

I go on holidays by mistake
May 4, 2020
I'm in the UK, England specifically and today is the first day I've really gotten angry about the way the Government has handled it all. It's been brewing but I try to keep my temper now I'm of an age if I hit a door I'll likely break 7 bones.

We've just become the worst hit for deaths despite lagging behind others in when the outbreak began.

From the very beginning Boris and his bumbling bunch of buffoons have been inept, when Italy was in pure chaos, we were all politely told to wash our hands and sing happy birthday. Lockdown was encouraged far too late, businesses were told to close far too late, football matches were going on, Pubs were told to stay open until told, flights in and outbound weren't monitored nor stopped, our cretinous floppy haired clown of a Prime Minister was out doing his Sir Bernard Chumley impression shaking everyone's hand which of course lead to him being the first big leader to become seriously ill, to which someone even more incompetent stepped up, and when he couldn't hack it he sent in a woman with all the political nous of a yoghurt to babble her way through. It's been a shambles from the start and there doesn't seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel. Just bad news after bad news, a lot of which could have been avoided with a better parliament, or at the very least just not a halfwit best known for rugby tackling people in a football match, getting stuck in things, falling over things, or falling into things.

30,000 dead and counting, who knows how many more, who knows how many will take their own lives due to losing their job, or their business or their house. Care homes decimated due to lack of PPE, even for NHS staff. I genuinely don't think they could have done a worse job if they tried and I hope they realise they've got blood on their hands. I genuinely feel sadness for all the people that have put their life into starting a business only to watch it fall apart due to the sheer inpeptitude of a Tory government - and they have form for this as anyone who was around with Thatcher will know.

All the while the media ask them the same inane questions that have been palmed off already, and distract the idiots away from how bad the government is doing with tales of gutsy old men walking around their lawn to raise money for a publicly funded service we all pay fecking taxes for, or clapping on doorsteps for the same NHS staff the wankers voted against giving a decent wage, even cheering when the result was announced. Despicable bunch of bastards.

So... How is your country doing? Surely unless you have a certain Donald involved, it can't possibly be any worse than wheezy Worzel. Feel free to rant, I could quite happily tear Johnson or Goves head off right now and bang pans on them on Thursday night. Fuck it, get me a pint of Donalds Dettol and one of them syringes they impregnate Cows with and I'll fill the pair of them up like Lola Ferraris tits.
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Apr 25, 2020
Well said. We watched from Ireland in horror as it unfolded in UK. Being so close .

I'm no fan of our government, but in this they did seem to cop on fairly quick. The biggest thing was cancelling paddys day. Don't think that ever happened before and that would have been a disaster for infections.

They were a bit slower in closing the pubs, but it did happen soon after that with full lockdown following.

They're doing ok, I mean they weren't under any illusions that this would somehow pass us by. I'm not in touch with many people so this just my opinion. For something as unprecedented they didn't fuck about although obviously playing catch up like everyone else.

They're easing the lockdown in stages starting today so we've yet to see what that will bring


I go on holidays by mistake
May 4, 2020
Well said. We watched from Ireland in horror as it unfolded in UK. Being so close .

I'm no fan of our government, but in this they did seem to cop on fairly quick. The biggest thing was cancelling paddys day. Don't think that ever happened before and that would have been a disaster for infections.

They were a bit slower in closing the pubs, but it did happen soon after that with full lockdown following.

They're doing ok, I mean they weren't under any illusions that this would somehow pass us by. I'm not in touch with many people so this just my opinion. For something as unprecedented they didn't fuck about although obviously playing catch up like everyone else.

They're easing the lockdown in stages starting today so we've yet to see what that will bring
Yeah I've been impressed by how Ireland are doing, not so much Norn Iron but then they're under the wing of Bozo, but they're still doing much much better than us. It's amazing how much a properly prepared government can achieve, it likely helped looking over the neighbours fence and seeing how terribly dingbat and his cronies were handling it.

I was away in Scarborough when it all really kicked off, on a little break, and I was baffled even then why all the shops and pubs were open, the hotel I was in changed diddly squat other than put a few photocopies up advising hand washing. I couldn't believe how blasé they were being, when the news is filled with the clusterfuck Italy were going though. How did they not see what was coming? It honestly baffles me. I'm glad I I didn't vote Tory or I'd feel ashamed for letting them in again. As well as all the backward 'dry terk arrr jawbs' arseholes that voted for Brexit, meaning trained staff we need right now can't come or they buggered off after being made unwelcome. Alanis Morrissette and her spoons would be all over that irony.
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existence is futile
Jul 10, 2019
ain't read everything, too much rum, but UK here , the UK sucks, it has made the biggest mistake, even more so then the so called brexit stuff! We are screwed, society is screwed, the next generation are ruined simple as
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Apr 25, 2020
I think it was seeing Italy that lit the fire here, our first ever known case was a young lad back from Italy, he'd already been back to school so out and about in the community. There was no denying it then it was happening for sure


existence is futile
Jul 10, 2019
Ill be honest and say I dont vote, for that reason alone i refuse to have a official opionion on UK politics, I have no right for a start. Also no matter who you vote for, that party is going to screw the country over in one way or another. Its bullshit, all bullshit


