

May 27, 2020
This is my full story, unedited. I'm literally telling my deepest personal feelings and experiences. Mods I need to put 2 youtube links in my post. Please let them stay. They are incredibly positive messages and will help alot of people. I'll pay the owner of this site to keep these links up. I'll do anything the mods and owner of this site want to keep these links here. Please don't remove them, they may save someone's life like they saved mine and the man who shared them with me.

This link is to 3 Stoic Philosophers Including Senica over 2,000 years ago and more relevant today than ever and Marcus Aurelius the wisest Roman Emperor to ever rule.

I have to break them up like this to put them in here. just put them in order.

This 2nd link is to affirmations in Latin that once you get in the habit of learning will help you realize your mind is the most powerful thing you control and you can do anything you want with it. Crippled people have willed themselves to walk again. My left hand was totally paralyzed from an attempt that failed and doctors said 50% was the best I'd get back use with. Whatever they told me to do I did 10 times more until it hurt every nerve in my arm and I received 90% and none of them could believe it. They told me they never saw a patient recover from a complete paralysis to 90%.


If you know someone who is suffering, please copy this and privately send it to them.
This is pure humility and I'm bearing my soul in the hopes it will help others. Writing this was very hard. It contains the details of what I endured in condensed form.

I will have to write a book to paint an entire picture but this is all 100% true. I'm not lying to you about your inner strength and I can show you as many people as you wish to know of who also have their own stories of unimaginable adversity that makes my trials look like a joke. I am not wise, I feel as if I am a child all over again.

I don't see this as coincidence because the Universe does not do coincidences. It sends wisdom and instructions and only when we are willing to listen to things slowly begin to turn around. You didn't get to the level of suffering you endure in 1 day, you must learn patience and endurance from those who have already been proven by history to be among the wisest of people.

Don't settle in your life. If you have a dream, do it. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't. I was a horticulturalist for 8 years, blew my back out at 25 from lifting and loading thousands of Christmas trees in 20 degree weather, 30 degree weather and raining, every customer wanted the perfect tree which meant you had to cut a 6-12 foot pine then lift it and slam it on the ground 3-4 times to open it.

Some people would make you do this 10 times. You would finally take their tree to the front, cut it with a chainsaw, wrap it, then lift it onto their roofs and tie it down. Imagine lifting 10 ft tree when you're 5'11 and the roof of the car is 6'4?

I had back surgery, it failed, which led to taking opioids which then led to not being able to stand up straight without feeling like I was being cut in half at 28. By 32 I'd had enough, I slit my left wrist to the bone, the ulnar (funny bone) nerve and 8 tendons and lost 2 1/2 pints of blood as I desperately tried to squeeze every last drop out. Had I merely taken a cup of coffee or an aspirin I would not be here to tell this story today.

The Universe had another path for me, but I was unwise and stubborn. I didn't listen. Each time I didn't listen, each time I walked further from my true path in life, the Universe sent a harsher lesson.

I died clinically so many times, spend hours dying in the forest multiple times with dozens of search and rescue, helicopters, humvees with heat vision, police dogs which they smashed my car window to get my scent.

Twice I did this, twice I was missing for over 5 hours in 40 degree weather, at night, in the woods, face down in mud and water, an animal could of eaten me at any moment.
My body survived, and as if I was subconsciously aware, I only died in the rescue. 5-7 hours both times, I lived in those conditions but died only when there was someone to revive me.

When I slit my wrist the damage was so bad my entire hand was completely parlayed. The doctors told me, you'll be lucky if you ever get 50% movement back. Most patients got 50-60% if they were lucky.

I forced myself to move my hand over and over, physical therapy non stop at home. When they told me do 20 reps of this and 20 reps of that I did it until I couldn't take the pain anymore.

Today my left hand is 90% functional. The doctors were amazed, told me they had rarely seen a patient come back from such a severe injury with so much movement. Nerves take 1 month to grow between 1-4mm. Mine had to grow over 152mm in 3 years because after 3 years the nerve stops growing.

