

I do not live for others to understand me...
Sep 13, 2023
Maybe this should be in off topic I'm not sure. But I only actually found this site from tantacruls video and I'm pretty sure alot of others came from that. How many people here do you think are actually minors?

And what do you think of minors using this site?
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Nov 27, 2022
Probably not that many because it doesn't feel good to try to be part of a community that excludes you.
I don't think minors should use this site because once they become adults, they could have the freedom to live how they want to, and maybe they will find a life worth living.
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I do not live for others to understand me...
Sep 13, 2023
Probably not that many because it doesn't feel good to try to be part of a community that excludes you.
I don't think minors should use this site because once they become adults, they could have the freedom to live how they want to, and maybe they will find a life worth living.
Agreed I think it's best to wait at least for adult hood to make the permanent decision as when I was in highschool my feelings were very sporadic and I tried unreliable methods based on them
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I hope none but, that isn't realistic. Especially since the Tantacrul video, which he didn't bother or choose to age restrict for a time. There seemed to be an explosion in young people joining following that but things do seem to be more settled now.

Honestly speaking, I have so many mixed feelings. I was a suicidal minor. I started having ideation when I was 10. So, I feel desperately sorry for them. In a lot of ways, it feels cruel to exclude someone who is in pain. Pain is pain. Doesn't matter how old you are. It still hurts!

The worst thing about it is- this site- in my view provides two main services. On the one hand, it provides detailed method information. On the other, it provides a support system. A unique space where someone can express pretty much anything they like and they will mostly be accepted and supported. Minors deserve and need this just as much as adults! More perhaps. My frustration and anger really is- Why can't they find this anywhere else? Clearly they can't. These people know how to use the internet! They are likely the most tech savy of all the generations.

I wish the people- mainly parents and governments who are so anti this place would instead put their efforts into providing a safe space for their children to be honest about how they feel and be listened to. Give them a place where they can be themselves and not receive platitudes and judgement but... don't provide method information there- simple.

Imagine that- instead of investing all their time and money into things like DDoS attacks here, they had set up something for good? Why can't these people see that the massive amount of interest in this forum is because people can't find this kind of support anywhere else? This is your responsibility! These are your children!

I do think it's sad that many people here would (and actually do) take younger people under their wings- and not to coax them into killing themselves... By actually listening to their problems, taking them seriously and trying to give them comfort and advice... Which again- they should be getting elsewhere. (Step up pro-lifers- that's your job!) But to deny one, you deny the other.

This site does also have another side to it though. By it's very nature, we are a group of very unhappy and pretty cynical people. I would agree with the criticism that this place is somewhat of an echo chamber. Youngsters finding their way here are going to get mostly one side of the coin. Mostly negativity and cynicism. I don't know what that kind of environment can do to a young mind. I doubt it gives them much hope though.

But... that's what infuriates me about people like Tantacrul. He seemed to think we should act more as a helpline for our younger members. That somehow, suicidal people themselves can put on a happy face with our younger members and 'save' them. I'd argue that there actually is more emphasis on recovery when it comes to younger members. Still- that isn't what this place is. We didn't sign up in order to become free therapists for your children! (Sorry- you need to provide that for them.) Which I'm afraid is another reason I don't think children should be here. We can't give them hope and, it shouldn't be up to us to 'save' them. By this point- surely someone in their life ought to have noticed something was up with them and done something about it!

Obviously, the main issue for everyone really is the accessibility of method information. We're simply not qualified to assess one another's mental capacity and an age verification system would reaveal someone's identity somewhere. Plus- let's be real- they'd simply fake documents if they wanted to.

Still- the counter argument is- this information can be found elsewhere on the internet. I'd also say- simply to create an account. To research methods. To acquire all the necessary equipment- which can take weeks- surely shows some amount of mental capacity- no? I'd actually find it surprising if anyone here failed a test to ascertain capacity.

But yes- personally, I don't like the idea of minors accessing method information in particular. I don't like the idea of discussing a method with someone I believe to be an adult, when they're not. Which is partly why I try to avoid it more now.

As to why. It's not 100% that I actually agree with it. I'm not so convinced that my ideation at age 12, 15, 17 was so very different to it is now, at aged 44. Still- I do accept that we aren't legally allowed to make other decisions like drinking alcohol till that age. So- I accept that as a point of maturity in a person's life and I agree with age restricting certain things. Obviously people more clever than me have worked out that that's when the brain has developed sufficiently to make those big decisions in life.

