
Dec 25, 2020
I think it's difficult to go through with ctb after spending a lot of time deciding on a ctb method.

The difficulty isn't because of wanting to live or fearing death. The fear is entirely about the possibility of a painful transition to death, the dying phase.

For example, firearms is a instant method, and if it works out as planned, it's perfect with the exception of the mess it leaves behind. It's perfect because until you pull the trigger there's no pain, no commitment, you can easily put it away as if nothing happened, but if you pull the trigger, it's instant lights out, gone, no pain.

But because of fears about it, maybe not going as planned, maybe missing the brain stem, maybe I end up having to bleed to death in extreme pain.

But I think this fear is paranoid and not based on logic or science. Research says that damaging the brain stem will 100% of the time result in unconsciousness and you'll bleed out and die without feeling anything at all. And with a 12 gauge shotgun with slugs it should be practically impossible to miss the brain stem, because even if the slug doesn't hit, the shockwave is so great that the whole brain is certainly destroyed together with the brain stem. And statistically only 5% of shotgun ctb attempts have failed, this includes those who use bird shot and who didn't aim from inside their mouth.

So, logically I have nothing to fear, but I still can't help being scared of something going wrong even if it practically can't.

It's the same thing with long drop hanging, it's another method I have spent a lot of time researching and considering. It may even be better than firearm method because it leaves less of a mess behind, and is very easy to prepare for. It's similar to firearm because it's an instant method, although it's much more inconvenient to setup and then abort because most people don't have high enough ceiling, so have to go somewhere isolated out door where people won't pass by for a few hours, and you need a ladder, rope which have to be tied to for example a strong branch, then you have to tie your hands behind your back so your survival instincts don't ruin the drop by trying to grab a hold of the rope as you're falling, that's a lot of work to undo every time I would try to go through with it.

Short info about what long drop hanging is (because there isn't much info about it in SS, most hanging info in SS is about suspension hanging):

The aim of drop hanging, which is also frequently used in executions, is to break the neck. Participants fall vertically with a rope attached to their neck, which when taut applies a force sufficient to break the spinal cord, causing death.

The length of the drop, usually between 1.56 and 2.75 metres long, is calculated such that it is long enough to allow a less painful death, but short enough to avoid a decapitation.

So, the lengthy drop is going to cause the spinal cord to be ripped from the brain which causes instant unconsciousness which means it's a painless method. Every single documented long drop hanging in history has resulted in instant unconsciousness unless something like the rope broke (sometimes intentionally).

So, logically there is no reason to fear this method, but still can't help fearing I somehow don't lose unconsciousness instantly and then have a painful death.

So, this topic is about overcoming those fears which are not logical.

I think what I need is to just spend a large enough amount of time at the "edge" where I just need to for example pull the trigger or kick the ladder, and one of those days it happens and can't be undone. But the difficulty of not having easy access to a nearby location for hanging, and no firearm means I can't get that time in. A firearm would be easy to get that time in with, because I can do it inside my apt. But it's very difficult to get a firearm. If I felt more confident that I could easily do it without fear of something going wrong if I had a powerful enough firearm then I would put more effort into acquiring it, but even then it would probably take me a year and lots of time.

But this strategy of spending time at the "edge" doesn't work so well for hanging method because it takes so much work and time to set it all up every time. So I need to be able to go through with hanging the first or second time I set everything up. It's just too much work to do it for example 100 times. I think long drop hanging is more viable if you live secluded with trees around, where you can do it in your yard. So I would have to overcome my fears before going out and spending a whole night in a forest setting it all up.
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Jun 28, 2022
I fear failing a lot. I understand what you're saying. I have zero Fear of afterlife etc. I'm just worried I'll try to end it and wake up. Then what?
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Apr 15, 2022
I wouldn't kid myself about the gun method, even using a shotgun. It has failed, albeit seldom, as you point out. I have no idea about the 5% failure rate you state, but even 5% is not zero. So there is a real chance of failure. The reality of a possible failure drives your fears. It's low, but it's real.

