Antidepressants for sure make it worse. Lot of people ended up on this forum thankfull to antidepressants side effects or aftermaths and i know a lot of people who killed themseves because of antidepressants aftermaths from online comumities of support for people damaged by antidepressants. Antidepressants are neurotoxic and they numb brain. They numb emotions, sexuality, they cause cognitive impairment, etc. All of that can persist after quiting of antidepressants. Just google "pssd" aka post ssri sexual dysfunction - caution: all antideantidepressants can cause this state, not only ssri and snri antidepressants. This state often include cognitive impairment and emotional numbness. Btw antidepressants can induce bipolar disorder, chemical depression with suicidal thoughts, homicidal thoughts (they are often include in mass shotings in USA)... If you have been on psych drugs for a while and you want to stop please read about microtapering on surviving antidepressants forum. #beaware #fuckbigpharma #bigpharmakills #holocaust