The last reason is a terribly selfish one. It's pretty much always suicides amongst minors that the media, governments and parents focus on. Associating children's deaths with this site is I imagine the strongest reason to get it shut down. I and many others value this site very highly. It's a tremendous support to us. So, selfishly, I'd hate to lose that.

Plus, if I'm brutally honest- while I do sympathise with how awful and alone they must be feeling, it annoys me, if I'm honest. They lied to get an account here. That's the simple truth of it. Then, they continue to deceive everyone on here by pretending they are an adult to get what they want. Then, their parents will come at as with pitch forks if they do commit because apparently- we should have known.

I'm old and we didn't have the internet back in the Dark Ages but- I was so square too! I don't think I would have broken the rules to join somewhere like here until I was allowed to. While I do still feel bad for them, it's undeniable that minors on here puts the site at most risk of being (legitimately) criticised and taken down, so for that selfish reason- I don't want them here either. But- I wish they had a good alternative and I think it's up to the people who rattle on about how much they care to provide that.

Seems simple to me guys- look at this place. Look at the type of unhinhibited space it provides and replicate it- minus the method information for all of your children and young people. Don't try and take support services away from people without providing alternatives... and that isn't 'helplines' with disinterested operatives, reading from a script.

Sorry for the essay... again!
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
Most of them are not very good at pretending the whole adulting thing and It's easy for mods to distinguish and eliminate them but some sure might have escaped through the cracks. But I think overall there is a great deal of early twenties here.
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Feb 5, 2024
Let's be real, there certainly are. Not sure how many, but since the attention gained it is quite unlikely that there aren't any. That saddens me, if you're a minor reading please delete. This isn't the right place at this time.
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Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
Hard to tell, I think they have gotten better at hiding it.

I guess a lot of people don't bother to register either anyway.

You used to be able to spot them from like talk of school etc but not so much anymore in the last few months.

The talk of younger people here is extremely controversial but for me I just remind myself that in most countries the right to die has no age limit, it is usually universal.

No industry has ever managed to keep young people off their sites, so some responsibility has to be given back to parents/ guardians etc.
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Sep 10, 2023
Some but I tend to think they are late teens i.e 16 - 18. 18 is the starting age to which you are allowed to join this site and it's okay because 18 is the age of consent in most places on Earth. Maybe some earlier teens are here but I don't think that actual children are lurkers here or even members.

As for myself I have not found this site before I was 18 because Google filtered out my results when searching for suicide methods and my country generally filters and/or bans this site. Some time later I decided to join and I turned 19 pretty early own being on this site.

It's fair to assume most youngsters here are really just the 18 - 25 year old demographic and many want to join when they turn 18 and have had suicidal ideation previously but wouldn't join because it not allowed and is disingenuous to lie.

Not a good sign that so many very young adults want to kill themselves but look at the times we are living in and then you may understand better why.
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Little Russian in-cel
Apr 25, 2020
Plus, if I'm brutally honest- while I do sympathise with how awful and alone they must be feeling, it annoys me, if I'm honest. They lied to get an account here. That's the simple truth of it. Then, they continue to deceive everyone on here by pretending they are an adult to get what they want. Then, their parents will come at as with pitch forks if they do commit because apparently- we should have known.
Your essay has raised multiple great points, but to this I could reply that most people here deceive their IRL peers if they have them by not talking about suicide. I don't understand the sentiment. - But then again, I don't understand age restrictions either. Suicide is illegal no matter the age and state of mind, and you are seen as a child in the eyes of the law anyway.

Again, I have absolutely no clue about people, I only talk either online, or with my mom, so I'm at a loss what 5 year olds are, or 10, or 15. Can 5 year olds even talk? It's all a disgusting, smelly fetishist mess, and I'm not a paedophile to know it.

I only received Internet access at 14, got suicidal at 13 (cultural relativism), but I was way too absorbed in reading Russian memes and Tolkien, ad studying at the time. And anyway, I only created a YouTube account back then, and barely ever commented. So it's weird for me to imagine toddlers with smartphones.

Most of them are not very good at pretending the whole adulting thing and It's easy for mods to distinguish and eliminate them but some sure might have escaped through the cracks. But I think overall there is a great deal of early twenties here.
I'm pretty sure I'd raise plenty of red flags, talking about having no IRL peers and my mom. I wonder whether an AI could be trained, and what its opinion would be.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Your essay has raised multiple great points, but to this I could reply that most people here deceive their IRL peers if they have them by not talking about suicide. I don't understand the sentiment. - But then again, I don't understand age restrictions either. Suicide is illegal no matter the age and state of mind, and you are seen as a child in the eyes of the law anyway.

