For me it's trying to unlearn all of the negative conditioning that my abusive partner has filled me with over more than seven years.
I only realized that I'm in a situation of domestic violence about eight months ago.
It's been said that the first step toward wisdom is calling things by their right names.
But it's hard to accept the kind affirmations from others that I'm a nice, reasonable, gentle person when inside I'm fully immersed in thinking I'm a horrible person, an embarrassment, someone nobody likes and people are scared of me ... as my partner of 20+ years insists.
I'm trying to accept compliments again, without sloughing them off.
I'm trying to accept my failures, that they've not been made intentionally but are just things that happen.
I'm trying to muster the courage to interact with people and conquer the fear that they will hate me and punish me for any infraction
I'm trying to look for ways to find humor in my mistakes, and realize they're not the end of the world
I'm trying to counter the inner voice that the world would be better off without me, and everyone would be happier
I'm trying to acknowledge that others - maybe not many, but even if it's just a couple of people, see me as valued, relevant, welcomed... instead of the irrelevant, unwanted, unneeded person that I feel I am
I'm trying...
It is a struggle and I know I can be needing of reassurance and kindness, and that I spend a lot of time apologizing for being the way I am.
Sorry for that! (Heh heh, yeah I know, it just kind of comes out...)
I acknowledge these facts, and calling it what it is has helped. It's made me feel less ownership of my struggle, but more in control, if that makes sense? Like a driver sliding on an icy street - I know it's not my fault the vehicle is moving in an unhealthy way, but if I'm judicious about steering, brakes and throttle I can continue on my way. It's not my fault at this moment.
Sorry for the long reply.
But you can do this!
It's worth trying...