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Are those who are suicidal more likely to hate others?

  • I hate society as a whole Because its a system that allows me to suffer.

  • I spend a portion of my day hating Certain groups of people that I've never met.

  • I only hate those that have deeply hurt me.

  • I used to hate all sorts of people in the past but I've been working on trying to let go of my hate.

  • I am a Jedi master that has let go of all forms of hate And now enjoy total peace.

Results are only viewable after voting.


Oct 15, 2023
Feel like everyone is, in group. out group oriented. Even more so on the Internet. We are one of the most isolated societies to ever exist. Communities in the past Would pass down knowledge from their elders nowadays we barely communicate with people that are 5 years difference in age. We are a self regulating self isolating machine Only maintained by social pressures I guess?

There's people out there that hate me for all sorts of reasons most of them I can't control but to be honest the more painful version and the most common is to just simply be invisible and ignored. To be someone so insignificant not even worth hating because no one even sees you.

I feel like I'm either hated and resented by friends and family Or not even worth acknowledging and I ignored by society as a whole. This is probably the main reason I don't want to live anymore. I have people who love and care about me like anyone else I guess. However I guess It's just in an amount that isn't enough. I'm just so deeply hurt it's difficult to recover.

Over time I've been able to let go of hate or resentment that I feel Through a tremendous amount of logical analysis. If you believe the world is deterministic Then everything was always going to happen exactly the same every time no different than matter falling into a gravity well or Planets orbiting each other. Everyone in the world Was always destined to be the way that they are and nothing will change that no matter how much you try to converse with people.

Ironically now that religion And Mythology has sort of become a lot less popular We look to Common Entertainment for life lessons. I always found it interesting that Japanese anime made it a point to include letting go of hate and allowing The chance for people to change as a common trope. No matter how unrealistic it is sort of inspirational I suppose. One of the more famous ones although it does get meme done is Naruto's talk no jitsu to make everyone his friend. If only we're that easy. Although as Android 16 set to go on in Dragon Ball Z Episode 169 "There are those who words alone will not reach".

I put the poll up for those that For those that aren't able to make a Long response. Feel free to reply and leave a more nuanced and sophisticated answer As you feel you need. I'm not mocking those that aren't able to comment by the way some days I'm barely able to type out two words let alone speak to anyone.
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Jun 12, 2024
Not much. I have been wronged in a number of ways and extremely so in some cases but I don't need revenge or to stew on things...I just want some Nembutal.
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Jul 11, 2024
I hate the world/existence more than anything listed.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I hate society for being the way that it is. I hate normies for forcing me to suffer in a life that I never even consented for in the first place. I want to be dead so that I can prevent society from exploiting me. Society doesn't deserve my labor and I hate that they think otherwise
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Oct 15, 2023
I hate the world/existence more than anything listed.
I guess Hating the fact that existence is possible is something I forgot to list. Although when you really think about it you're just a rock that randomly became sentient. There isn't any will Behind it if you remove the human component you're just hating matter from existing in time and space.

Interestingly enough I think I think the multiverse I think the multiverse is probably a thing. You either have to buy in that God exists and is a real entity that checked this universe to make sure all the laws of physics worked for sentient life to exist or you have to believe That universes get created with all sorts of laws of physics and we just happen to be in one or sentience is possible. There's really no will behind it you just are unlucky matter that happens to be In a universe where consciousness is possible.

We all drew the short end of the straw and we are all now sentient rocks that think. There is also the 3rd possibility that you think the universe wasn't overseen by a god and somehow has physics that work to allow for sentience. However that seems so statistically unlikely as to probably not be worth considering.
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Oct 15, 2023
I hate society for being the way that it is. I hate normies for forcing me to suffer in a life that I never even consented for in the first place. I want to be dead so that I can prevent society from exploiting me. Society doesn't deserve my labor and I hate that they think otherwise
I'm really sorry buddy. I hope at least this forum is able to bring you some amount of comfort that you're not the only one out there. Society has all these social pressures that it pushes down on us. It's simultaneously everyone's fault and no one's fault at the same time. It's like when you're driving in a car the more cars on the road the Less freedom you have to move around.