I didn't know without the nerve working the muscle wouldn't retain because muscles need nerve signals to work. I was helpless for the first 3 months. I had to wait for my nerve to grow to the muscle before I could work it otherwise no amount of exercise or pain would bring it back.

Every time the nerve grew which was slowly every day, the pain was like an exposed nerve, This was new nerve tissue, it had never been exposed to sensation and so it wildly send signals to my brain as if I was touching fire or acid every second for 2 straight years. The physical pain alone almost did me in.

After two years of being stuck in bed, opioids destroying my body making it impossible to do anything physical without throwing up, I decided to teach myself to day trade.
Without that injury I'd still be a horticulturalist and that was never going to allow me to accomplish my goals in life which are namely to make alot of money so that I can use it to build apartments for the homeless, help the mentally suffering like myself and other such ideas.

The first books on day trading I read stated if you break even after the 1st year you were successful. I ranked in the top 100, making $12,000 in 3-4days at one point. The most money anyone had ever made on that trading site in its history.

I lost most of it due to lack of emotional discipline and everyone around me doubted me and told me to give up. I did. And for the next year, I sat in my bed, dying on opioids, no purpose, my job gone, disabled, feeling I had had my last relationship at 32 and no woman would ever love me again.

That between the mental health issues and the scars which would never go away always forcing me to reveal the truth to a date eventually. Most left when they found out

I took 3 years off from dating, still single, to work on myself, figure out my real dreams, and by the will of something greater than me, realized I needed to be a day trader. That no matter what anyone told me, that it was too emotional, too dangerous for someone in my condition, I will become a day trader and a successful one.

It's been nearly 4 years since this started 2 months before I was to be married on 11/11/16 to the woman that I had fallen in love with more than anyone, had felt a love I never felt with anyone, and a connection that felt divine. Losing that I believed love was impossible to find ever again. I thought about her every day for 3 years, I dreamed about her, but I never contacted her again and her final words, not knowing if I was going to live or die were simply "Bye Beau".

I had stopped her from trying to end her life during bi-polar episodes throughout our relationship, had a knife put to my throat protecting her mother from 2nd floor drug dealers (there was no father in the family and there was a young boy which I took care of 3 days a week and tried to mentor who was special needs).

After having a knife put to my throat, I would spend 3 nights a week, alone with this child, watching him overnight so my ex-fiancee could work and her mother could work nights, knowing right above me were 10-12 drug dealers that could bust through the door at any moment and do whatever they wanted to us.

It's now nearly 4 years later, the longest I've gone single ever prior to that was 2 months. I had so many lessons to learn, so much to overcome, and it's not over.
I was rushed to the emergency room on 7/11 on the verge of a heart attack. Having thrown up over 100+ times in 3 days, at one point throwing up pure bile 22 times in 1 hour burning my entire throat, stomach lining, intestines and mouth.

That was precipitated withdrawal from opiates as I tried to come off them too fast. Now I'm past that, I'm over the physical hump of withdrawal and about to be free of opioids having forced myself to take 1/5th the dose the doctors were giving me against their will.
Every moment during those 3 days all I could think of was how much I ruined my life, how all my gifts had been destroyed by my own actions.
In the next year, as I come off opioids permanently in the next 2 weeks of my own will and against doctors orders, I will experience what is called PAWS. Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome.

I know because I experienced it once already. For at least a year, I will be unable to control my emotions. I could panic at any time, start crying in public for no reason, be hit with despair, depression, sadness and worst of all feelings of suicide.

But I'm not afraid, I know now, thanks to my family and a few special friends who taught me the wisdom I needed to beat this, I will beat it. What the mind says rules. My body and brain will try to get in my way, I'll be weak, and sickly for a year, having had a diet of mostly liquid water and Gatorade mixed for 4 years, I barely managed 1000 calories a day.

I was bed ridden for 4 years and lost 50lbs instead of gaining 500.
1 week from now, my first new day trading books will arrive. 1 year from now, I will be off disability and 10 years from now, I will be telling this story on TedTalks to the world imparting the humble wisdom that was imparted on me with an additional story of a day trader who is now a millionaire and built homes for all 50,000 veterans on the street, and community living for people who suffer disabilities.

