

life is a highway and i wanna wreck my car
Jun 24, 2023
I just don't have the will to do chores. Barely brush my teeth. How do you push yourself to clean, guys? I don't want to make a mess of my place but I already have a collection of beer and water bottles and takeout packages.
I'm afraid it's going to be a huge problem in a few weeks. I already had mold issues before when I had to clean out basically all the fridge. But I just can't right now.

I consider calling a cleaning company, but maybe there are methods you guys use to keep the hygiene?
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Jul 22, 2024
yea brushing my teeth was an issue as well but at some point ur breath simply stinks, u wouldnt notice it half of the time but sometimes u do

plus even if u wanna ctb (or not), you might wanna maintain your teeth while you're still alive

wouldn't wanna suffer every single day until your ctb date bc there's something w ur teeth

other than that i did some easy cleaning, nothing major

threw the trash bags out every once in a while, same w the other mess (eg beer cans etcetc)

opening a window and keeping it open does a wonderful job as well

tldr; it aint easy to keep it clean, but at some point it must start to bother you, no matter how shit u feel
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Perhaps I'll be important when I'm long gone?
Feb 27, 2024
OCD. Very house proud. Keeping myself busy keeps my mind busy. The longer I'm doing something, the longer I am distracted by the shitty thoughts - they don't disappear, but are less intense - and that is positive. I can't stand mess, it makes my skin crawl, and I am the type not to sit on my bum all day (I literally can't), I have to do something. Probably because my thoughts race.

It takes time to build it up as you struggle with it. Start by doing things gradually - would a list help? Pat yourself on the back for the small things (which are actually HUGE). Getting out of bed is massive when you feel so crappy.

Put a post it note on a mirror or something? Just a thought

Try not to be so hard on yourself. It is so hard when you have poor mental health!

Be kind to yourself. Baby steps. One day at a time. You will get there


Nov 13, 2021
I just don't have the will to do chores. Barely brush my teeth. How do you push yourself to clean, guys? I don't want to make a mess of my place but I already have a collection of beer and water bottles and takeout packages.
I'm afraid it's going to be a huge problem in a few weeks. I already had mold issues before when I had to clean out basically all the fridge. But I just can't right now.

I consider calling a cleaning company, but maybe there are methods you guys use to keep the hygiene?
I brush my teeth 2 times a day, sometimes even 3. It's a habit and I couldn't imagine going without it. I had braces so I feel an extra need to take care of my teeth since they were so expensive. As far as chores, it truly depends. Sometimes I have motivation and I can clean a room and make it look great, other times, not really. I never let it get super bad because I hate how a dirty house and dirty room looks, plus it attracts bugs, so I make sure to keep somewhat clean, although it's not always spick and span


Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
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Jan 1, 2024
I have my mom help me 😂
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Jun 30, 2024
When I'm in deep on a bed rotting episode everything turns to chaos, I'd often hire a cleaning service that could take care of it and it also made me socially pressured to get out of the bed and take a shower/brush my teeth to welcome them in.
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Peace, Love, Empathy
Feb 27, 2024
i don't have much else to do. nobody to talk to most of the time, insomnia, im just kinda up. so when i get restless I'll start organizing. it also helps to meet yourself where you're at,,, exhausted after gathering the trash to take it out and feel like you need to sit? sit. for as long as you need and do something else when you get another burst of energy. better to have five effective minutes of cleaning than thirty of dragging yourself through it. i take a lot of naps for this reason.

showering and brushing my teeth are a serious challenge though, so. can't speak to those.
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flower, water
Jun 20, 2024
I... don't. I often have endless bags of takeouts too. For now just throw those away and call it a day that's good enough. Just relax it's ok.

I think an easy tip that might help is I use a soft straw broom you know those South East Asian ones to sweep hard floors for upkeep I find it less tiring than vacuum. I only vacuum once every fortnight. And if you can do get help, you can probably find an independent cleaner via local Facebook groups.

I have no pet and keep all body hair shaved just bc I hate cleaning hair. In the shower I catch and comb out hair stick them on the wall and use toilet paper to gather and throw them in the bin after I'm done. Spray and wipe toilet after use. These are what I do to reduce the need to clean toilet and shower, most hated tasks.
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Jul 8, 2023
I have heard that wearing shoes in the house makes you more productive, because it makes you feel like you are at work and need to get things done. And you're less likely to lie in bed or on the couch You could try buying a cheap, brand new pair of shoes that you only wear indoors, so they don't get your house all dirty.

Or adderall.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I'm ok with personal hygiene but I detest cleaning and really, anything domestic. When I really have to do it, I put on music in the background. I find those biodegradable wipes you can get better sometimes than faffing about with sponges. Plus, I bought a robot vacuum cleaner. Not as thorough as proper hoovering but, better than nothing.
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Apr 2, 2023
I literally don't lmao, ain't cleaned in... I've thrown shit in a trash bag here and there but haven't cleaned significantly in over a month lmao, I brushed my teeth tonight, with toothpaste, first time in probably years, I'll brush with just water cuz I usually can't be bothered to do even that much lol


Jul 24, 2018
Hi @enduringwinter, sorry if this is a dumb question, but I've never actually gotten into Facebook much, since I have no life and nothing to post, and I was wondering if you would mind elaborating on finding an independent cleaner "via local Facebook groups"? Like did you find a cleaner that way? And what types of local Facebook groups would you recommend that I join?

Thank you very much for whatever help you can provide on this topic. I'm kind of desperate for an affordable cleaner due to my health issues (I used to have one but she moved away) so whatever information you can provide would be greatly appreciated! :)


Nov 23, 2023
I hate showering and brushing my teeth, but I still take good care of my hygiene. It's not like I have a choice, the suffering of getting dirty are much worse than the suffering to take care of myself.
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flower, water
Jun 20, 2024
Hi @enduringwinter, sorry if this is a dumb question, but I've never actually gotten into Facebook much, since I have no life and nothing to post, and I was wondering if you would mind elaborating on finding an independent cleaner "via local Facebook groups"? Like did you find a cleaner that way? And what types of local Facebook groups would you recommend that I join?

Thank you very much for whatever help you can provide on this topic. I'm kind of desperate for an affordable cleaner due to my health issues (I used to have one but she moved away) so whatever information you can provide would be greatly appreciated! :)
Facebook has a thing called groups, kinda like subreddits, could be public or private. Just make an account and search for groups in your area, like, "Residents of (name of your area)". Click request to join and once you're in you can make a post saying you're looking for a cleaner.
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Jul 24, 2018
Facebook has a thing called groups, kinda like subreddits, could be public or private. Just make an account and search for groups in your area, like, "Residents of (name of your area)". Click request to join and once you're in you can make a post saying you're looking for a cleaner.
Oh, okay. I had no idea that there were groups like that! I'm going to look for one.

Thank you so much tor your help! I really appreciate it :)
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