
Aug 18, 2020
Due to my illness my friendship with my best friends has become way deeper. We also talk about embarassing topics without hesitation. I had an honest talk with my best friend once about talking to oneself. And it does not happen that seldom. We both agreed to make sometimes funny/weird/embarassing sounds/noises. Just without a real reason. Maybe for fun or just for a short entertainment.

I emphasize he is not mentally ill. I could imagine it is kind of normal. Tell me about it. It would be interesting to observe people who don't know it how they behave when they feel unwatched. On the other side this would be very voyeuristic, I prefer just to ask you openly about it.
I could imagine many people tend to weird behavior. Not all the time but more than other people imagine.

I talk a lot to myself. But I think this also stems from my psychosis. The topics I think about are kind of insane. Maybe kind of literally. Not sure whether I am fully sane. I talk to myself especially about thoughts which are always in my mind. To articulate them can be sometimes relieving. This is why I think writing in this forum is kind of therapeutical for me. I think it is healthier not to talk only to oneself.

When I talk to myself I often talk about suicide. How desperate I am am and I even make jokes about it. I think it is one way to cope. I am often reminded about cringey situations I was confronted with also due to my psychosis. I am dying a thousand deaths when I think about it. But I think other people made worse things. And most people don't care about that, people who laugh about delusional people are garbage. Most people probably have forgotten about the most stuff I did.

I sometimes do politicially incorrect jokes when I am alone. Not sure why. I had this time period as a teenager when I was very obsessed by politically incorrect jokes. I was manic and many manic people do crazy stuff. Many are quite provocative. It is true I feel a little manic. Maybe there is a correlation between my manic symptoms and being politically incorrect. I also was interested in censorship when I was a teenager. Most of these politically incorrect jokes I don't tell anyone. I think some of them are kind of offensive and morally not right. But there is the allure because they are forbidden. Maybe I am a hypocrite. Probably it is a bad habit. And I use my illness as an excuse. I honestly don't know exactly why I make these jokes.

I also watched some TV shows which were politically incorrect. Recently I am thinking to re-watch one. I found it always so funny as teenager. But on the other side I have stopped my support of some politically incorrect Youtubers. Yeah I feel kind of embarassed when I watch their shit now. It has no standard and is not funny in my opinion. I think even concerning politically incorrect jokes there are some with a certain standard and some are just too dull.

Maybe this is kind off-topic. But it also part of my behavior when I am alone. Maybe I tend to extreme behaviors because I feel so overstrained with my nightmarish life and I tend to stupid jokes to cope with my insane life. I think there could be some truth in this. Everything seems to be so surreal when you experience my daily struggle.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I do not exactly talk to myself, but rather I just think too much. I overthink everything and I am basically trapped in my own thoughts. Existing is such a dreadful thing to have to experience. Everything is so tiring and I look forward to non existence where I will finally be free from all this.
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Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
I do it all the time, sometimes way too much. Not sure why, but my whole life I always felt like talking to myself made it easier to think about certain things, but it was probably just a strange habit that I've always had. I'm trying not to do it anymore, just because it makes me look insane if anyone around me sees it.

I'm glad I never experienced psychosis though. I'm sorry you had to experience it because it's probably a confusing and terrifying experience.
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Mar 23, 2018
I do it all the time, sometimes way too much. Not sure why, but my whole life I always felt like talking to myself made it easier to think about certain things, but it was probably just a strange habit that I've always had. I'm trying not to do it anymore, just because it makes me look insane if anyone around me sees it.

I'm glad I never experienced psychosis though. I'm sorry you had to experience it because it's probably a confusing and terrifying experience.
I talk to myself all the time too. I know people laugh, I don't care anymore. I hear others do it in public also. I don't think it's a bad thing. Now if I hear a bunch of voices (in my head) talking to me.... That's a problem! 😁😁😁😁
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Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
I talk to myself all the time too. I know people laugh, I don't care anymore. I hear others do it in public also. I don't think it's a bad thing. Now if I hear a bunch of voices (in my head) talking to me.... That's a problem! 😁😁😁😁

If I was talking to myself and got an answer back, I would be concerned too!
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Unlovable 💔 Rest in peace CommitSudoku 🤍
Mar 11, 2022
I do not exactly talk to myself, but rather I just think too much. I overthink everything and I am basically trapped in my own thoughts.
Same. Our mind can be torture.

And when I talk to myself it's to regret my life. I realized a few months ago that every morning I was telling myself that I hated my life, and I hadn't realized it until then. It's not good. Internal dialogue is very important and contributes a lot to how we feel. And I think we undervalue it a lot and don't give it enough importance.
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May 17, 2022
I ruminate over many things.