I wish the best for you and I hope You're able to find people that appreciate you.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
There's an ethnic group that I hate due to personal reasons and because I am incredibly evil but I will not make it public on here because I can still sympathize with individuals of this group even if I hold so much hatred for their kind. I hate myself more than anyone anyway.
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
There is a lot of anger in me. To be honest, I'm becoming more and more radical.

If I were a little less sensible, I'd probably be in jail by now.

The funny thing is that I usually try to be nice to people.
Some people may even perceive me as a very polite person.
There's just a lot of hatred inside me, but I don't necessarily like to brag about it.
There's an ethnic group that I hate due to personal reasons and because I am incredibly evil but I will not make it public on here because I can still sympathize with individuals of this group even if I hold so much hatred for their kind. I hate myself more than anyone anyway.
I have a similar "problem" ;).
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Oct 15, 2023
There is a lot of anger in me. To be honest, I'm becoming more and more radical.

If I were a little less sensible, I'd probably be in jail by now.

The funny thing is that I usually try to be nice to people.
Some people may even perceive me as a very polite person.
There's just a lot of hatred inside me, but I don't necessarily like to brag about it.

I have a similar "problem" ;).
But I avoid this topic on this forum for obvious reasons.
I think the reality is no one is good or evil by choice. It's simply just the luck of the draw due to circumstances To determine if you're a villain or not. I've only ever helped people because I've wanted to However at the same time I've never been victimized to the point that I don't trust people anymore. I could easily see another Darker version of myself out there and very little of it seems to be in my control.

So I don't really blame people when they become villains likewise I don't really put people up on a pedestal when they inadvertently become a hero. So much of it just seems to be a game of chance.

There's an ethnic group that I hate due to personal reasons and because I am incredibly evil but I will not make it public on here because I can still sympathize with individuals of this group even if I hold so much hatred for their kind. I hate myself more than anyone anyway.

I don't doubt that you've probably hurt people in the past and you consider yourself evil because of it but it's also really difficult to not inadvertently help people along the way. I don't know if you've ever listened to Any lectures from Jordan Peterson but he often says there is nothing admirable about someone who is incapable of harming others. He goes And to explain it's about having the capacity for evil and harnessing it.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
I don't know if you've ever listened to Any lectures from Jordan Peterson but he often says there is nothing admirable about someone who is incapable of harming others.
Imagine watching Jordan Peterson unrionically...
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I'm really sorry buddy. I hope at least this forum is able to bring you some amount of comfort that you're not the only one out there. Society has all these social pressures that it pushes down on us. It's simultaneously everyone's fault and no one's fault at the same time. It's like when you're driving in a car the more cars on the road the Less freedom you have to move around.

I wish the best for you and I hope You're able to find people that appreciate you.
Honestly, just knowing that there are other people like me out there makes me feel worse, not better. Nobody should have to be forced to exist in a life that they don't want. It's just unfair and cruel. I feel some comfort at having a place to express my views but the thing that can give me the most comfort is death. When I'm dead, I'll be free from existence. Until I'm free, I'll always be miserable
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the satanic mechanic
Jul 29, 2018
a lot, for a lot of people
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I hope I made some +ve difference in ppl’s lives
Jun 24, 2023
This is a very interesting question. I dunno if I've really ever hated anyone, and even today even if I ever end up ctbing I dunno if I really hate the person who caused all of this. I often times think if I had more anger then perhaps I could channel that into more productive outlet, but I don't know about hate. I don't think hate leads to anything good for myself or anyone else, it's very lose lose, but I think it's especially harmful for the person doing the hating at the end of the day. I don't know also if I have the energy to hate really, it seem to require a lot of energy.

Hate literally makes everything worse and if u think the world is already bad then well u just made it worse by hating it.

I'm certainly no Jedi master though lol, I think the choices are a bit too binary, not everyone that doesn't hate things r automatically Jedi masters of zen lol
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Proud Normie
Sep 19, 2023
I'm in the "trying to let go of hate" category. Highly recommend. I'm not always successful but I have had some success and it's always better in the long run.