I know that I will be a millionaire and have the money to do this because I won't stop until I do it.
I am extremely empathic, and to be single, to feel alone, to have to have given those 4 years to myself in order to be the best person I can be, I had to endure my greatest fear, loneliness.
It's important to remind myself every day that the past is there to learn from not to dwell on. Western Society believes in living in the present and thinking toward the future but the future is uncertain so you cannot learn anything and the present is ever changing so all you can do is react to it. Only by studying our own past failures and mistakes can we avoid making them again.
Remember, life gets harder only when we are walking away from our true path, the Universe sends pain to us sometimes to get the message across. If we continue to ignore it, the pain will come again and again and again each time worse than the last, until we step back and take a very long and difficult look at ourselves. The good news is it CAN be done by ANYONE.

Nothing in here was written out of pride or pity. I seek neither. Only to tell this story so that if there is someone else struggling out there, know their is hope and all of it lies within your strength of which you have an infinite well to tap into. Provided you put the effort in, you can overcome and become what you always were supposed to be.

It was simply written as a guide, for others, that if you only learn to understand the power of the mind, you can do anything and overcome anything.
Their are stories far worse than mine, I can only imagine the suffering, and those people come back just like I did.

I remember the story of a man who was paralyzed from the waist down in a car accident, doctors said he'd never walk again. HE busted his ass every single day to move his legs a hairs width. He got his legs back, today he walks, doctors have no idea why, but I know why, because he willed himself to do it with his mind.

Our minds are a superpower we take for granted every day. It's your thoughts, and your actions that shape your mind. With enough will power, you can accomplish anything.
Always remember this.

Viktor E. Frankl, a Jewish man who was captured by the Nazi's and placed into and survived the 4 worst concentration camps in the whole of Nazi Germany. His words:
"The last of the human freedoms: to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. And there were always choices to make. Every day, every hour, offered the opportunity to make a decision, a decision which determined whether you would or would not submit to those powers which threatened to rob you of your very self, your inner freedom; which determined whether or not you become the plaything to circumstance, renouncing freedom and dignity..."

Amor Fati - Love and accept everything. We all start as stones, our gifts hidden, our talents unknown, our image to the world plain and ordinary. It is only when the jeweler breaks the stone, and abrasively rips apart the rock from the Jewel that we find a precious gem inside.
So too does it work with each of us. Our pain is the Universe ripping the rock from us, abrasively polishing us, teaching us lessons so that we too may shine as brightly as a beautiful gem to the world. If you want to make the world a better place, do the opposite of what I did. Don't lecture people and try to guilt them into action. Instead work hard on yourself and the change will ripple out when others see it.

I don't know which man uttered these words, but they are perhaps the most unwise words ever spoken. "One person can't make a difference"

One person is the ONLY WAY to make a difference. That one person is each and every one of us and when we make a difference in ourselves, others are inspired to do the same which in turn inspires those around them and before you know it, a ripple from a rock you chucked off a boat in the middle of the ocean representing the hard work you do for yourself every day turns into a nearly unnoticeable wave which once effecting enough people becomes a tsunami the whole world becomes aware of.

You are the change this world desperately needs. Nobody can do it but you. 1 person, 1 mind, is the most powerful entity in the Universe.

Remember Tienanmen Square where 1 brave Chinese Student stood in front of the Chinese military as tanks rolled right up to him. You are that courage, if you're suffering you simply haven't found it yet, or must accept even embrace your pain as it is teaching you who you really are and what you truly value in life.
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so tired or manic

so tired or manic

Jun 12, 2020
never thought doctor strange was a real person, but here we are.