As far as any method being "perfectly painless", I would say that cannot be known. Even if the brain stem is blown off, there is still blood in the brain. I don't think unconsciousness equates to a light switch being turned off and your "awareness" is gone in an instant. I don't think it works that way. I have no proof if it does work that way, or if it doesn't. I don't think anyone has for certain.

The two methods you highlight are the reason I'm opting for something more peaceful. Something that makes me unconscious first, even if for a while, before death actually occurs. Maybe I will be aware in unconsciousness that death will be coming soon thereafter, but I chose to ctb, so I already knew that going into it. The two methods you state will certainly cause pain of some sort. I'd rather not be aware of some physical pain, but think I could deal with being aware of impending death in unconsciousness, if that is, indeed how things go, since I consciously was choosing to die, anyway. I'm sure a heart stoppage, and maybe even respirations ceasing, would cause some discomfort, if actually aware of their occurance. But nowhere near the discomfort, if aware, that a hole in your head, or a broken neck would cause. Just my 2 cents.


Everyone is alone. Everyone is empty.
Mar 11, 2022
Suicide is not for the weak minded. There are no cheat codes for this. It's why the samurai viewed it with respect.
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Jun 28, 2022
Yeah, the fear is real, surviving only to be unable to try again because of some side effects? Literally being stuck here with no way out is hell.

Knowing my luck, i'd survive my plan because of something stupid. I'm just here hoping to pass away in my sleep, before i eventually take things into my own hands.
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Dec 25, 2020
Suicide is not for the weak minded. There are no cheat codes for this. It's why the samurai viewed it with respect.
Simple answer but I like it!
"Just" have to set my mind to do it..... will power.
Like Shia Labeouf says: Just do it!


Everyone is alone. Everyone is empty.
Mar 11, 2022
Simple answer but I like it!
"Just" have to set my mind to do it..... will power.
Like Shia Labeouf says: Just do it!
I'm sure there's more notable people from history who said something similar. Why quote a talentless celebrity who actually cut his face and knocked some of his teeth out for a shit movie he played in?


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I think that many people get the courage to go through with it when they get desperate and the pain of living becomes unbearable for them. All that they want is to escape from their situation. However I do not know really but that is just what I think. Of course suicide can be so difficult because of the SI. The fear of failing the method is what holds me back from attempting personally. The thought of getting damage from an attempt is so horrifying.
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Dec 25, 2020
I think that many people get the courage to go through with it when they get desperate and the pain of living becomes unbearable for them. All that they want is to escape from their situation. However I do not know really but that is just what I think. Of course suicide can be so difficult because of the SI. The fear of failing the method is what holds me back from attempting personally. The thought of getting damage from an attempt is so horrifying.
Yeah that's another strategy I've thought about actually. To intentionally sabotage my own life and make it unbearable. It's important to make sure I am ready to ctb though, aka that I have the equipment ready and confident in the method, before I begin ruining my life.

I am lucky though because I can imagine how much worse it is for the people who have unintentionally unbearable lives, living with bouts of despair, and so desperate to ctb they will do almost any method and often fail because of not having spent enough time researching.
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Aug 31, 2021
I have the same fears about N so I really sympathise with you. I keep thinking, what if I drink it and then stop breathing, but then start breathing again when my brain has been half deprived of oxygen and half hasn't? And I'm some disabled half conscious vegetable? This is why I'm strongly leaning with using a back up method but at the end of the day who knows how I'd actually do it when push comes to shove.
I think it's very normal to be scared of this because the prospect of being kept alive while mentally and physically disabled is indeed horrifying.
I think one of the things that helps me a little is to realise how slim the chance of that is. Because let's say even if you damage yourself but don't die, the likelihood is that you'll damage yourself severely enough to be put on life support and when it gets to that stage most people would be decent enough to pull the plug on you. I know I've made it very clear to my family that if I ever end up like that to pull the plug and luckily my family is non-religious and pretty rational that they know that would be the right thing to do.
The chance of being damaged enough to survive without life support but be severely handicapped is very slim. That's why those stories make it to the news because it was such a huge 'miracle' (I say that in inverted commas) that the person was found when they were. I think often people are found and are either still breathing but no way to make it on their own, or have damage but not severe enough to prevent them from trying again in some way.
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