Again, I have absolutely no clue about people, I only talk either online, or with my mom, so I'm at a loss what 5 year olds are, or 10, or 15. Can 5 year olds even talk? It's all a disgusting, smelly fetishist mess, and I'm not a paedophile to know it.

I only received Internet access at 14, got suicidal at 13 (cultural relativism), but I was way too absorbed in reading Russian memes and Tolkien, ad studying at the time. And anyway, I only created a YouTube account back then, and barely ever commented. So it's weird for me to imagine toddlers with smartphones.

I'm pretty sure I'd raise plenty of red flags, talking about having no IRL peers and my mom. I wonder whether an AI could be trained, and what its opinion would be.

Yeah, true but, we're not obliged to tell our peers our suicidal thoughts. Most people in fact are probably trying to shield their loved ones from the burden of knowing and worrying. (Especially if there's nothing they can do to help.)

Minors that come on here lie in order to get the information they need. I know they're desperate, so it's mean to blame them. Still- I remember one young person, although presumably not a minor saying they knew their Aunt would be like any one of the pro-lifers trying to lynch this place if they did end up committing. Like- shit- I hope you wipe your devices! Yes- that could apply to any of us I suppose but it's mostly parents of youngsters that are up in arms.

They must realise that their parents are going to look to blame someone... us. Should they care about us? Maybe not. But then, if they don't care about us, why should we welcome them with open arms to be targetted afterwards?

You can't really refute that the media/government/parents care about young people and especially minors more than they do middle aged adults. They might draw the 'vulnerable, mentally ill' card with an adult- true but still, not to the same extent I'd say.

Suicide isn't illegal in most countries now. Yes- someone will stop you if you try and do it in public. Yes, you'll have your method confiscated if they think they can prove you are mentally unstable or, they intimidate you into that. The police that did my welfare check left me with my SN though, knowing full well what I intended to use it for (possibly) in the future. And they didn't treat me like a child. It depends who you get I suspect and it depends on how you communicate with them I imagine.
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
I'm pretty sure I'd raise plenty of red flags, talking about having no IRL peers and my mom. I wonder whether an AI could be trained, and what its opinion would be.
That is the reality for majority of us actually, what causes red flags is more like "they won't sell me xyz since am a minor what do you guys suggest" kind of things, yes it happens :)
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I think too many who manage not to reveal their actual age. But actually an age verification via ID card would prevent a majority of adults from registering at all and would also be a huge effort. The actual problem is what society and law defines as "minor" and "adult".

If it comes to methods even minors can find the info they need without that place.

Referring to myself, long before I was an adult, I knew how to tie a noose / hangman's knot and I knew about extremely poisonous chemicals (like potassium cyanide) and I would have had directly or indirectly access to it. There was no internet in existence at all back then. I wasn't suicidal as a minor at all.

The internet and social media is blessing and curse in the same time.
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Jan 17, 2024
Too many to mention probably. That's why a credit card should be used to join this site.
Just my opinion.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Too many to mention probably. That's why a credit card should be used to join this site.
Just my opinion.
Do you have one? Maybe many users actually do not have a credit card. Who processes the info?

Imo not that easy again, a lot of adults in need may be excluded this way.

Edit: the only way would be ID verification incl. a KYC process.
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Jan 17, 2024
Do you have one? Maybe many users actually do not have a credit card. Who processes the info?
I do. It's a thought. Many porn sites won't let you join unless you have prove with a card you're over 18.
All the other bits I don't know. There are kids on here. I've seen them, you can tell instantly by their postings. And text speak is just plain awful.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I do. It's a thought. Many porn sites won't let you join unless you have prove with a card you're over 18.
All the other bits I don't know. There are kids on here. I've seen them, you can tell instantly by their postings. And text speak is just plain awful.
You can report it to mods if u suspect a minor. Staff will decide then.
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Jan 17, 2024
Shouldn't you be reporting them instantly? Imo it would be advantageous and let the mods do the rest.
I do report. They leave, then come back. Unless they are very childish adults lol
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Dec 9, 2023
most of the time active method threads have more guest viewers than members viewing so I imagine all of those guests are minors hell even this thread has 5 viewers right now 🤨
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Too many. I've made it clear before that I don't tolerate any minors on this site and report anyone I even slightly suspect to be one no matter how bad their situation may be because any minor who even thinks of entering this site for any reason is being just as selfish as whoever likely made their lives miserable enough to want to use this site in the first place. Any minor who can actually see the benefits of this site should realize that they are jeopardizing its existence for all legal adults using this site and potentially even themselves in the future should that time come. It sucks but welcome to the real world, kids. Don't be stupid and let your death jeopardize such a useful resource for everyone else in the future who's going to need this place.
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🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
Maybe this should be in off topic I'm not sure. But I only actually found this site from tantacruls video and I'm pretty sure alot of others came from that. How many people here do you think are actually minors?