thank you for telling your story and congrats on beating the battles that have come your way.
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Jan 5, 2020
I'd really like to just frame those words and hang them up on my wall — after reading this it feels much easier to breathe.
Thank you for this, it's given me some more hope. I'm glad that you've managed to overcome your obstacles.
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Sep 22, 2019
Very inspirational. I have total admiration for you coming off opiates the way you did, speaking as someone who struggles every single day with prescription opiate addiction and horrifying withdrawal.
I disagree with your assessment of yourself, I think you ARE very wise. I learned years ago about the incredible power of the mind but following recent traumas and dramatic losses, had forgotten all of that and just felt broken beyond repair. Thank you for your beautiful writing and for reminding me :hug:
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May 27, 2020
Very inspirational. I have total admiration for you coming off opiates the way you did, speaking as someone who struggles every single day with prescription opiate addiction and horrifying withdrawal.
I disagree with your assessment of yourself, I think you ARE very wise. I learned years ago about the incredible power of the mind but following recent traumas and dramatic losses, had forgotten all of that and just felt broken beyond repair. Thank you for your beautiful writing and for reminding me :hug:

Morphosis, I'm never going to be 100%, nobody will. Life is suffering unfortunately but without that suffering we can't grow. I have had just about everything bad that could happen, happen to me minus any physical illnesses that I did not inflict on myself trying to exit except the back surgery which wasn't my fault but I can't say that's the reason for my suffering, it would be a total lie. It certainly sucked having back surgery only 11 years ago at 26, I was walking with a cane and could not stand up straight.

Morphosis you have greatness in you. An untapped well that you have probably never realized. You see, I have noticed one thing. There are two types of suffering people. I don't mean this in a cruel way though it does sound cruel it is the truth and it needs to be said so you can understand what you are. You took the time to read this story of a total stranger and comment. That's two steps forward for you and 0 steps back. Then you openly admitted you had once thought this way so you know what it's like but let it slip. That's 3 steps forward and 0 steps back. You have in 1 post proven A) You care about life B) you care about others and most importantly C) You recognize that you can be amazing, that you let it slip which is TOTALLY HUMAN.

There are failures and losers in life. There are no winners because winners are always seeking out the next challenge. The difference between the two (and I'm a failure btw) is a failure gets back up, a loser falls down and stays down.

There are so many examples of failures it's ridiculous. Morgan Freeman didn't get his first acting gig until his 60s and he tried for decades. Elon Musk lived in a 10 by 4 ft apartment with his friend working 100 hours a week. He has bi-polar, was abused by his father, suffers from anxiety (if you watch him speak he shakes from fear of public speaking) and yet remains as humble as ever.

Thomas Edison failed at the light bulb 1000 times. It was his 1001st attempt that was successful.

Nikola Tesla of which Elon's Tesla Motor's was named after, a much more moral man than Edison, moved to the US without a penny. Edison promised him $200,000 dollars if he created electricity. Edison discovered DC energy which would of required a power plant every mile, but Tesla discovered AC energy which only needed a power station every few hundred city blocks, and this began the War Of The Currents. When Tesla came to collect his payment from Edison, Edison laughed and slapped Tesla on the back saying "Oh you Serbians don't get American humor do you?" and paid him nothing.

Most men would have broken down and surrendered. Imagine creating the most important thing to modern society and getting 0 credit. Well Tesla walked out and founded his own company. He made a deal with J.P Morgan, one of the richest men in the world who owned around 13% of the US wealth (yeah we think Billionares are bad today, none of them own more than .5% of the economy.) J.P Morgan saw the potential in Tesla and agreed to pay him 1 cent for every kilowatt hour of AC electricity consumed.

Tesla wanted to give the world free energy. J.P Morgan wasn't the best guy either but he was more honorable than Edison. He told Tesla he couldn't afford to both pay him his contract which by then was worth in today's money over Trillions of Dollars as the entire city of New York was now fully lit with AC current.

Tesla had two choices, take his money, bankrupt J.P Morgan and take back his AC electricity and find someone else, or tear up his trillion dollar contract and allow Morgan to continue building more power stations to light up the world. Guess what he chose?

He tore up the contract. His entire life he never got credit. It took until about 10 years ago before he was even placed in the history books. I remember in high school history we all heard about Edison this was back in 1999 but nobody was taught about Tesla.

