

drugstore cowboy
Oct 27, 2023
anybody have any ideas or methods? my last resort is night night


A strange person.
May 13, 2023
anybody have any ideas or methods? my last resort is night night
CTB by starvation should be horrible, a person usually dies after 30 days, 30 days suffering. Burned you will feel one of the worst pain possible and depending people will find you before and you will have many marks. Of the three, the least impossible is to cut yourself, but there is a good chance of going wrong and you have physical and mental consequences.
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Disheartened Ghost
Oct 27, 2023
anybody have any ideas or methods? my last resort is night night
I don't think cutting yourself is a very reliable method, from my understanding.

As far as starvation, like supergip said dying by starvation would be long and painful, plus you would have mental and physical effects that meant that you probably wouldn't be able to do much besides sleep for much of it. I don't know what your situation is, if you live with anyone, but someone would notice and you would likely be hospitalized before you would actually die.

Night night method would probably be the most reliable, least painful of the ones you mentioned
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Daughter of Sorrow

Daughter of Sorrow

Nov 1, 2023
As far as pain and suffering goes, starvation is right near the top. It takes a long time, and your body will actively metabolize itself to try and keep energy. I am not sure you asked how to die of starvation, because it's very straightforward. Don't eat until you die, up to 30 days. You can also go the dehydration route by not drinking and die faster, but if you have any access to water, I would bet all the money in my pockets that the SI would kick in.

Thích Quảng Đức is a famous monk who CTB by self-immolation to protest the Viet Nam war. He did it in full daylight by dousing himself with petrol and striking a match. If you want to burn to death, that would be how. It will kill you, but it will hurt like hell the whole time.

If you want to cut yourself, you have to get an artery. No over the counter drugs are capable of numbing the kind of pain cutting that deep will cause. You have to get an artery. You have to get an artery. I cannot stress this enough. It will be deep, near a bone. Because severing an artery is a serious injury, the body keeps them deep inside, well protected.

Night night method would probably be the most reliable, least painful of the ones you mentioned
I concur.
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drugstore cowboy
Oct 27, 2023
CTB by starvation should be horrible, a person usually dies after 30 days, 30 days suffering. Burned you will feel one of the worst pain possible and depending people will find you before and you will have many marks. Of the three, the least impossible is to cut yourself, but there is a good chance of going wrong and you have physical and mental consequences

CTB by starvation should be horrible, a person usually dies after 30 days, 30 days suffering. Burned you will feel one of the worst pain possible and depending people will find you before and you will have many marks. Of the three, the least impossible is to cut yourself, but there is a good chance of going wrong and you have physical and mental consequences.
what if i use pain pills to deal? i mean how terrible can the pain be? and what if i get black out drunk and light myself on fire? it doesnt hurt when i do it on parts of my skin now. and cutting is what i wish i could do
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Daughter of Sorrow

Daughter of Sorrow

Nov 1, 2023
what if i use pain pills to deal? i mean how terrible can the pain be? and what if i get black out drunk and light myself on fire? it doesnt hurt when i do it on parts of my skin now. and cutting is what i wish i could do
I am sorry, but I had to laugh at this. If by pain pills you mean opiates, you might be able to deal. But if you can get opiates, then why starve yourself? Here's what we're talking about here. Electrolyte imbalance. Your body will literally eat your muscles. Your internal organs will begin to shut down. Kidney failure. Liver failure. There are people that die of starvation in the hospital, opting to take no more food at end of life. In that case, they are usually so high on morphine that nothing hurts.

Now, about lighting yourself on fire, please, please, please do not do that. Pick almost anything else. I understand that you have limited options, but unless you're trying to die in the most painful way possible, please do not light yourself on fire. Thích Quảng Đức picked this method to send a message; the point is that it was excruciatingly painful.
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Losing my sanity, and scared
Nov 9, 2023
what if i use pain pills to deal? i mean how terrible can the pain be? and what if i get black out drunk and light myself on fire? it doesnt hurt when i do it on parts of my skin now. and cutting is what i wish i could do
No OTC pain medication will help with that. You might be able to cut deep enough in a wrist to black out, but not to die.
If you have access to opioids, as daughter of sorrow said, then that's way easier. Just OD on them.

Lighting yourself on fire and starving are the most painful ways to go. If you really have no other option, then cutting's your best bet. Just know exactly where, and how deep you need to cut.
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