

Disheartened Ghost
Oct 27, 2023
Fentanyl honestly sounds like such a nice peaceful way to go - I've had morphine before when I had kidney stones and hoo boy, I completely understand why people get addicted to the stuff.

The problem is doing the IV - how can people stand to inject themselves in the vein with a needle? Just imagining it is making me feel woozy, no way I could do it though I sincerely wish I could. I guess people with diabetes do it with insulin so you must just get used to it. Idk though


May 20, 2023
I assume people have to become addicted in order to tolerate the process or get rid of any fear when it comes to needles or intravenous drug use and the risks that come with it in general

I remember years ago while watching some shows/documentaries about addiction some scenes of how people were so used to it that they would even inject in the veins near the groin area I think it's called / near the pubic area usually because the other veins are very bad and are of risk of infection I assume

I can't imagine anyone doing it ever since watching Requiem of a Dream when I was younger and seeing Jared Leto's character get a terrible arm infection which resulted in a lot of pain and an amputation
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Jul 23, 2022
If they're long-time addicts abusing IV heroin or whatever they would have long habituated to the practice. Injecting yourself when you have never done so before is more challenging than people realize.
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Disheartened Ghost
Oct 27, 2023
I can't imagine anyone doing it ever since watching Requiem of a Dream when I was younger and seeing Jared Leto's character get a terrible arm infection which resulted in a lot of pain and an amputation
Yikes. That definitely doesn't help lol. I haven't seen Requiem for a Dream but I remember the part of Pulp Fiction where Uma Thurman gets stabbed with an injection of adrenaline (iirc) and I almost passed out lol

That makes sense though, like if you drink enough taking shots becomes less of a sickening experience
Injecting yourself when you have never done so before is more challenging than people realize.
I have no doubt. I can't even imagine being able to pull it off. Not to mention my veins are apparently hard to find (nurses usually have to try one arm, then the other arm, then the first one again lol)

I wish I could just pay someone to inject it for me, obviously not possible but one can dream
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