He would end up dying in his apartment in a hotel in NYC, viewing the first fully lit city on Earth created by him. He died a virgin, was dead 3 days before anyone even bothered to check on him and his best friend was a carrier pigeon.

From an outside perspective, it appears Edison was remembered for impacting the world and Tesla was forgotten. But even after death the truth will always find a way. Now more and more people know who Tesla is and he inspired Elon Musk who made Tesla Motors which came 1 day away from failing, Ebay, and he bought 2 nuclear weapons from Russia without the nukes for a Space Program.

If all people had known about Tesla was he was cheated by Edison, he never had a relationship, his best friend was a pigeon and he died alone not found for 3 days, one would think he was a nobody. But Tesla had a dream and he followed it and history is finally giving him the credit he deserves. He dreamed his dreams during the day, he made our world. Without him electricity would cost hundreds of dollars a kilowatt using DC energy and our world would not be modern by any means.

What do you want to be remember for? What dreams can you dig deep down to remember that you let others convince you were never going to manifest?

Do you know who Colonel Harland David Sanders is? You might know him better as the guy who created Kentucky Fried Chicken. His entire life he wanted to be a cook and he knew he has a family recipe that everyone loved. Everyone said it was too risky so he worked a job he hated until he retired. Finally at the age of 65 he decided to follow his dreams. He built his first Kentucky Fried Chicken and it was a major success. Before he died in 1980 Kentucky Fried Chicken was known to everyone.

Do you see the pattern? All of these people have 3 major things in common. 1) They had a dream and looked within themsleves to find what it really was. 2) At some point in their lives they made it happen, some took longer than others but they all made a huge impact on the world. 3) They all failed, miserably, were cheated out of their time and money, and had to get back up over and over and over before they were remembered.

People are like icebergs, the world espcially in the West only sees the 10% success and not the 90% effort and endless failure. Even Bill Gates started in his mother's basement.

Oh and if you don't have an education or dropped out of school know this. I dropped out of high school in 11th grade on the first day when I said to myself, I can learn more on my own than this place could ever teach me. I got my GED in college, got 40 credtis which is about 10 classes over a 10 year period. I have no degree I picked classes that I loved to gain knowledge and left with that knowledge.

Now if you know about most people who succeed in their dreams they tend to follow a different path. Many of them dropped out of high school and college to take the risk and follow their dreams. You don't owe anyone anything. Remove the toxic people, and go into self introspection for as long as you can. The longest I could go was 3 years single and unsitracted by negative people but for me, my greatest fear was never getting married and having a family because my family was destroyed by my evil father I wanted to impart the love on my future children he never did on me and my brother. (I'm still single btw, because I won't settle for anything less than a relationship where two people uplift each other and I still haven't chosen to go on a single date yet because my intuition is so much stronger and healthier now and I know a relationship could throw my dreams off my hurting me emotionally and I haven't built that part of my strength back up yet, so even though I fear loneliness and never having a family, am already 37, I am still remaining single and not dating in order to make sure I am truly ready. I know the Universe will cross my path with the right person at the right time if that is what I need in this life rather than what I want.)

When you search yourself deeply you subconscious will reveal to your conscious mind what your dreams really are then you need to reinforce them by watching positive uplifting videos every day, tell yourself failure is ok. you can take 10 stepsback and 2 steps forward and you succeeded because you got back up. As long as you do that you will win in the end. Pm me if you would like to continue to talk and I'll do my best to prove this point to you with videos I have started collecting combined with my own life trauma and how I am fighting it every day.

You're a fighter not a loser, you never would of posted here otherwise. Believe in you and one word of caution, as you begin to succeed you will find the negative people will come out, the narcissists, sociopaths and functional psychopaths. Most people are here because they care too much and feel hopeless. Their hearts are too big and the 3 mentioned above, when you start being successful will be there to try and ruin you. As long as you can keep them from being around you or block them out with your will power you will pass that stage and like attracts like, you will begin to see others like you become your friends and we are who we surround ourselves with.

"The bravest sight in the world is to see a great man or woman struggling against adversity." - Seneca , 2000+ years ago.

