What is your status with regard to aggressively pushed clot shots?

  • I am pureblood - proudly UNvaccinated

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • I got myself vaccinated eagerly and willingly

    Votes: 7 46.7%
  • I submitted to injections under duress, feeling that I had no other choice

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters


Feb 7, 2023
It is now almost-full 3 y since the Great Evil of fearmongering, lockdowns and medical tyranny engulfed our poor planet. Most people now act like the 'demic is over, everything is back to normal, yadda yadda - but what about the catastrophic damage that has been done which so many won't even acknowledge? I argue that a reckoning must be made, and those who have trampled over our principles of bodily autonomy must be held to account.

I am a proud pureblood, and I have defied all of the scamdemic measures from day 0. For me it was always a matter of principle, rather than science or anything else. Just for the sake of philosophical argument, suppose for the moment that the official narrative was correct on the facts: really deadly virus, and their response measures were the right way to save millions of lives - but so what? I disagree with their fundamental premise: they argue that life is precious and that saving lives is the highest goal, whereas I disagree. I believe that our poor planet is way overpopulated, that the total value of life is often a net negative, and thus saving lives is the wrong thing to do - any time a deadly virus comes around (suppose the next one will be truly deadly, not like the weak pathetic bioweapon from Wuhan), what we as a global society should do is not save lives, but let nature take its course, let Mother Gaia clear Her bosom from excessive human load.

Very early on, right at the beginning before holes and lies in the official "science" became obvious, I took the official narrative at face value but flipped the value premise: I will not allow anyone to save my life against my will! At the very beginning of the scamdemic, in late March and early April of 2020, there were lockdown critics who took their stand for personal liberty, typically on the basis of virus denial rather than on the basis of a Right to Die, and I clearly remember what the pro-lockdown crowd was yelling back at them. The latter crowd yelled "you, who now go around spreading the virus while demanding your liberty, let's see how you will be asking for liberty when you are on a ventilator breathing 120% oxygen" etc. I read that shit online, and I immediately made my decision right then and there that I will never allow anyone to save my life through hospitalization or any other such measures. I decided right then and there that if the virus is real, if indeed it is as deadly as the official narrative said, then so be it - quality of life is a higher value to me than quantity, and if some people have to die by way of viruses and whatnot in order for the rest to live a life of freedom, then so be it. And I decided right then and there that if I draw the short straw, if I have to be one of those chosen by the Fates to die from the virus so that the world can live in freedom without lockdowns, then it must be so - in that case I would have died a natural death, presumably from untreated Covid, while actively refusing any and all treatment or hospitalization. And yes, I thought about how I would resist forced hospitalization and treatment for the big C, with the fuckers trying to forcibly save my life against my will - unfortunately I don't have a gun, but I thought about barricading myself inside my second-story apartment (I have bars on windows, always had them) and piling all furniture inside against the door, to make it as difficult as possible for the Covidian police to bust in and forcibly ventilate me.

I did end up catching Covid in a way that could perhaps be classified as intentional: while the rest of the world around me locked down, I sought out whatever illegally-open venues and gathering groups I could find, and I patronized them. In late December of 2020, during Xmas time days before New Year, I got invited to an illegally-open "speakeasy" pub, and I eagerly went. I had a blast - we danced and we sang karaoke, without any facial condoms of course, while the world just outside locked themselves away and wore diapers on their faces. But a few days after I had that wonderful time, I came down sick. I refused to test of course, but my life partner (who came down sick a few days after me, confirming that I got the bug first and then passed it to her) and I concluded that it must have been the big C - it was significantly worse than the average flu, I was down for about 3 weeks, and my partner had that signature symptom of temporary loss of taste and smell. But we recovered entirely on our own, without any medical intervention whatsoever (and certainly no hospitalization) - and now whenever I tell my story of how I intentionally caught Covid and tried my best to die from it (by refusing testing and treatment), and people respond with "but you are still alive", I then respond with "yeah, unfortunately", in a disappointed tone of voice with emphasis on the unfortunate word.

And then came the vaccines - after I and my partner had our date with full-blast natural infection and came out fine. Needless to say, I will never, ever, ever willing allow anyone to inject me with that shit - I am not actively suicidal right now, but if someone were to forcibly or surreptitiously inject me with the dope, I would have no choice but to first kill the person who injected me, and then immediately kill myself before police arrive - there is absolutely nothing worlse in the world than being forced to live in a defiled and desecrated body.

