
Aug 18, 2020
I just saw there was once a similar thread :( but it is not completely the same

My inner voice has no real tone. It does not sound like my real voice. But it resembles my actual voice due to the fact that it articulates similarly.

I love this Kafka quote. It influenced my stance on humility when we meet new people. But I am far away from being perfect. I am sometimes too judgemental.

"We are as forlorn as children lost in the woods. When you stand in front of me and look at me, what do you know of the griefs that are in me and what do I know of yours. And if I were to cast myself down before you and weep and tell you, what more would you know about me than you know about Hell when someone tells you it is hot and dreadful? For that reason alone we human beings ought to stand before one another as reverently, as reflectively, as lovingly, as we would before the entrance to Hell."

David Foster Wallace (who taught Kafka) has a similar quote.

"How odd I can have all this inside me and to you it's just words."

We just don't know how the consciousness of another human being feels like. I think DFW had a really torturing one. I think the same applies to me. DFW liked literature because good literature could make you feel as if you was in the head/mind of another human being. Reading DFW comforts me due to that fact. His pain and desperation really transpires in his texts. I recognize that I am not the only one in a mental hell. This is similar to when I read posts in this forum. I am not all alone with my agony.

I think my consciousness is different to the one of many average people. I am skilled in thoughtful thinking and really good in interpretations of texts. But in exchange for that I am a mess in some skills which are necessary for a normal life as a responsible citizen.

We never know in which hell another human being is. People who are against assisted suicide are too paternalistic due to that fact. They arrogate to judge about the suffering of people who live in agony since decades.

I think my consciousness is different to most sane/average people due to some facts. My thoughts are often racing (or at least really fast). My therapists gives me this feedback. When I am extremely depressed they can be extremely torturous and overwhelming. I once read the perfect description of it in Infinite Jest but I can't find the passage anymore. My thoughts are often associative. I think for that fact my language when I am speaking my native language can sound sometimes poetic. I sometimes get compliments for it.

I think my mind is quite obsessive. I barely have time when I am not obsessed by some thoughts or events. I need so much downers in order not to become manic. Of course only prescribed medication. I feel like I have a similar condtion to hypervigilance but I need to talk about it with my therapists. I ruminate and worry daily for hours. I am really obsessed with suicide. I feel cornered and my mind is really desperate that I cannot solve this problem.

I overanalyze many situations. In some instances this can be really helpful. You can seem to be very thougthful in front of other people. But the dark side is that it can also cause paranoia and psychosis.

There is something wrong with my mood regulation. But maybe this is too obivous I am bipolar. It is a real hell this disorder.

I am not fully satisfied with this description of my consciousness. It is really dense and very dark place. A very existential experience to fight against my probably unavoidable suicide. Very anxious and frightened. Increasingly desperate.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I like summoning the inner dialogue, it's good at calming and focusing; I just have nothing to think about, so I only have it running for thirty seconds or so at a time. Opposite of your problem with the racing thoughts, maybe. Really wish I could have stuff to think about, solve problems, etc.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It is just painful. That is all. Simply being conscious causes me to suffer a lot. Life is very unnecessary. I was perfectly fine not existing until I was forced to live. I look forward to non existence as at least then I will not be able to think or feel.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I love this Kafka quote.

"We are as forlorn as children lost in the woods. When you stand in front of me and look at me, what do you know of the griefs that are in me and what do I know of yours. And if I were to cast myself down before you and weep and tell you, what more would you know about me than you know about Hell when someone tells you it is hot and dreadful? For that reason alone we human beings ought to stand before one another as reverently, as reflectively, as lovingly, as we would before the entrance to Hell."