Thank you for your inspiration by showing up in this thread. It proves without a doubt you have greatness within you and are a good man or woman.

Send me a pm and we will talk more and I will send you some very inspirational material that will help you recover as someone has helped me recover. I'll also explain human biology and how the brain works to try to help you break the habits of reinforcing your negative thoughts. I can't promise you success, I can only promise you that if you are willing to fight for yourself and have the courage to get back up which I know you do that you will be happy in life and the universe will provide for you what you need not necessarily what you want.

I am seeing this massive ripple affect. Only a mouth ago I came here to leave this world, it was a friend of mine who introduced me to Stoic Philosophy that saved my life. Now I am trying to pass on this knowledge to as many people as possible in the hopes it does the same for them and so far I have made one new wonderful friend on this site who has the same potential as you and they are realizing it which I am so proud of them for. We are all either failures or losers, clearly you're a failure like me, and we're in good company I promise you. Every man or woman who ever did a thing worth a damn in this world failed countless times.

Take care Morphosis, I know I'll hear from you.
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Sep 22, 2019
Tried to pm you but can't, saw the line through your name and really hope you're ok? You're an incredible person :heart:
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Feb 2, 2019
Tried to pm you but can't, saw the line through your name and really hope you're ok? You're an incredible person :heart:
I've been an advocator for Stoicism and have posted various presentations about it, and I have to say that the above videos posted by the OP are excellent.

Any idea what happened to the OP? Perhaps self-banned and taking on the World?
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Sep 22, 2019
I've been an advocator for Stoicism and have posted various presentations about it, and I have to say that the above videos posted by the OP are excellent.

Any idea what happened to the OP? Perhaps self-banned and taking on the World?
No idea what happened, just really hope he/ she is OK and will be back!
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Feb 2, 2019
No idea what happened, just really hope he/ she is OK and will be back!
I just checked Dimension369963 profile, what is really odd is that the name is grayed out and striked-through, but according to the profile, this member was last seen was today (July 22, 2020) at 12:20 a.m. How does that happen?


Sep 22, 2019
I just checked Dimension369963 profile, what is really odd is that the name is grayed out and striked-through, but according to the profile, this member was last seen was today (July 22, 2020) at 12:20 a.m. How does that happen?
Yes I noticed that too, only when I checked it said last seen 5.20am.... probably time difference depending on where we are in the world. I've seen members online here before where the account has a line through it, but I've no idea how that works. Maybe self-banned but still signing in to the account?


Feb 2, 2019
but I've no idea how that works. Maybe self-banned but still signing in to the account?
I don't think this is possible. I'm guessing the OP literally self-banned today, July 22 2020 right after this post.


Sep 22, 2019
I don't think this is possible. I'm guessing the OP literally self-banned today, July 22 2020 right after this post.
Yeah could be the case. I always wondered how it was possible, I have a bit at the bottom of the home page that shows which members are online and have seen accounts with a line through the name, apparently online and reading threads. If they hadn't signed in surely they would just appear as a guest? Puzzling!


Feb 2, 2019
The Universe had another path for me, but I was unwise and stubborn. I didn't listen. Each time I didn't listen, each time I walked further from my true path in life, the Universe sent a harsher lesson.
I read this again, and it certainly is inspirational.

My question is: what are the clues from the universe that it is best for one to ctb? Stoicism is a great philosophy to deal with the slings and arrows of life, certainly as shown by the OP. Stoicism does allow for the rational suicide, so what then would be signs that one's path leads to a rope, a shotgun, or a bottle of N?
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Living sucks

Forced out of life before I wanted to leave
Mar 27, 2020
It has to be a mod ban to happen in that time frame. Self ban takes 48 hours. maybe someone reported it as prolife? Maybe a pm caused it? Can never know

he wanted to ctb but was sending videos of how to manage life and overcome fears so it was a bit contradictory.
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Jan 7, 2019
A friend of mine thought as you do, that you can will anything to be, will anything to happen. He died of a heroin overdose in September.


everything will be okay in the end
Jul 14, 2022
id like to bump this post for others to see
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