
Aug 18, 2020
I am curious about the responses. The US has the power to decide that war. The Ukraine is highly dependent of the US public opinion and the president.

In Germany the speech got a lot of attention. Comparisons with Winston Churchill included. I expressed thankfulness that the US gives major military support. The chancellor of my country is too hesitant.

The support in the US gets less as least this is what I have heard. But asking Americans might give a better picture.
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Dec 21, 2022
I believe it was very well received by both houses of congress. There are a few fringe members in the Republican party who are gearing up to take a stance against further aid to Ukraine though. Whether they will be the dominant element in the new congress remains to be seen. On a personal level, I found the speech to be very eloquent, earnest and moving.
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
The $113 billion in U.S. aid to Ukraine has eclipsed the annual military budget of every country in the world except the United States and China.

How much of this aid is wasted?

There's no reporting of any oversight, just billions in weapons and aid going out .

The Ukraine government has a history of corruption, so your quess is as good as mine.

It's absolutely disgusting that we send so much of our military assets along with money to a corrupt country that has been at war with itself for over 20 years. Before long, our brain-dead president will be sending your sons and daughters to be slaughtered in a war that we have no business being a part of.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Afraid I'm not clued up enough to be able to comment on the OP. It just saddens and sickens me though that wars still go on.

It's not like I know the answers (sadly) and obviously- no country should sit idly by while another country attacks it. No one should put up with bullying or exploitation.

Still- I fucking hate war. I hate it that it's part of our pysche to see people as 'other' and therefore- fine to kill. Think I read somewhere that there are enough bullets in the world to kill every single human being four times over. Like- WTF?!!

Nuclear shit and bio-weapons just take it to a new level... What type of retarded creature builds things that could potentially destroy it's own race? Honestly, I just despair with our race... I wish we could all just peacefully be gone from here because I just can't ever see it ever ending. I expect there will always be corruption, intimidation and war going on.

It's just SO sad to see all the suffering. I'm SO sorry if you are affected by it.


Dec 10, 2021
The man is a disgusting clown, as are the members of congress who applauded him.
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Jan 8, 2023
He's a con man begging for money and then putting half of it in his own bank account.
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