And what do you think of minors using this site?
SaSu's a great resource for educating people of all ages on moral philosophy & real-world suffering. Under-18's especially need it. Because their school systems are amoral and rarely teach courses on philosophy. [1]

I informally teach people a range of topics. Math, negotiation, etc. When learning moral philosophy, we sometimes visit SaSu, observing how it's fundamentally about suffering — not suicide. We go through some of the posts and discuss root causes, speculating how to solve them.

(And most importantly, laugh at my posts.)

Observe the depravity of modern society: kids play videogames where they shoot people in the face. Mine minerals for our phone batteries. Drink lead-contaminated water. Get bombed with our tax money. Watch sitcoms where people treat each other with sheer disrespect, then foolishly forgive each other at the end; only to repeat the dysfunction next week. No, there's no point cultishly covering the eyes of under-18's like they're brainless little shitheads.

[1] This is no coincidence. The ancient Greek philosophers' enemies — the Sophists — apparently developed some of our educational systems:

"Furthermore, their activity was directed particularly toward the training of youth, with a view to success in political life. The Sophists' teachings thus responded to a need. The flourishing of democratic life demanded that its citizens, especially those who wanted to achieve positions of power, have a perfect mastery of language. Up until this point, young people had been trained for the acquisition of excellence (arete) by means of sunousia, or nonspecialized contact with the adult world. The Sophists, by contrast, invented education in an artificial environment-a system that was to remain one of the characteristics of our civilization. They were professional teachers, pedagogues first and foremost, although we must recognize the remarkable originality of Protagoras, Gorgias, and Antiphon. For a salary, they taught their students the formulas which would enable them to persuade their audience, and to defend both the pro and the contra sides of an argument (antilogia) with equal skill. Plato and Aristotle would reproach them with being salesmen of knowledge, mere retail-wholesale businessmen. They taught not only the technique of persuasive discourse, but also everything which could help an individual attain that loftiness of vision which always seduces an audience-in other words, overall culture. This entailed just as much science, geometry, and astronomy as it did history, sociology, and legal theory."

In contrast, the philosopher "ceases to be the recipient of ready-made knowledge from the Sophists."

Note that Socrates was driven to suicide for "corrupting the youth."
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just a girl who's kinda sad
Aug 7, 2023
A decent amount but probably not the majority. I've seen a lot of people on here that I've assumed were pretty young.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
One of the things that irritates me about pro-lifers is that they seem to be incapable of minding their own business, other people's wish to die is simply nothing to do with you, I don't understand this thread.
Nobody consented to being burdened with this cruel and futile existence in the first place and they aren't obligated to continue. What disgusts me is how selfish people procreate and wish to make existence into a prison where one cannot peacefully escape even know there is literally no limit as to how much one can be tormented in this existence. Forcing people to suffer is evil to me, nobody should be forced to suffer in this existence that was always undesirable in the first place.
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Terry A. Davis

Terry A. Davis

Aug 28, 2023
My gut reaction says there are probably quite a few and I don't think they should use this site. Like everything else related to minors, you have to take the stance that they can't make an informed decision on suicide. If we say they can't make an informed decision on X,Y or Z but make an exception for suicide then that is hypocrisy and IMO the ultimate hypocrisy.

Logical argument aside, I also don't think they should use this site because you only get one youthful period of your life and it shouldn't be spent speaking to burnt out 20-40 somethings wanting to ctb. I would say for them to come back after a few years once they get out of school (training camp) and into the real world (prison). If they realise life isn't worth living and they've been lied to about everything then they should be more than welcomed.

