

So desperate... so lost.
Aug 21, 2024
I have a terrible problem of not knowing where to start my posts, and even when I do, it's hard for me to continue my trail of thought. I've been trying to make lengthy texts in my text editor and then copy & paste them here. Usually I just lay out several unconnected phrases or sentences, and then try to connect, reorder and edit them. It takes me quite a long time for me to edit like this. How do you guys write your posts here, or texts in general? Do you make them longer/shorter?

(btw my parents are arguing about something in the hall again...)
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Most of the time I just write and post. I re-read longer posts that depends how complex it is what I wrote.
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sending love to cats
Apr 4, 2022
Most of my posts are written while I'm dead drunk
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I just write whatever comes to mind and usually that means I'm not thinking much at all when I do.
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Aug 25, 2024
With everything I write, I do it off the cuff with my thoughts flowing into the page like an uncapped well of useless ideas and various scenarios. Interspersed with the usual adjectives. Thinking I'm clever.

Than I have to go back, (OCD) and re-edit the damn thing 17 times before it's available for publication. Chopping bits out and replacing them with some semblance of coherent structure. Making sure there are no commas before the word and, and obscure rules like that, learned thirty years ago. Example: Writing this reply took about five minutes.
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
I just write them up in the reply box below every thread. I have a serious case of perfectionism, so it sometimes takes an embarrassing length of time even for the most idle of posts.

(I've been sitting on this one for more time than I'd ever admit, considering it's all of two sentences long.)
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So desperate... so lost.
Aug 21, 2024
Most of the time I just write and post. I re-read longer posts that depends how complex it is what I wrote.
I just write whatever comes to mind and usually that means I'm not thinking much at all when I do.

Man, I wish I could just write about my thoughts without overthinking.

Than I have to go back, (OCD) and re-edit the damn thing 17 times before it's available for publication. Chopping bits out and replacing them with some semblance of coherent structure.

Pretty similar actually, I don't have OCD though but I'm probably autistic.
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⦿ ⦿
Jul 31, 2023
I'm an underperforming perfectionist and as such, I often write and rewrite several drafts before posting. My posts tend to drift off topic as I go into details, so I trim down most of what I write. I want to be concise; using few words without losing the message. This means trimming details, looking up synonyms, rearranging sentences, and removing paragraphs that I managed to summarize in a single sentence. I also change my mind about what I want to say several times throughout this process. :ahhha:

And in the end, I post only half of what I write. I'm an opinionated person but am well aware that I shouldn't always voice my opinion, especially if I'm out of my depth on a topic. Sadly, this happens to be the case quite a lot. Nevertheless, I write down what I want to say as a means of voicing my thoughts. If what I write would contribute to the thread then I post it. If not, I let it die as a saved draft unless I revisit the thread later and change my mind.

Edit: yes, I'm jealous of people who manage to post their coherent thoughts on the first try.

Edit: yes, I'm jealous of people who can write their thoughts down coherently and post it right away.

Only if I think my post contributes

And in the end, I post only half of what I write. I'm aware that not everyone should voice their opinion, especially if you're out of your depth on the topic. This happens to apply to me quite a lot. Nevertheless, I write down what I want to say as a means of voicing my thoughts, and let it die as a draft.

Everyone should have an opinion, but not everyone should voice their opinion.

This means trimming details, looking up synonyms, rearranging sentences, and removing entire paragraphs that I managed to sumarize in a single sentence.

I change words, rearrange sentences, re

I'm an underperforming perfectionist and as such, I often write several drafts before posting. And even after several edits, I post about half of what I write, which means that a lot of saved drafts get lost in time. The reason I need to rework my text several times is because I tend to drift off topic as I ramble on and go into irrelevant details.

I'm an underperforming perfectionist and as such, I often write several drafts before posting. I post about half of what I write which means that a lot of saved drafts get lost in time. My posts also tend to drift off topic as I ramble on and go into details, so I trim down most of what I write. And when I rewrite the paragraphs, I ask myself the following questions. If the answer is no to any of the questions, I discard the post.

Does my post contribute to the thread?
Everyone has their own opinion. But that doesn't mean everyone should voice their opinion. I'm well aware that I am out of my depth on a lot of topics, so I stick to reading. I may still write something but not post it unless I change my mind.​
Do I want to involve myself with the thread?
  • Does my post contribute to the thread?
  • Does my post relate to the original thread post?
  • Do I even want to involve myself in this discussion?
I'm an underperforming perfectionist and as such, I often write several drafts for my posts.
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So desperate... so lost.
Aug 21, 2024

The drafts are very interesting to see, reassuring even. It seems like I go through a very similar process, except I don't cut out as much and don't archive most of my corrections.
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David Benatar Enjoyer
Apr 25, 2024
I read pretty much every thread or post on the "Suicide Discussion" no matter how long or short, but I tend only to comment maybe 1-3 times a day (recently), I usually don't want to spam out low quality generic comment. I only ever commenting when I feel a need to express my opinion. Usually My comments are wrote in about 10 minutes, and are about Maybe 80-120 words. So relatively thought out, but sometimes I just need to get my opinion across so I rush them, but I always make sure to re-read my comment For any grammatical errors, as I have a Weird anxiety over small spelling mistakes, and misused grammar. It might even be due to my ASD.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
I write whatever comes to mind, re-read my post, edit it a few times, and then come back more then 6 hours later and realize that I have a bunch of typos and grammatical errors in my post that I can't fix because the window for editing my post has closed. The way how my posts are written are just a reflection of my own inner dialogue, with me typing as fast as I think.

