparar per l'etapa adulta, si no la pases et quedaràs la resta de la teva vida amb un problema rera l'altre acumulant-los, però si la pases amb éxit estaràs preparat per fer front als problemes mes cotidians fàcilment... i creuar els dits perquè puguis ensortir-te'n dels mes greus.

Ara bé, és una etapa de la vida molt delicada que com se solapi amb problemes reals, ho tindràs molt dificíl per sortir endavant sense cap suport.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Dreadful, I wish I died long before that but I really wish I never existed at all. Only never existing is perfection to me.
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Feb 9, 2023
oh it was awful, from family mental abuse, to being constantly tired, inability to really focus or anything with highschool. Lot of emptiness, friends weren't too great half the time. Later teens, immense obsessiveness, loneliness and the likes
Sockeye Salmon

Sockeye Salmon

Mar 28, 2018
It was difficult but it's still much more preferable than the hell that is adulthood
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Aug 22, 2023
It was a complete mess. Since I turned 13, my true happiness had completely disappeared. In those days, I began to have self-esteem issues, and I was verbally and physically abused.

When I turned 15, everything seemed to improve because I had good times with my friends, and I didn't have as many problems. But it was all an illusion...

When I was 16, I was in a different school and started to feel completely alone. No one spoke to me, and no one wanted to do classwork with me.

At 17, my thoughts of SI emerged, and I came close to doing it, but sometimes I would cry because I felt like I could still enjoy some things.

But it didn't turn out that way because by the time I was 18, the pandemic had arrived, and it honestly worsened my mood even more. I started failing in school, and I was under a lot of stress.

And that's how I ended up. I finished high school, but it didn't even make me feel better. Even my depression made me drop out of college because it was impossible to feel motivated to study when I was always alone.

I hate my teenage years; I feel like I had to go through mental torture for my brain to develop, only to end up with trauma at the end....
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May 27, 2020
Unstable and unhappy for the most part, but actually very positive toward the end (late teens). Then I reached my early twenties and all of the bad things that I went through in my earlier teenage years manifested again; it was almost like experiencing mild, negative flashbacks. The only difference being I find it (or have found it) difficult to recover from these things now that I am older.


call me prince
Sep 26, 2023
kinda weird ig
when i was 12, i was introduced to the notion of self harm by a new student in my class. she thought ig that doing that was cool, saying she was depressed was cool and only scratching her skin enough to make it look like a bruise. so i started doing it too, the difference is i never stopped.

14-?, i just kept getting worse lol and around that time i had got back with my ex gf(when i was 13), dated another girl, and then dated 2 more guys one of which left me recently which is mostly why im even on sasu but i dont want to admit it lol.. he doesnt understand that he not only left me, he left our future behind. around that time was truly my rock bottom (not worse than currently but yeah) frequent visits to the hospital and whatnot .. sometimes i like to hospitalize myself just cause i want to (yes i know i am privileged i can afford healthcare)

i still blame that girl for why i self harm lol. at 12, i only used my finger nails, then scissors, then a knife, and now a razor that i unscrewed from a sharpener lawl


ex nihilo nihil fit
Oct 14, 2023
Short story: Not good at all, emotional trauma and absolutely no stability. I have a few great core memories of concerts and road trips with friends, but otherwise i try not to think about those years.

Long story: I moved around a lot, so I was always the new kid, and always eventually succumbed to serious bullying. My parents divorced when I was 8 so I was tossed around between them but usually with my mom. My mom has severe bipolar, alcoholism, and other mental health issues, she could never keep a job and was always with different, usually bad, men. I often lived with my grandparents, who were very straight edge and conservative. Then my dad went to prison when I was 12. I remember that day vividly. I started crying at school and a kid laughed at me then spit on me. Other kids laughed and called me a pussy. My dad got out 3 years later on good behavior so I moved to live with him when he got out claiming he turned his life around, and within 3 months of that, my older sister died, and my dad started to ignore me and always stayed with my step mom, likely due to his own grief. So I just had moved across the country to basically live alone at 16 years old. That's when it started to get really bad and I started to fall into drugs and alcohol and all the great permanent damage of that kind of abuse over a decade and a half.


Speed up with my eyes closed.
Sep 26, 2023
I spent my life from year 12-18/19 in my room. Specifically always in bed. I was physically not able to do anything else, i felt like my lungs were felt with concrete. There were like a couple summers where i remember being able to count out the times i spent outside on one hand. I was very depressed, around 14-16 was the time i was the most suicidal. I isolated from everyone, talking to family and pleading them to get me professional help did nothing, they said they'd take care of it and then never mentioned it again. When i was 15-17 i had severe psychosomatic problems and my depression made me literally psysically ill. I was always in pain from a very bloated stomach due to stress. I skipped school alot because it was one major factor all my life since i was 5 why my life was miserable. I got bullied by teachers, was non existent to class mates and treated like a weirdo, because i acted different. I was not able to function normally like every other kid, i had much bigger emotions and more trouble with deadlines, concentration and staying interested in subjects bc of my adhd. My eating disorder made me physically and mentally weak and reinforced severe self hatred which also led to selfharm. Overall i just dont like to think of that time. I grief for my teenage years because i wasted them in bed. Im still socially very awkward, but things are slightly better now because i live on my own. It was hard all these years watching my mother and family suffer their own mental problems. Dirt everywhere, broken furniture, the neglect of everyone and everything was visible. For the longest time i had no furniture in my room, just a mattress and a tiny drawer for clothes. It's hard for me to remember specifics, because i lived my teenage years in a black out. It felt like i was a corpse already. Its all a blurr but i can still feel it in my bones.
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