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anonymous anomaly

anonymous anomaly

Jan 3, 2020
Today I've been feeling horrible and so, so down. I really want to end it. I know I probably won't actually do it, but I have an urge to try to or to hurt myself. I already cut myself, but I'd like to try something closer to suicide, like cutting a lot deeper.

I have pencil sharpener blades, a small penknife and a bigger penknife with a locking blade.

I have to do something now. I just need to do something. Please tell me what to do. I want to stop feeling like this.
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read Dostoyevsky
Jun 15, 2019
dear @anonymous anomaly, i'm sorry that life has led you to the point of joining this forum.

i empathise with your query. i've been there myself many times, contemplating slitting my wrists. i regret to inform you that suicide attempts by cutting are largely unsuccessful, contrary to what Hollywood movies would make you believe. i advise you to look through the resource compilation and, if you feel comfortable doing so, to tell us what's on your mind and why you wish to CTB. perhaps we could offer some advice.

for now, do you think you could try harm reduction techniques, such as holding ice or snapping a rubber band on your wrist? i wouldn't wish to encourage you to self-harm... but if you really feel like you need to, please do sterilise your tools and take care of your cuts.

sending lots of love :heart:
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Jan 4, 2020
So sad to hear how down you are feeling. I can understand the urge to want to try to hurt yourself it can really get very desperate cant it.
You say you already cut and wish something deeper and closer to suicide. Cutting your wrists will be incredibly painful and traumatic it needs to be done in a certain way and what we see in films and that is just way too simple and so far from realism. I think along the same lines as @charlottewilts in that it may help to share with us (if you feel comfortable doing so) what is making you suicidal. I used to self harm by cutting but I stopped as I couldn't work out why I was causing myself even more heartache and pain, by cutting at my arms I was hurting my poor body evenmore I figured I didn't deserve that. I try and be kinder to myself, however hard it is. I found the more i cut the more I wanted to do so and had to stop it. For me I clench my fists really tight for as long as I can, to take edge off things a little and the ice and rubber bands are also good to try.

I know you want to stop feeling like this and hope we can tell you what to do. Unfortunately we cant do that, but we can support you and hold your hold and be here for you. I know how incredibly hideous it can get when so desperate and not just saying this. Again if you do cut then please be so careful you can get all sorts of very bad infections and then you would have even more problems. Its hard buy try and find one little thing, however small to be kind to yourself with, maybe wrapping yourself in a blanket or listening to a favourite piece of music. It wont take your problems away, but do remember that you need to take of yourself and you do deserve nice things, we all do even if we dont think we do.
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Jan 13, 2020
EDIT: Hey there, I hope I don't sound dismissive or patronizing in this reply. I promise that's not what I'm doing. I just have a long history with SI and this is what I do. I do go darker at times, obviously, or I wouldn't be in this forum, but I thought I'd offer my reply in case it would help.

It sounds like you're really going through it. When I feel really bad in the way that you're talking about I swim in the ocean. It's pretty painful and requires a lot of focus. Mostly I think the rapid drop in body temp is responsible for the feeling of relief. Is there some way you can find your own version of this to give it a try? It has a similar effect to self injury without the actual injury.

I strongly recommend against the wrist cutting method. It requires you be able to inflict a rather extreme injury, with low chance of success and a high chance of long term disfigurement and loss of function. I did a temp assignment 20 years ago at an insurance company and was shocked at how big the cut has to be for a serious attempt and she was still kicking. It was almost elbow to wrist.
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Jan 11, 2020
I'm a first responder. I can't offer more personal info than that.

The success rate for this is exceptionally low. There are a few things that can be done to increase the success but they often just cause more damage and a missed opportunity. Pain is a definite factor and so is long term nerve damage.

There's other, safer outlets for pushing yourself physically as a mechanism to deal with emotional pain. Ones that won't land you in an ER on suicide watch or with bandages and scars that draw more negative attention to you.

If you want to share why you hurt so much that only more pain helps, we're listening. No fear of anyone here making you do anything against your will.

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