Hate brings you down waaay more than the person/people you're hating.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I'm not sure what to vote exactly. Im certainly not a Jedi-Master but currently I neither hate myself (for my big failure in life) nor society or anything else. I don't like the life I have to live rn but I'm far from developing hate.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Why do threads just immediately derail these days …this is got to be the weirdest way of saying "I'm a raging racist" that I've ever seen
How is admitting to being a racist derailing a thread specifically about describing how much hate one has? It's more hateful than most here can say.

I didn't even say what the group was but I'll say it's not one most people are used to seeing hate towards and like I said I try not to make it an issue here even if it's something I can't let go of.
Somehow knowing that I'm as perceptive as an infant didn't change what one person did to me nor did it effect how I view things.
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Oct 15, 2023
Imagine watching Jordan Peterson unrionically...
I don't necessarily condone everything the man has said. In my opinion his expertise is psychology and he often goes way too far outside of that giving his opinion on things that he has no expertise in. Either way it doesn't really matter because as a intellectual you should focus on people's ideas not their identity. We were discussing How people interpret the darkness inside of them And those ideas seemed relevant So I decided to share them.

If you have some sort of criticism towards the idea of "Harnessing Evil inside of you and transmuting it towards something good" I would be happy to hear the pitfalls and criticisms of such an idea that's why we're using the Internet after all. You haven't offered any criticism yet though. You've just left a comment insinuating that I'm a part of some group that deserves disdain. I think everyone here can appreciate the irony that you chose to pick a thread discussing how people throw one another into groups and hate them. Just to throw me in a group and insinuate I'm worthy of disdain With nothing else to say beyond it.

Honestly, just knowing that there are other people like me out there makes me feel worse, not better. Nobody should have to be forced to exist in a life that they don't want. It's just unfair and cruel. I feel some comfort at having a place to express my views but the thing that can give me the most comfort is death. When I'm dead, I'll be free from existence. Until I'm free, I'll always be miserable

Well it's sort of a philosophical dilemma bringing consciousness into existence you can't ask for its permission before you bring it into existence. The only ethical way to do it would be if you could allow them to opt out and destroy themselves. However we can barely administer the death penalty So deleting an individual is far beyond what we're capable of. I guess humanities solutions so far is just to bring consciousness into existence and completely ignore its consent forever Even going as far as removing anything in its vicinity to allow it to destroy itself in a painless way.

When I say "Does it bring you comfort knowing there's other people out there like you?" I was more so referring to the idea that the conversation for euthanizing and catching the bus is heavily prevented all over the world and we are free to discuss it on the ss forms. We are probably hundreds of years away from figuring out the philosophical dilemma of bringing consciousness into existence without consent But you have to start somewhere.

I'm not sure what to vote exactly. Im certainly not a Jedi-Master but currently I neither hate myself (for my big failure in life) nor society or anything else. I don't like the life I have to live rn but I'm far from developing hate.

It's fine Your comment is just as valuable as a vote And you can be as descript as you want.

Hearing you say that you're a big failure in life makes my heart ache because I know that you're not. Even if you're unemployed and not in school And you just do drugs all day however bad you think your life is I want you to know that your life has value. Society just has very strict social pressures in place to shame anyone Who doesn't significantly contribute to the gross domestic product of its country.

Your value as a human being is not tied to your job.

Artificial intelligence is certainly going to be causing a lot of turmoil for people all over the world. I think the inevitable answer people are going to reach Is that there's more to being a human than contributing to the shareholders stock price. We are so productive as a society that we barely have time to take care of One another or help each other. It's not really sustainable.

I used to tell people I was a failure in life all the time too It wasn't until I had two of the smartest people that I've ever run across Drill it into me that Humans have Other values than what society deems them too.
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I'm only sleeping
Jun 2, 2024
Barely enough for myself. Got no hate left to share withe the world, sorry.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
It's fine Your comment is just as valuable as a vote And you can be as descript as you want.