The quote says it all, really. Words are an inadequate means of describing our inner reality. I feel very sorry for those who have to try to make their therapists understand them.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
My inner voice sounds quite awful all it does it lob insults at me for every little thing I do or even don't do. Sometimes I'm the inner voice being shouted at by my outer self though and that's equally annoying. I think I've mentioned elsewhere that my consciousness feels split between two entities embodying equal amounts of hatred and spite for each other and the world they just go about it in slightly different ways. Either way I have no idea what to make of any of it and I'd rather just kill him before he gets the chance to kill me.
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Unlovable 💔 Rest in peace CommitSudoku 🤍
Mar 11, 2022
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Dec 14, 2021
you would think that in this harsh world that you would be 'on your side' that there would be no internal conflict of thought,
but this is not often the case..
The conditioning (brainwashing) of your younger years (school, the obtrusive media endlessly trying to sell you ideas & fashion
as though they were relevant) can leave you with fear, guilt, anxiety that can & will replay into exhaustion; one thought triggering the next....sometimes esculating into your internal dialogue becoming like a torture chamber of obtrusive thought.
I guess the ideal is to not have any conflict or shitty memories in your formative years, & doubt everything you hear...
interestingly, john lydon (the sex pistols) had a childhood illness which the unexpected side effect was, that he couldnt
remember anything from the first 7 years of his life..............& he turned out ok
sorry im rambling off the subject abit.......
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Sister of the Moon

Sister of the Moon

Dec 17, 2021
My consciousness torments me pretty much every waking hour, with thoughts and memories from the age of three to the present day. Mostly traumatic memories. Oh and then there's the replaying of every embarrassing moment and bad decision I've ever made. I have an inner monologue where I tell myself to do things like 'hmmm I think I'll make a cup of tea' etc. I worry about germs and contamination and can get very paranoid.

Thankfully there are times when it's more muted. It gets all full-on when I'm stressed by external triggers. I am fully capable of finding joy, peace and calm. It just takes a while to heal sometimes, and get there.
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kristallene Bergluft ĂĽber verfallener Gruft
Aug 20, 2019
My inner voice sounds like my speaking voice, though I can conciously change the voice I am thinking in.

As to what my conciousness feels like? Hard question, I'd say it is like a forest of thick leaves where every leaf is a sound, image, thought, smell or memory, all being thrown around chaotically by a storm gale, while there are occasional windows of clarity into a whirling, but comfortable storm grey sky.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I still remember when I had no voice and only thought about pictures ... I mean even though I have memories from before the age of two, it is just after the age of two that my life begins in a continuum of memories and experiences that come to the present.
I remember how easy it was to think about everything around me, without limits or barriers or conditions of any kind ...

As the years went by the words made a place in my head and they limited me more and more at the same time to think. When I'm very nervous or anxious and the OCD unleashes its fury I have a whole string of images mixed with horrible words ... but if I manage to calm down I like to think only with images, like when I was very young and didn't know much words. In fact, I often return to my most balanced state if I stop thinking about words and just think of pictures, even the most embarrassed areas of my mind regain their splendor and feel loved again, as if I did many years waiting for me saddened by my forgetfulness towards them.

Self-respect is everything and I often forget about it.

Encara m'enrecordo de quan no tenía veu i només pensava en imatges... vull dir que tot i que tinc records d'abans dels dos anys,és just a partir dels dos anys que la meva vida comença en un continu de records i vivéncies que arriba a l'actualitat.
M'enrecordo que senzill era pensar en tot el que m'envoltava, sense lĂ­mits ni barreres ni condicionants de cap tipus...

Segons van anar passant els anys les paraules es van fer un lloc al meu cap i cada cop em van limitar més alhora de pensar. Quant estic molt nerviós o ansiós i el TOC desferma la seva fúria tinc tot un reguitzell d'imatges barrejades amb paraules força horrible... però si aconsegueixo calmar-me m'agrada pensar només amb imatges, com quan era ben petit i no en sabía gaires paraules. De fet, moltes vegades torno al meu estat més equilibrat si deixo de pensar en paraules i només penso en imatges, inclòs les zones de la meva ment més avergonyides de si mateixes recuperen la seva lluentor i se senten altre cop estimades, com si fes molts anys que m'esperessin dolgudes pel meu oblit cap a elles.

El respecte cap a un mateix ho Ă©s tot i sovint me n'oblido.
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