And then came utter betrayal by my spiritual and metaphysical community. The username I chose for SaSu is no accident - I am in fact a priestess of neopagan religious faith. I've been on this path for 17 years now, I have studied several different neopagan traditions (Wicca, ADF, Asatru), and I am devoted to my patron Goddesses, of which there are several. I take my faith seriously, and I was quite active in the neopagan community as it existed before the Great Evil of 2020. But others in that community, those whom I previously revered and looked up to, my teachers - they all betrayed their own oaths to Goddess with their behavior in response to the scamdemic! When the tyranny first arrived, they all voluntarily complied, they all voluntarily shut themselves down - so despicable. There are very few neopagan groups that are big enough to operate an actual church, instead almost all groups meet in private homes - usually the home of the organizer-priestess, or whoever is able to act as a host. These are people's houses I am talking about here, not stores or businesses or formal churches, no government had any power to stop people from going to each other's homes and holding Goddess group meetings in defiance of tyranny - but the spineless, Goddess-betraying group leaders and organizers had complied voluntarily, usually accepting the whole narratives and the quantitarian value system behind it.

After running for a year and a quarter via Zoom, some groups started resuming physical gatherings in the spring of 2021 - but open only to those who allowed themselves to be injected with anti-spirit poison! This part is even worse than the lockdowns - at least the lockdowns were temporary, and if the pagan leaders' only crime were shutting themselves down for a year or two, then I would be open to potential reconciliation with them - but defiling your body and remaining in that mutilated state for the rest of your life - sorry, no, that's an irredeemable crime against Goddess.

There is also that little fact that I am a trans woman. Being a combination of both pureblood (meaning proudly unvaccinated) and transgender at the same time, I feel like a unicorn, the rarest creature there is - my situation appears to be a non-permitted combination in the present political divide. I am now officially unwelcome on both left and right sides of the political spectrum, at least in USA. The mainstream transgender community has rejected me because I am unvaxxed - they took the same despicable stance as the so-called leaders of neopagan community. But the anti-Covidian movement is dominated by Christians and similar "right-wing" philosophies who object to gender transition, so I am not welcome there either. I can see as clearly as a day now that both sides are lying through their teeth when they talk about bodily autonomy. The anti-Covidian crowd call themselves a movement for medical freedom, except that they don't believe in personal freedom to change your sex or even to abort an unwanted pregnancy. The left has been saying "my body, my choice" - but not when it comes to vaccines! What kind of bodily autonomy is it when "they" (the mainstream transgender community, the mainstream neopagan community) tell you to permanently and irreversibly alter your body for someone else's benefit?!

And so I am left wondering now if the only people in the world who truly believe in bodily autonomy are those who defend the right to suicide - and this path brings me to SaSu. Now just to be clear: even though I am a newbie to SaSu, just got approved to join a few days ago, I am not a novice to Right-to-Die philosophy in general. Many years ago, through obscure personal and family connections, I learned about ASH - as I understand it, the present SaSu community used to be on Reddit before getting booted from there in 2018, but apparently ASH was even earlier - when I first got introduced to the subject around 2005, there was no SaSu (at least not that I heard of), only ASH. I never participated in ASH, but I knew about that community, and I read their FAQs and "for public consumption" materials - and I always agreed with their fundamental philosophy, which was the same as current SaSu. And yes, I have had suicidal ideations myself at various points in my life, including around the beginning of the scamdemic when the betrayal by self-shut-down neopagan community (and they were already hinting to the effect of "we'll never give you your life back unless you submit to our vaccine") made the situation feel hopeless - and if I ever find myself in that place again, I would like to have this SaSu community as support.