I go on holidays by mistake
May 4, 2020
ain't read everything, too much rum, but UK here , the UK sucks, it has made the biggest mistake, even more so then the so called brexit stuff! We are screwed, society is screwed, the next generation are ruined simple as
you're so right, it'll take years for the aftershock of what's happening now to dissipate, and that's assuming we don't get a worse second wave in winter. I can't help feel that my generation has failed the younger one by allowing the tory slime to govern. People my age and older should have known better after Thatcher and Major. But then when Corbyn is the only threat I can see why people didn't have faith in him. Starmer would have trounced Johnstone.
I think it was seeing Italy that lit the fire here, our first ever known case was a young lad back from Italy, he'd already been back to school so out and about in the community. There was no denying it then it was happening for sure

I can remember our first case, some guy who'd flown in and managed to galavant across the country before being tested. It was blindingly obvious Heathrow would be the epicentre, yet they allowed (allegedly) over 7,000 inbound flights in before doing anything, despite the warnings. Sickens me how they could be so lackadaisical talking about herd immunity. Then to see the English press celebrating the cretin getting better when he's indirectly responsible for sooo many deaths. Wouldn't surprise me at all to find out in years to come there was nothing wrong with him and it was all sympathy PR exercise.

Anyway enough ranting from me or I'll have to go find something to kick. I'm off to lift some weights in my home gym (wooden shed) - I'm training to beat Thor from Game of thrones 501kg record, I've only got 420kg more to master, should be there by 2038 and I've grown 9 inches and put on 20 stone - doable.

Night all. :)
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Green Destiny

Green Destiny

Life isn't worth the trouble.
Nov 16, 2019
No comment. - U.S.A.
  • Aww..
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I go on holidays by mistake
May 4, 2020
No comment. - U.S.A.
If it helps I genuinely feel for the sane people in America, I know they exist as I'm mates with a few. The lunatic fringe really are taking over the asylum it seems though, egged on my King Loon. Must be cringeworthy for intelligent Americans to have to watch those inbreds act like neanderthals. I saw one earlier with a placard saying Covid19 is a lie, while wearing a face mask. Smh.
Green Destiny

Green Destiny

Life isn't worth the trouble.
Nov 16, 2019
If it helps I genuinely feel for the sane people in America, I know they exist as I'm mates with a few. The lunatic fringe really are taking over the asylum it seems though, egged on my King Loon. Must be cringeworthy for intelligent Americans to have to watch those inbreds act like neanderthals. I saw one earlier with a placard saying Covid19 is a lie, while wearing a face mask. Smh.
I'm far from the smartest person from the U.S, but I do have the common sense to know that people using time and energy to protest and yell at First responders, health care workers, doctors and nurses who have given their lives and energy to combat a virus outbreak that wasn't handled properly should be ashamed and not consider themselves human.


I go on holidays by mistake
May 4, 2020
I'm far from the smartest person from the U.S, but I do have the common sense to know that people using time and energy to protest and yell at First responders, health care workers, doctors and nurses who have given their lives and energy to combat a virus outbreak that wasn't handled properly should be ashamed and not consider themselves human.
Totally agreed, we've had them here too, crackpots setting fires to 5G towers then attacking those that come to help, morons spitting in the face of nurses and coppers saying they've got the virus. The absolute scum of society will always rise to the fore when the authorities are busy doing more important things. It's a bloody shame the virus isn't bioengineered to only wipe out the most ignorant and vile people on the planet, I'd actually sit back and enjoy that.

I'm really glad we don't have a gun culture though, I dread to think what chaos would be going on here now if we did. Some woman went postal in Wales earlier today, randomly stabbing 4/5 people in a supermarket, would have been a damn site worse if that knife were a gun.
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Feb 10, 2020
I fear for the future of Britain
We are governed by truly obnoxious people

I genuinely don't know why people have kids anymore
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I go on holidays by mistake
May 4, 2020
I fear for the future of Britain
We are governed by truly obnoxious people

I genuinely don't know why people have kids anymore
I've said that about kids since I was old enough to legally have one, it's a shitty country now and it wasn't much better 20 years ago. At least when I was 18 there were jobs floating about, places to rent or buy, Heroin hadn't really got its teeth into areas, guns were an American thing we saw on gangster films. Wasn't idyllic by any stretch but a long way from the horrorshow Britain became. People were still wankers, but they weren't such easily offended and socially inept wankers, there was a certain charm in their roughness. I look at my cousin now who's just turned 21 and he seems like a little boy, he's so naive and dependent on Instagram. Can barely get a grunt out of him. Poor kids gonna grow old in god knows what.
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Feb 10, 2020
Feels like we are part of some kind of experiment


Mar 29, 2020
who knows what on earth the UK are doing! It's awful.