Maybe I just hold out hope for young people that they should try their best whilst they can.
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I do not live for others to understand me...
Sep 13, 2023
Hard to tell, I think they have gotten better at hiding it.

I guess a lot of people don't bother to register either anyway.

You used to be able to spot them from like talk of school etc but not so much anymore in the last few months.

The talk of younger people here is extremely controversial but for me I just remind myself that in most countries the right to die has no age limit, it is usually universal.

No industry has ever managed to keep young people off their sites, so some responsibility has to be given back to parents/ guardians etc.
I remember watching the senator or whatever in the United states attacking Mark Zuckerberg telling him to apologize for what children on his site experienced (nudes, self harm content, etc)

That was so idiotic and stupid. He is not as is this site not their parents. It's the parents responsibility to watch and take care of their children he has nothing to apologize for. Parents just want to put the blame on someone besides themselves
Some but I tend to think they are late teens i.e 16 - 18. 18 is the starting age to which you are allowed to join this site and it's okay because 18 is the age of consent in most places on Earth. Maybe some earlier teens are here but I don't think that actual children are lurkers here or even members.

As for myself I have not found this site before I was 18 because Google filtered out my results when searching for suicide methods and my country generally filters and/or bans this site. Some time later I decided to join and I turned 19 pretty early own being on this site.

It's fair to assume most youngsters here are really just the 18 - 25 year old demographic and many want to join when they turn 18 and have had suicidal ideation previously but wouldn't join because it not allowed and is disingenuous to lie.

Not a good sign that so many very young adults want to kill themselves but look at the times we are living in and then you may understand better why.
You think minors decide to just be lurkers till their 18?
Some but I tend to think they are late teens i.e 16 - 18. 18 is the starting age to which you are allowed to join this site and it's okay because 18 is the age of consent in most places on Earth. Maybe some earlier teens are here but I don't think that actual children are lurkers here or even members.

As for myself I have not found this site before I was 18 because Google filtered out my results when searching for suicide methods and my country generally filters and/or bans this site. Some time later I decided to join and I turned 19 pretty early own being on this site.

It's fair to assume most youngsters here are really just the 18 - 25 year old demographic and many want to join when they turn 18 and have had suicidal ideation previously but wouldn't join because it not allowed and is disingenuous to lie.

Not a good sign that so many very young adults want to kill themselves but look at the times we are living in and then you may understand better why.
You think minors decide to just be lurkers till their 18?
Some but I tend to think they are late teens i.e 16 - 18. 18 is the starting age to which you are allowed to join this site and it's okay because 18 is the age of consent in most places on Earth. Maybe some earlier teens are here but I don't think that actual children are lurkers here or even members.

As for myself I have not found this site before I was 18 because Google filtered out my results when searching for suicide methods and my country generally filters and/or bans this site. Some time later I decided to join and I turned 19 pretty early own being on this site.

It's fair to assume most youngsters here are really just the 18 - 25 year old demographic and many want to join when they turn 18 and have had suicidal ideation previously but wouldn't join because it not allowed and is disingenuous to lie.

Not a good sign that so many very young adults want to kill themselves but look at the times we are living in and then you may understand better why.
You think minors decide to just be lurkers till their 18?
Some but I tend to think they are late teens i.e 16 - 18. 18 is the starting age to which you are allowed to join this site and it's okay because 18 is the age of consent in most places on Earth. Maybe some earlier teens are here but I don't think that actual children are lurkers here or even members.

As for myself I have not found this site before I was 18 because Google filtered out my results when searching for suicide methods and my country generally filters and/or bans this site. Some time later I decided to join and I turned 19 pretty early own being on this site.

It's fair to assume most youngsters here are really just the 18 - 25 year old demographic and many want to join when they turn 18 and have had suicidal ideation previously but wouldn't join because it not allowed and is disingenuous to lie.

Not a good sign that so many very young adults want to kill themselves but look at the times we are living in and then you may understand better why.
You think minors decide to just be lurkers till their 18?
Some but I tend to think they are late teens i.e 16 - 18. 18 is the starting age to which you are allowed to join this site and it's okay because 18 is the age of consent in most places on Earth. Maybe some earlier teens are here but I don't think that actual children are lurkers here or even members.

As for myself I have not found this site before I was 18 because Google filtered out my results when searching for suicide methods and my country generally filters and/or bans this site. Some time later I decided to join and I turned 19 pretty early own being on this site.