But for now I would like to hear from others here how this community has weathered the storm of the past 3 years. The storm appears to be over and passed for now, but what about all of the damage that has been done? Are people here mostly purebloods like me, or mostly vaccine-injured folks? Or perhaps folks who took the vaxx but don't consider themselves to be damaged by it, or at least not yet?
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Feb 7, 2023
I just realized that I need to make an additional clarification regarding those poison injections that are called "vaccines". In the anti-Covidian community they are typically referred to as death shots or clot shots, but those people are pro-lifers, and my view differs. In my view, when someone gets the shots and they die afterward (blood clots, "died suddenly" etc), that death is the best possible outcome from those injections. Instead of fearing death, there are two other outcomes from injections which I consider to be far worse:

Bad outcome 1: There are people who have been paralyzed by their vaccine injury, or are in constant debilitating pain. Most folks in this community probably knows what can happen when someone tries to ctb by violent means (jumping, trains, guns etc) and fails - being forced to live the rest of your life as a vegetable, or in a wheelchair and in constant pain. Well, guess what - the same outcome sometimes happens with those poison injections, and unlike the typical Christians who dominate anti-Covidian discourse both online and offline, I consider this outcome to be far worse than death.

Bad outcome 2: Metaphysical damage to the person's sense of self - being forced to live with the knowledge that the holy temple of your body has been defiled and desecrated. According to legends, ancient Roman noblewoman Lucretia ctb'ed (took a dagger to her own heart) after she was raped, for precisely the reason I am outlining here - choosing death over living in a defiled and desecrated body.

In some ways Bad outcome 2 could be even worse than Bad outcome 1: if someone gets Bad outcome 1, they might qualify for officially sanctioned medical euthanasia, such as that controversial MAiD program in Canada - I know, it's a long stretch, but seems to be at least somewhat in the realm of possibility. But in the case of Bad outcome 2, there is no possible deliverance other than CTB by DIY means, with all of the usual problems of having to be all alone in it, having to fight your SI, all of the usual problems which our community knows all too well. It is on the basis of this reasoning that I make my conclusion: if someone has allowed their body to be defined and desecrated with those shots, then "died suddenly" is the best outcome one can hope for, rather than the worst.
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everything will be okay in the end
Jul 14, 2022
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Ancient of Mu-Mu
May 18, 2021
Sorry, but not sorry. F**k those who can be dismissive because they were lucky enough not to lose anyone who mattered. When death touches you personally, it gets very real, very fast.
I lost my uncle, who leaves a wife and 4 kids and My best (and pretty much only friend). They died alone and there were no goodbyes. It's as if they were erased from my life.
I have a lifelong auto immune condition which means that serious complications, death or just not being able to recover, are a real danger. I was convinced I would die. Suffocation is just not my bag, baby. So I got my affairs in order, prepaid for my cremation and said my goodbyes to my kids. In three years, I can't have left the solitude of my flat more than a few times.
Yes, I am always first in line when vaccines arrive and yes, I take every precaution because I refuse to beg anyone for a speck of consideration.
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Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
I held on for as long as I could. Didn't do my first until November 2021. I was forced into it, to keep a job. Got sick like a dog, with a headache on the left side of the head that still reappears sometimes, and a myocarditis that went away, but made moving around difficult for a month. Didn't get my second, and luckily, the mandate ended soon after.
I am not an anti-vaxxer. Like with the ctb and everything else, I am pro-choice. I am also of the opinion that it is nobody's obligation to risk their healthy immune system for the sake of others. I resented getting the vax on that ground.
However, per my spiritual beliefs, getting sick was not the result of the vaccine and whatever it had in it. It was brought about by fear and negative expectation. I am ok now.
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pleasant dreams for tired eyes
Mar 25, 2022
This is astoundingly cringy.
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A boring person.
Oct 27, 2021
In a recent call an online buddy reminded me of the phenomenon that a lot of people falsely assume what works for them will work for everyone else too. It might be worth keeping this in mind when bringing up strong opinions about something that caused a very wide range of different experiences among different groups of people
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I wouldn't say I got vaccinated willingly and happily. I had concerns. Still- it wasn't as bad as feeling under duress. I did it mainly because I knew I'd see my elderly parents at some point and I thought it would give them higher protection.

I actually lived alone and worked alone for years- so- it was less important for me. Still, now that I'm about to start a new job around other people, I'm glad I got it done.

I do actually understand why people feel so suspicious of it all. I don't trust our governments. Really- it just felt like a risk either way to me. I just erred on the side of caution in the end.

Incidentally- I do know someone who was so adamently against the whole thing who now sounds like she's had it for weeks. I just tried to avoid talking about it really.