Jul 2, 2018
I'm from Norway, and our government "closed down" the country on the 12th of Mars. Being a wealthy country (oil), we had the opportunity to work from home, and when a huge amount of people lost their jobs, they were giving access to our social welfare system pretty fast. Norwegians are not really extrovert, and holding distance is more common here. Schools, shops, cultural events, everything closed down (food stores were kept open) "We" also have high confidence in the government, so people followed the rules. The country is slowly opening up again, except for the border. We have 237 dead related to Covid- 19. Most of them were older people at nursing homes.

It's too early to conclude if this strategy was good. The rush of "negleted" pasients during the lockdown is our big concern now. Due to the strict restrictions, more people will die/ suffer, being isolated from their normal rehabilitation, operations and other serious health issues. Also our economy is really shitty now.
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Miss the full ability to think
Apr 24, 2020
I don't keep up with the news, or politics as much as I have been dealing with a lot of other issues..

From a personal perspective, living in the Netherlands, it doesn't feel like there is any serious lockdown going on and you can still see people walking around in the centre. While most establishments are taking measures into ensuring that no one gets infected, the entire country and its people at least at a first glance seem to be acting more leisurely towards the entire situation.

I heard in Sweden there isn't even an active lockdown going on.
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Jul 2, 2018
Norway and Sweden chose different strategies, and that's really rare, being so close in everything else. Norway like to think they "won" over Sweden, like "hahaha, this time we did better than you guys". The border to Sweden is "closed", meaning when you return, you need to go into a 2 weeks home isolation. Denmark, on the other hand, went for the same strategy as Norway, so it's easier to travel between the 2 countries. It's a very peculiar situation.
Lots of love to all of you.
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Fish Face

Apr 19, 2019
I'm far from the smartest person from the U.S, but I do have the common sense to know that people using time and energy to protest and yell at First responders, health care workers, doctors and nurses who have given their lives and energy to combat a virus outbreak that wasn't handled properly should be ashamed and not consider themselves human.
"I am far the smartest person in the the U.S.". You are Donald Trump. I win internet today. Oh, no that would take a degree of self-awareness and


May 30, 2020
So far its just all been overwhelming, especially knowing that theres been people in our systems that benefitted and profited off of making this situation worse, from the monopoly betting wars for the relief supplies we had to all those that used it to rile up conspiracy theories and sell their own brand of "medicine", and the countless other ways people have been using it for their own gain
Doesn't help with how many systemic issues seem to pile up in my country and never get resolved, then taking in consideration that the world as a whole has its own wealth of issues and I just can't help but feel as though this is just a symptom of a world close to breaking
I know there people unlike me who aren't giving up, and are trying to fix things, but it feels like its a matter of how much will break to finally give them a voice
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Feb 2, 2019
Also American. Our country didn't handle it. The Feds passed the buck to the states, some of which tried to do a good job, others didn't bother. And now we have mass protests. So much for mitigating the virus!
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Feb 22, 2020
I can understand now that the lookdown stopped and all this mass protests are being held we dont have a corona outbreak again. Here in Greece we had only arround 150 deaths . but now suddenly from the lockdown we are free to do everything again ,theaters ,protests ,clubs ,pubs, cafes , schools, i dont understand and makes me suspicious
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Apr 25, 2020
I can understand now that the lookdown stopped and all this mass protests are being held we dont have a corona outbreak again. Here in Greece we had only arround 150 deaths . but now suddenly from the lockdown we are free to do everything again ,theaters ,protests ,clubs ,pubs, cafes , schools, i dont understand and makes me suspicious

If/when? There's another outbreak second wave it will take about 2 weeks to show itself. That's why it spread so wide in the first place cause symptoms don't show for 10 to 14 days


Nov 8, 2018
Israel went nuclear about it!
It took a while to launch the plan. The first guy was found in the middle of nowhere, but he already infected some people before they hauled him God knows where for disinfecting.
Once that was shown to be a little too late, we were given some time to panic buy, and then the first lockdown came. About two weeks of dead cities. The only thing you could hear was ambulances.
If you dared exist outside during that time, you would be given a 5000 shekel fine and be hauled off for disinfecting and quarantine.
Some very basic services opened for a short while, and again - two weeks of dead cities. At some point there were some special "no going outside for any reason, including going to pick up meds" kind of lockdown. I lost my shit and ran to buy my meds without prescription. After some careful explanation that no sane or even insane man would attempt to take my meds at my dosage recreationally I managed to get an emergency kit.

I tried staying inside, but couldn't. Not for this long time. Spent quite a few days exploring the dead city and hiding from cops.
Somehow I wasn't snitched on. Maybe I was, it's just that cops don't like going to rich Jewish neighborhoods.

It's notably better than the shitshow going on in America, I gotta say.
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