Hearing you say that you're a big failure in life makes my heart ache because I know that you're not. Even if you're unemployed and not in school And you just do drugs all day however bad you think your life is I want you to know that your life has value. Society just has very strict social pressures in place to shame anyone Who doesn't significantly contribute to the gross domestic product of its country.

Your value as a human being is not tied to your job.

Artificial intelligence is certainly going to be causing a lot of turmoil for people all over the world. I think the inevitable answer people are going to reach Is that there's more to being a human than contributing to the shareholders stock price. We are so productive as a society that we barely have time to take care of One another or help each other. It's not really sustainable.

I used to tell people I was a failure in life all the time too It wasn't until I had two of the smartest people that I've ever run across Drill it into me that Humans have Other values than what society deems them too.

Thanks for your kind words. That makes me out of words rn. :heart:
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Oct 15, 2023
I'm in the "trying to let go of hate" category. Highly recommend. I'm not always successful but I have had some success and it's always better in the long run.

Hate brings you down waaay more than the person/people you're hating.
Yeah in a way it does kind of let people live in your head rent free. Still there's things that are pretty traumatic in this world I don't regret anyone that gets caught up in negative emotions. It's of course always easy to say just let go of hate But there's literally a infinite amount of awful things that can happen to you in this world. Hate is just a coping mechanism to Trauma.

This is a very interesting question. I dunno if I've really ever hated anyone, and even today even if I ever end up ctbing I dunno if I really hate the person who caused all of this. I often times think if I had more anger then perhaps I could channel that into more productive outlet, but I don't know about hate. I don't think hate leads to anything good for myself or anyone else, it's very lose lose, but I think it's especially harmful for the person doing the hating at the end of the day. I don't know also if I have the energy to hate really, it seem to require a lot of energy.

Hate literally makes everything worse and if u think the world is already bad then well u just made it worse by hating it.

I'm certainly no Jedi master though lol, I think the choices are a bit too binary, not everyone that doesn't hate things r automatically Jedi masters of zen lol
If you've never felt hate before in your life how would you know what it is to struggle against? You've either never experienced hate to any real extent to know what it feels like or you're a Zen Master who's conquered your more negative emotions. I'm kidding of course I'm not going to pretend any amount of votes can represent the amount of permutations of a point of view someone can have. The voting is just there for people With No Willpower to type anything out at the moment. I've been there many times myself.

Thank you for giving us your own thoughts and feelings in your own words:heart:Wishing you the best.

Barely enough for myself. Got no hate left to share withe the world, sorry.
Well said brother. Also Mushishi God tier anime.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Of course I'll always hate something as hellish, futile and torturous as existence especially as it's the source of all suffering and is the ultimate cause of all that torments existing beings but now I just feel tired of it all honestly. None of this was my fault or my choice, I was forced into this existence I wasn't meant for and all I wish for now is true, permanent peace, all that I find comfort in is the thought of no longer being conscious and aware. I find simply existing to be so dreadful and burdensome especially as there is no limit as to how much agony one can feel, under no circumstances would I ever wish to suffer for decades just to be tormented by old age and die anyway.
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Apr 12, 2024
My default position is to see the best in people. It has taken me a terribly long time to realize how foolish this is.


cold as ice
Jun 2, 2024
I hate stupid people and there's way more idiots than people who are capable of using their brain. People are not even capable of doing the bare minimum like behaving properly and being polite in public spaces or in customer service. Or even something as simple as not throwing trash on the ground, polluting their own cities and nature.
Even as fkin kid I knew these basics yet now as adult among other adults I noticed that more than 80% of people have no manners. I feel like I'm going crazy, how's this even possible???

