S like suicide

S like suicide

Apr 29, 2021
Hi guys, I was wondering how many of you never leave the house like me? I have never left the house for almost a month now. I only go out if it is strictly necessary ... like buying something to eat and basic necessities. I spend time sleeping, eating something and feeling bad because I can't do much else besides being in bed.Actually since last month...in the evening here where i live it is as if I were in a disco because various near clubs play loud music until 1 am and a lot of people have fun screaming happy!Yay -.- what a torture is this -.-
What about you others? How often do you go out? Where do you go? Do you have a job or hobbies or just go for a walk?

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May 18, 2019
I do the same thing and have been doing it for years now. There's not much for me to go outside for unless I have to and even then, I don't want to. I don't have a social life or anything because I don't have any friends. I can go weeks at a time without going out unless I had to work or something.
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S like suicide

S like suicide

Apr 29, 2021
don't have a social life or anything because I don't have any friends.
Yeah...I haven't seen or talked to anyone for a month ... I have no social life or anything ...how sad it is:(
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Oct 28, 2020
I barely ever leave the house. I go out for necessities too, and to walk my dog (for this i go when i'm not likely to run into people)… and i check my mail every so often.
Now that dr appointments are done virtually or on the phone- my car hardly moves.
It feels weirder than ever being around other humans.

A goal i have is to go to the forest and walk there a couple of times a week- (can't take my dog, he's too old and he's got a disease where his back legs are paralyzing) I think that maybe going there and walking through the trails barefoot might help me feel more grounded. But i've always been a nature spirit- always had the witchy vibes, y'know?

I watch tv, (streaming) and i sleep at odd times when i manage to sleep at all- and i watch over my dog, who is my only reason to stay alive.

I also video chat on occasion with family- oh, and i craft.

I live in pain every day, some days i'm stuck unable to leave my bed or sofa- and even without the pandemic, my life would be the same- a prisoner to pain, illness and my own mind-
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S like suicide

S like suicide

Apr 29, 2021
I'm sorry that you too live in pain every day and I am also sorry for your dog who has an illness.
I love dogs very much but I think if I had one I would not be able to take care of him properly because I can barely take care of myself :( it is also nice to spend time in nature ... it helps, I hope you will be able to do it soon :)
I sleep at odd times too... sometimes I sleep so much that then the whole sleep-wake cycle becomes unbalanced and I start sleeping during the day and at night I stay awake like right now.
You have witchy vibes and you craft...seems like you are very sensitive and creative.Beautiful(:(:(:(:(:
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Jun 14, 2021
Back when I was still employed, I went directly to work, and then immediately go back home. Since I've lost my job, I haven't been out of the house in literally over a month. All groceries are delivered, no friends or family to go see, and all my hobbies are indoor activities that can be done alone.
I don't mind it. I've never been a "people person" so I don't feel like I'm missing out on much. Though sometimes I wish I could go to a park or a lake to hang out and enjoy nature, but my crippling social anxiety won't let me. *shrug*
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S like suicide

S like suicide

Apr 29, 2021
Back when I was still employed, I went directly to work, and then immediately go back home. Since I've lost my job, I haven't been out of the house in literally over a month. All groceries are delivered, no friends or family to go see, and all my hobbies are indoor activities that can be done alone.
I don't mind it. I've never been a "people person" so I don't feel like I'm missing out on much. Though sometimes I wish I could go to a park or a lake to hang out and enjoy nature, but my crippling social anxiety won't let me. *shrug*
I'm not a "people person" ,and I suffer from social anxiety too...i feel you...
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not real.
Jun 18, 2021
i hate the outside. i rarely leave the house. it's too scary out there
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May 18, 2019
Looks like social anxiety is a common factor, I have it too. It sucks that so much in life requires us to be social.
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Lost in limbo
Jan 4, 2020
yo, solo salgo cuando es necesario, ahora que me han despedido del trabajo (donde mi ex jefe me trató de enferma mental y me invitó a marcharme de la empresa) solo voy a la calle a reunirme con el abogado, a la farmacia, a comprar para comer, pero realmente, no tengo energías para salir, tampoco tengo amigas ni amigos verdaderos, son solo personas que se acercan a una, por curiosidad o para ver que beneficio pueden obtener de una.
Realmente soy muy infeliz, de ver la hipocresía del mundo.
Ayer en una cita con la trabajadora social, me dice: "si te quieres matar te matas y ya está, que eres una enferma mental", que opináis de ese comentario?
El mismo sistema nos obliga a querer desaparecer de este mundo lleno de malas gentes.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
Me. I have no friends and no reason to leave. Everything costs money so I couldn't afford to do much anyway.