It's fair to assume most youngsters here are really just the 18 - 25 year old demographic and many want to join when they turn 18 and have had suicidal ideation previously but wouldn't join because it not allowed and is disingenuous to lie.

Not a good sign that so many very young adults want to kill themselves but look at the times we are living in and then you may understand better why.
You think minors decide to just be lurkers till their 18?
Some but I tend to think they are late teens i.e 16 - 18. 18 is the starting age to which you are allowed to join this site and it's okay because 18 is the age of consent in most places on Earth. Maybe some earlier teens are here but I don't think that actual children are lurkers here or even members.

As for myself I have not found this site before I was 18 because Google filtered out my results when searching for suicide methods and my country generally filters and/or bans this site. Some time later I decided to join and I turned 19 pretty early own being on this site.

It's fair to assume most youngsters here are really just the 18 - 25 year old demographic and many want to join when they turn 18 and have had suicidal ideation previously but wouldn't join because it not allowed and is disingenuous to lie.

Not a good sign that so many very young adults want to kill themselves but look at the times we are living in and then you may understand better why.
You think minors decide to just be lurkers till their 18?
Some but I tend to think they are late teens i.e 16 - 18. 18 is the starting age to which you are allowed to join this site and it's okay because 18 is the age of consent in most places on Earth. Maybe some earlier teens are here but I don't think that actual children are lurkers here or even members.

As for myself I have not found this site before I was 18 because Google filtered out my results when searching for suicide methods and my country generally filters and/or bans this site. Some time later I decided to join and I turned 19 pretty early own being on this site.

It's fair to assume most youngsters here are really just the 18 - 25 year old demographic and many want to join when they turn 18 and have had suicidal ideation previously but wouldn't join because it not allowed and is disingenuous to lie.

Not a good sign that so many very young adults want to kill themselves but look at the times we are living in and then you may understand better why.
You think minors decide to just be lurkers till their 18?


Sep 10, 2023
@MiMif I think you mentioned me a few too many times haha.

Eh maybe I just impose my mentality upon other people but that was my thinking going to this site. As for what others do - I'm aware that some 16 year olds have joined previously and weren't found out about. But other people here said that they were lurkers on this site previously before joining and I'm also aware it has nothing to do with age.

To be honest I'm not opposed to making sure that registrating and varifying that you are an adult is made more difficult like with an identity card. I know that has it's own difficulties because people can lie with that too but it be more safe. Or just lock up the forum so only members can see the posts here.


I do not live for others to understand me...
Sep 13, 2023
@MiMif I think you mentioned me a few too many times haha.

Eh maybe I just impose my mentality upon other people but that was my thinking going to this site. As for what others do - I'm aware that some 16 year olds have joined previously and weren't found out about. But other people here said that they were lurkers on this site previously before joining and I'm also aware it has nothing to do with age.

To be honest I'm not opposed to making sure that registrating and varifying that you are an adult is made more difficult like with an identity card. I know that has it's own difficulties because people can lie with that too but it be more safe. Or just lock up the forum so only members can see the posts here.
Oop lol that error happens alot with me idky. It just copies and pasted what I wrote a bunch of times
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Nov 23, 2023
i really don't know. I've probably read a post by a minor, but in all honesty, I can't tell. i dont know how mods do it either. Sometimes I have doubts, but I always put it off as this being an international site n therefore a language barrier exists. it's also very hard to distinguish between someone whos 16 or 17 and someone who's 18.
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Guy Smiley

Guy Smiley

Just another lost soul
Jan 4, 2024
I'm sure there are some minors on this site. If the Exit International forum didn't make people prove they are at least 50 and instead just stated in their rules that nobody under 50 is allowed, I would join in a heartbeat and just lie about my age (sorry, just being honest). I'm sure there are minors who do the same thing here.
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Oct 24, 2023
I really hope that we don't have minors on this site - already worried about the number of young people aged 18 and over who are here. I have been suicidal since I was a kid (in my 40s now) and attempted suicide twice aged 14. But actually I had an okay life for about 20+ years and if something had not gone wring drastically a few years ago, I might have been able to keep surviving. For a child to be on this site without the chance to experience the life and world is not giving them a fair go. Also this site is therapeutic to me as an adult - bit hell, we can be a a bunch of depressed negative people and would not want that to touch our children or young people.

The ID verification wouldn't work - I, for one, would never have registered as I would not want to be known.

The welfare of our children are all our responsibility - the parents, schools, media and society in general - especially true for vulnerable children.
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