There are countless things that fuel my anger, including myself ofc. - but I'm not choleric person, I'm actually pretty chill, all that hate stays in my head.


they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
I hate society because I don't want to be forced to participate in and contribute to it. I don't want to be a wageslave for the rest of my life, but it seems like the only escape is death. My parents are trying to force me to get a job and I don't understand why they push me so hard into wageslavery. I hate the systems and structures of this world. I don't want to have to participate in society, let alone contribute to it. I just want to be able to NEET in peace but it seems like my days as a NEET are close to coming to an end. This is all society's fault, how we're all forced to become slaves to the system in order to survive. Work is modern day slavery and this world is just insanity. It's absurd that humanity exists in a state of modern day slavery. Man is born free but he exists in chains. People have to work away their entire lives just to afford to exist. How is this fair? None of us chose to be born but the vast majority of people will have to work to survive, making rich people even richer. In society, only the people at the top of the hierarchy benefit (as they enslave all of us). The rest of us are all enslaved. Society is exploitative and oppressive. The ones at the top exploit the ones at the bottom along with everyone else. It's an inherently predatory system, and I want no part in it

14AEAA07 EC9A 448D 9A32 6E430DCDFEC5
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Staring at the ceiling for 6 hours
Nov 9, 2023
I have so much anger and never knew were to put it. I used to hate only myself, until I realized I didn't deserve that treatment for having never done anything wrong enough to deserve how much vitriol I gave myself for things that were outside my control. Then I used to just hate certain individuals that wronged me, but I was never taken seriously for it because my abusers were "good people" so I wasn't "allowed" to hate them. So, I started to hate specific larger groups that wronged me, but then I quickly realized that anyone outside those groups, even social groups I was part of myself, were also shitty to me, so it didn't make sense to just hate any one group. Now I hate everyone. Trying to let go of anger doesn't help because then people just trample all over me again.
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Jan 11, 2024
Two groups are the ones I hate:

- the ones destroying the planet, who are violent, who are toxic and cruel that I've never met.
- the toxic cruel abusive men who I have met and wish I never did
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Oct 15, 2023
I hate society because I don't want to be forced to participate in and contribute to it. I don't want to be a wageslave for the rest of my life, but it seems like the only escape is death. My parents are trying to force me to get a job and I don't understand why they push me so hard into wageslavery. I hate the systems and structures of this world. I don't want to have to participate in society, let alone contribute to it. I just want to be able to NEET in peace but it seems like my days as a NEET are close to coming to an end. This is all society's fault, how we're all forced to become slaves to the system in order to survive. Work is modern day slavery and this world is just insanity. It's absurd that humanity exists in a state of modern day slavery. Man is born free but he exists in chains. People have to work away their entire lives just to afford to exist. How is this fair? None of us chose to be born but the vast majority of people will have to work to survive, making rich people even richer. In society, only the people at the top of the hierarchy benefit (as they enslave all of us). The rest of us are all enslaved. Society is exploitative and oppressive. The ones at the top exploit the ones at the bottom along with everyone else. It's an inherently predatory system, and I want no part in it

View attachment 145970

Some people might say that you worded things a little bit too harshly and I mostly agree with you. I mean I suppose the best thing you can say about society is it's the best we have so far. I wouldn't call it modern slavery However I can see all the ways it takes advantage of people and it burns them out.

I think artificial intelligence is a real chance of shaking up the dynamic of how everything operates. Unfortunately I think there's going to be a rough adjustment period. After we get better Battery technology and machine automation becomes much more advanced All of our ideas of what gives a person value are going to be challenged.

Your value as a human being is not tied to what your job is. However we are so socially indoctrinated anyone who doesn't have a decent job gets ostracized and pushed away by even their close family members. There's a reason your uncle that owns a car dealership hangs out with the family more than your uncle that works at mcdonald's.

I wonder where that ideology leads us when the majority of people can't find a job and the best way to spend your time helping society is to help babysit for your neighbor Or be a good father or mother to your children Or maybe just being a good friend to your neighbor. It sounds cliche but the truth is the world would be a better place if we all just took care of each other. Honestly though the amount of leisure time the average person has is extremely low we barely have time to forge those close spots with people or take care of each other And it hurts society as a whole.

My default position is to see the best in people. It has taken me a terribly long time to realize how foolish this is.

Yeah it's really hard to remain stoically And positively engaged with people like some sort of cliche anime protagonist. I've been hurt really really badly by people many many times. Hate and anger doesn't change hearts and minds and sometimes the best I can do Is just shut down and not feed into The cycle of never ending malice.