Humans weren't meant to live like this but I would rather stay here than be around other humans. My current biggest problem wouldn't even exist right now if I had decided not to leave the house. That's what I get for having ambitions, I guess.

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Jun 25, 2020
I rarely leave the house because of social anxiety.
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work, love, and learn
Feb 25, 2021
i have to do everything myself, so I have to go out, i try to stock-up, so that i dont have to go out. The reason for this, err I just cant relate to the world, as my health is deteriorating rapidly. I don't have social anxiety.
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Here lies my hopes and dreams
Mar 10, 2020
I don't leave my room much let alone house. When the weathers nice (rarely in the uk) I'll sit in the garden. I feel most of the time like I'm already dead and just barely existing
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S like suicide

S like suicide

Apr 29, 2021
i hate the outside. i rarely leave the house. it's too scary out there
Oh yes...it's too scary really!you are right...often others scares me so much...everything scares me..
Looks like social anxiety is a common factor, I have it too. It sucks that so much in life requires us to be social.
Yeah...it's sucks especially because a lot of people are shit people and confronting with them is a pain!
yo, solo salgo cuando es necesario, ahora que me han despedido del trabajo (donde mi ex jefe me trató de enferma mental y me invitó a marcharme de la empresa) solo voy a la calle a reunirme con el abogado, a la farmacia, a comprar para comer, pero realmente, no tengo energías para salir, tampoco tengo amigas ni amigos verdaderos, son solo personas que se acercan a una, por curiosidad o para ver que beneficio pueden obtener de una.
Realmente soy muy infeliz, de ver la hipocresía del mundo.
Ayer en una cita con la trabajadora social, me dice: "si te quieres matar te matas y ya está, que eres una enferma mental", que opináis de ese comentario?
El mismo sistema nos obliga a querer desaparecer de este mundo lleno de malas gentes.
Siento mucho lo que te pasó ... :( :( tienes razón, este mundo no nos quiere, les importa un comino nuestro sufrimiento.
¿Qué pienso del comentario? Oh Dios mío ... esas son las mismas palabras que me dijo un psiquiatra cuando estaba siendo atendido en el pabellón de psiquiatría. Me dijo: "Si quieres matarte toma un cuchillo y mata usted mismo "Estas personas realmente me hacen repugnante ... ¿qué saben? Pueden sentir de primera mano lo que significa la enfermedad mental.
la gente también me ha decepcionado mucho.
Everything costs money so I couldn't afford to do much anyway.
Exactly!!is the same for me...
I rarely leave the house because of social anxiety.
social anxiety is truly a monstrous plague ... then combined with depression...it's a perfect match!
i have to do everything myself, so I have to go out, i try to stock-up, so that i dont have to go out. The reason for this, err I just cant relate to the world, as my health is deteriorating rapidly. I don't have social anxiety.
I am very sorry for your health problems ... also I try to stock up as much as possible so that I don't have to go out until just when I'm at the limit
I don't leave my room much let alone house. When the weathers nice (rarely in the uk) I'll sit in the garden. I feel most of the time like I'm already dead and just barely existing
I feel you so much ... I just breathe but it's like I'm dead ... I don't live, I let the days go by one after the other...
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I do go for a bit of a walk if I feel up to it, but the majority of my life is just spent in one room. I do not have the energy to do much really. I just look forward to sleep.
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Oct 4, 2020
I've got severe agoraphobia, because people assume I'm staring at them when I'm walking past them. It ties in heavily to how kids treated me at school, although they were careless enough to scream at me for "staring at them". And then my Complex PTSD kicks in and makes me want to cry! Even better. It's sad because I love the outdoor world and dream about taking a bus somewhere.
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S like suicide