This always leads to the conversations I have with myself every day.

Some are simple and benign, others more in-depth, and then there are the frightening conversations that tend to be about the things I let happen to me in my youth, etc., and cashing-out.
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Apr 19, 2018
I do it all the time,
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Jun 2, 2021
always, i be cracking the funniest jokes too trying to keep myself from laughing in public
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Dec 14, 2021
I think its fine to talk to yourself, In my case i'm abit of an airhead with a constant influx of random thoughts about anything
& i found that talking to myself can distract from the intrusive thoughts & help in focussing when working on technical stuff
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
There's a old saying that it's fine to talk to ones self as long as you're not also answering it... But I'm not enlightened, so what the fuck do I care?
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Cheeto tiger
May 19, 2021
I have only recently started talking aloud to myself in the last few weeks. I very much prefer silence so to hear my voice aloud doesn't always seem quite right when alone. But like you said "to articulate [thoughts] can be sometimes relieving."
I really only do so to rationalize thoughts I am thinking when I feel I need calming down or some help. It forces me to slow down, hear my thoughts aloud, and reflect on them. So I'll say, "I am feeling upset because of X, and while it is ok to feel X sometime I feel Y, and that's ok too because blah blah blah" and just kind of go through a dialogue to help myself along or come to a, hopefully, calm conclusion.

Talking to yourself about suicide it helpful too, like you said. A great way to cope sometimes, saying it aloud and hearing it takes the edge off usually!
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I don't talk to myself, I do reason a lot and I go around a lot of everything but I don't talk to myself ... I really like the silence in my head and thinking with images. I guess I got used to thinking like that as a child, because when I was two I didn't have much vocabulary. The truth is that words have always made it difficult for me to think clearly, because it is as if you are impressed by ideas inside your mind and on top of them influencing them.

I like a free and open mind and in my case this necessarily goes through a lexicon free reasoning, but it is so difficult to get rid of it today ...


Jo no parlo pas amb mi mateix, si que enraono molt i li dono moltes voltes a tot plegat però no xerro pas amb mi... m'agrada molt el silenci dins el meu cap i pensar amb imatges. Suposo que ja em vaig acostumar de petit a pensar així, doncs quan tenía dos anys no tenía gaire vocabulari. La veritat es que les paraules sempre m'han dificultat pensar amb claredat, doncs es com si t'empressonessin les idees a dins la ment i a sobre influessin sobre aquestes.

M'agrada una ment lliure i oberta i en el meu cas això passa necessàriament per un enraonament lliure de lèxic, però es tan difícil deslliurar-se d'això avuí día...
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May 1, 2021
I don't just talk to myself. The voices replies too.
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Nothing to say anymore.
Jul 16, 2022
It feels like It's all I ever do anymore.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Often, though I never say anything nice. That fat bastard doesn't deserve to love himself.
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Oct 20, 2021
it all comes from yourself, that's your deep self


Jul 13, 2022
Every day, constantly unless I am around people. I keep telling myself I am worthless and pathetic, that I hate my life and that I should just kms. I don't even think about what I'm saying, it's just an automatism at this point.


Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
It's very rare but if I'm extraordinarily distressed I will ramble to myself or ask and answer to better consider possibilities, sort of debating.


Screw your courage to the sticking place.
Jun 29, 2021
All day, every day, internal dialogue never stops. If I say it out loud, it's only because it won't stay in. I have shit to say!
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Feb 27, 2021
Only when I'm really anxious and about to go outside.
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Jun 22, 2022
all the time, out loud, in the street, people notice and i learned not to care
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What Really Matters Anymore?
Feb 13, 2022
All the time -
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Oct 12, 2022
im sorry but i get annoyed when i hear somebody talking to himself, my dad piss me off, he talks to himself and makes me remember that im schizo so i think hes talking to me


Sep 16, 2022
im sorry but i get annoyed when i hear somebody talking to himself, my dad piss me off, he talks to himself and makes me remember that im schizo so i think hes talking to me
Honey if I talked to myself no one would listen.


My name is Lucifer, please take my hand
Aug 26, 2022
Only when complaining.


Alive out of habit
Nov 14, 2022
Alot more than I used to for sure. It's always insults or harsh truths,never anything nice.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
When I was a child, I used to talk a lot to myself out loud (only child- maybe why...) It was kind of constructive back then- used to hit a tennis ball attatched to some elastic in the garden and narate how well I was doing in the match.

Now, I only tend to swear at myself when I do something wrong and when I'm really frustrated, I will verbalise how much I hate life. Not so much in public though.

I worked with guys in a warehouse once who would constantly mimic any noise they heard- dogs, pigeons, reversing trucks- never really understood that... Boredom I guess 😄

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