I have so much anger and never knew were to put it. I used to hate only myself, until I realized I didn't deserve that treatment for having never done anything wrong enough to deserve how much vitriol I gave myself for things that were outside my control. Then I used to just hate certain individuals that wronged me, but I was never taken seriously for it because my abusers were "good people" so I wasn't "allowed" to hate them. So, I started to hate specific larger groups that wronged me, but then I quickly realized that anyone outside those groups, even social groups I was part of myself, were also shitty to me, so it didn't make sense to just hate any one group. Now I hate everyone. Trying to let go of anger doesn't help because then people just trample all over me again.

I should point out since you're using anger and hate Interchangeably that I've always viewed them as different things. Although I understand if you think there the same. I've always viewed anger as a healthy emotion When something upsetting happens. Hate is almost always a more Self destructive Then just anger by itself.

Anger is The portion of the Metaphorical Cup that stays half full and hatred is the substance of that anger that is spilling out of the cup because it's overflowing.

I had an experiment that I did when I was much younger where I thought if I could feel anger at the drop of a hat that it would somehow be useful. Yeah it was kind of stupid but that's what I thought at the time. So I set out to teach my mind to be angry on command whenever I needed it and at the end of that experiment I found I couldn't really get angry anymore unless I wanted to. The emotion just did not function normally the way it should anymore I had messed around with it so much.

Anger is a totally normal emotion to have When someone hurts you It's there to protect you from further harm. Even hate can be justifiable. You just have to be OK with and acknowledge that after you get to the point where you hate everyone you see everyone as an enemy and It's almost impossible to gain new friends and allies when you view everyone under that lens.

Anyway I truly wish you the best. It sounds like you've been through a lot of trauma And no one deserves that no matter who they are.


|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
I don't necessarily condone everything the man has said. In my opinion his expertise is psychology and he often goes way too far outside of that giving his opinion on things that he has no expertise in. Either way it doesn't really matter because as a intellectual you should focus on people's ideas not their identity. We were discussing How people interpret the darkness inside of them And those ideas seemed relevant So I decided to share them.

If you have some sort of criticism towards the idea of "Harnessing Evil inside of you and transmuting it towards something good" I would be happy to hear the pitfalls and criticisms of such an idea that's why we're using the Internet after all. You haven't offered any criticism yet though. You've just left a comment insinuating that I'm a part of some group that deserves disdain. I think everyone here can appreciate the irony that you chose to pick a thread discussing how people throw one another into groups and hate them. Just to throw me in a group and insinuate I'm worthy of disdain With nothing else to say beyond it.
Dude, if you have call yourself an intellectual than you likely aren't an intellectual. Also, identity is a factor to take into consideration when listening to other people's ideas since their identity can impact the ideas that end up being spewing out. It's not something that should be ignored. Identity can impact how we view and interact with the world and it can impact how certain ideas will affect us.

Also, "evil" is just a social construct at the end of the day. What we consider to be "evil" depends on time period, culture, past life experiences, etc. "Evil" isn't some objective thing that we need to learn to harness or whatever because it was never there to begin with. It's just a title that we assign to certain things that we associate with being morally bad. "Harnassing evil inside of you and using it towards something good" is such a vague statement that people could easily end up applying to things that end up being harmful. There are queer people, for example, who believe that being queer is evil. As a result, they "harness that evil and use it towards good" by going out of their way to campaign against queer rights and advocating for things like conversion therapy. My point is that the phrase only sounds good on a surface level, but in practice, can actually end up screwing people over due to fact that "evil" and "good" (at least in the moral sense) are subjective at the end of the day.

Also, this is the internet. People are going to make all sorts of judgements about you, including judgements about the people you like to watch and listen to. This is especially the case when talking about those who openly admit to watching people who are polarizing, to say the least. Also, I never insuated that I hated you. I insuated that it's dumb that you watch him unironically, lol. You are playing victim over a five word sentence poking fun at the fact that you unironically watch a dude who happens to have a lobster fetish. You do realize how ridiculous this is, right?
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