My posts are long if I have a lot to say and they are short if I don't have much to offer to the discussion. If I write something and read through it and feel like part of my post went off topic then I delete that part.

I'd say just write whatever comes to mind and don't overthink it. If you can't get your thoughts in order then you can just take a break and come back to your post later. That's what I usually do. Whatever you write can (and is usually automatically) saved anyway, so you can go back to where you left off.
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
I have a terrible problem of not knowing where to start my posts, and even when I do, it's hard for me to continue my trail of thought. I've been trying to make lengthy texts in my text editor and then copy & paste them here. Usually I just lay out several unconnected phrases or sentences, and then try to connect, reorder and edit them. It takes me quite a long time for me to edit like this. How do you guys write your posts here, or texts in general? Do you make them longer/shorter?

(btw my parents are arguing about something in the hall again...)
I do my diary entries here by starting with a timestamp and then I just write stream of consciousness. That can go on for hours depending on how much I feel like writing. Occasionally I write a poem on the fly, in which case I spend 4-5 minutes editing and thinking about it.


7:32 PM

Saw a post on SaSu and replied. Currently just typing away and answering the question. All is well and right with the world for the moment. I think dinner's being cooked right now.

When I'm discussing/debating stuff I just nail down what the other person is saying in my head, hit each point in a paragraph, then post. I occasionally clip sections that seem unnecessary.

Despite how incredibly clever I may seem (lol) I never write drafts outside of academic writing. If I start writing something and can't get my thoughts and ideas together how I want immediately I just delete it and don't bother.

And oftentimes I'll write up a giant public diary entry and then just relegate it to my private diary because it's embarrassing
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
@avoid -- Wow! A fellow perfectionist actually sharing their edits!

I love it.

  • Does my post contribute to the thread?
  • Does my post relate to the original thread post?
  • Do I even want to involve myself in this discussion?
Oooh I like these...
But let's see...
  • Making inane posts -- guilty.
  • Sidetracking other people's threads -- guilty.
  • Involving myself in a discussion, then waking up the next morning and thinking "WTF did I get involved in THAT ONE for" -- GUILTY.
(...maybe I'm violating two or more of these credos just by posting this comment... I'm going to take my chances...)
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
Translate in my head (the Google translate from my language to english makes me cringe), write text, edit a number of times, check and recheck spellings, post, reread, cringe at the mistakes and re-edit before the minute mark (I hate the last edited at: ** thingy at the bottom). I usually stick to short and to the point posts, not only the English barrier but I'm too mentally exhausted for longer texts.
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Trying To Live

Aug 18, 2024
With the help of google translate.
Or Basic knowledge from my head.



Jun 11, 2024
I usually start writing a post or reply on a whim.

Often, as I write, I slowly lose interest because I lose track of what I was going to say, or I start to wonder if it actually adds anything new to the discussion. More often than not, this is not really the case so I stop writing. Then I feel a sense of regret coming over me for having just spent half an hour in vain, so to make myself feel better I copy it into a note to post later. This, of course, never happens.

My visible posts here are just the tip of the iceberg!

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I just go for it. Then, re-read a bunch of times, post and realise I've still made a whole load of mistakes.

Sometimes, I'll start replying to something and realise I haven't got anything really to say so, abandon it.

Really though, I think the majority of people are pretty forgiving on the quality of writing. Some people do create incredible, almost poetic posts. Others, really well thought out arguments.

I think there's a mutual understanding though that a lot of us are in states of turmoil. Our thoughts may well be all over the place, so I think it can be forgiven that our writing could be too.


Careless Soul « MtF »
Nov 13, 2023
For me it really depends for what reason I'm writing. If it's a general vent about me being unfit for society or me making an off topic post/poll then I usually just sit there and articulate my thoughts properly in order. I'm a writer and I know English well so it's of no issue for me but when I instead post to vent, especially when I'm having a breakdown it becomes harder to write stuff, I try to make sense with things but sometimes it becomes hard. Looking at what you wrote it may be rather a concern about writing in general than posts here. Although I must admit that at first I took some time to learn what tone and wording to use for my posts. ❤️


death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I just write what's on my mind, that's it. I don't bother proofreading what I wrote


Hypomania go brrr
Apr 5, 2023
I repeatedly smash my head against a wall until words
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Man, I wish I could just write about my thoughts without overthinking.
All my overthinking is done outside of this site so by the time I'm online I'm usually unable to think much at all. That's how I do it at least.