S like suicide

Apr 29, 2021
I just look forward to sleep.
Me too...basically all i do is slepping most of the time....what a waste of time is my life :(
I've got severe agoraphobia, because people assume I'm staring at them when I'm walking past them. It ties in heavily to how kids treated me at school, although they were careless enough to scream at me for "staring at them". And then my Complex PTSD kicks in and makes me want to cry! Even better. It's sad because I love the outdoor world and dream about taking a bus somewhere.
Oh :( :( I'm so sorry for what you went through in the past and the suffering you are going through now...it's so unfair!You deserve a trip to a wonderful destination in complete tranquility...
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Jun 13, 2021
I was homeschooled so I pretty much only left the house for the grocery store and sometimes grandparents. That hasn't really changed now that I'm an adult. neet pilled...
Oh, I forgot in regards to hobbies I'm not really interested in anything and so I "waste" a good portion of my time. I've been watching the old yugioh show and have been thinking about if I ever get a job building a deck for social interaction and a hobby where I leave the house but will see what happens.
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Don't Cry for Me, I'm Already Dead
Apr 7, 2021
*raises hand*
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S like suicide

S like suicide

Apr 29, 2021
Oh, I forgot in regards to hobbies I'm not really interested in anything and so I "waste" a good portion of my time.
I did not have hobbies too as a teenager ... it seemed that I lived in a bubble ... the only thing I did was go to school and study and watch a lot of TV,wasting a lot of time.i think it was because i growed up in a shitty little town and I had no friends. Over the years I discovered that I had some interests but then depression came.
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Callie Arcale

Callie Arcale

It’s a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing
Feb 10, 2021
My feet won't carry me due to exhaustion. I live in a building with no elevator so I can't go out because I can't go up and down the stairs. And even if I did go out, I wouldn't manage more than a few minutes of walking :-(
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Nov 30, 2020
I only leave to do shopping and even then it's accompanied by support workers. In fact, at the moment I'm waiting on my bike being serviced on my own and I'm on fire inside. Saying that the sales fella looks like he should be here with us probably the most miserable man I've ever seen. Suppose he could be happy on the inside.
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May 3, 2021
I'm going out soon, but usually i stay at home & stream stuff/oversleep. I am a loser.
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S like suicide

S like suicide

Apr 29, 2021
I'm going out soon, but usually i stay at home & stream stuff/oversleep. I am a loser.
Hey you're not a loser!!!I do the same so I'm a loser too...:)
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Born Alone, Die Alone.
May 9, 2021
I think I only left the house probably 5 times in the last 2-3 months.
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I'm scared

Feb 16, 2021
I've got severe agoraphobia, because people assume I'm staring at them when I'm walking past them. It ties in heavily to how kids treated me at school, although they were careless enough to scream at me for "staring at them". And then my Complex PTSD kicks in and makes me want to cry! Even better. It's sad because I love the outdoor world and dream about taking a bus somewhere.
My daughter is 15 and has severe agrophobia.She used to be out doing sport every night.She wants to go to our lake and draw like we used to.I hope you get your dream bus ride
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Jun 12, 2021
I leave my house almost everyday to buy snacks, but thats about all the outing I get
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S like suicide

S like suicide

Apr 29, 2021
I think I only left the house probably 5 times in the last 2-3 months.
More than me for sure...
My daughter is 15 and has severe agrophobia.She used to be out doing sport every night.She wants to go to our lake and draw like we used to.I hope you get your dream bus ride
I do not know much about agoraphobia ... I suffer more from social anxiety, however I am very sorry for your daughter .All this seems very debilitating ... it does not allow you to live as well as you would like
I leave my house almost everyday to buy snacks, but thats about all the outing I get
Seems like a very good reason to me lol I too only go out for food when I'able to do it.
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