And how do you get your activity to stop in your head once you stop doing it? That would be good too.
Oh, by the way, if you mix different short-lived activities (reading, playing, watching TV, walking, studying) you can minimize intrusive thoughts, but it doesn't bother you to see things as a chore, rather than as a space of your own. recreation.
The bad thing about the technique I invented is that you don't end up doing anything seriously, meaning you don't get really involved and it generates a bit of low self-esteem. But it is better not to be obsessed with finishing everything you start and end up bursting with so much demanding that we put ourselves in doing things right.
I com aconseguir que l'activitat que facis s'aturi dins el teu cap un cop l'has deixat de fer?, això també fora bó.
Ah, per cert, si barrejes activitats diferents de curta durada (llegir, jugar, televisió, passejar, estudiar) pots minimitzar els pensaments introsius, però no sol·luciona que vegis les coses com una tasca a fer, més que com un espai propi d'esbarjo.
El dolent de la tècnica que em vaig inventar es que no acabes fent rés seriosament, es a dir que no t'impliques de debó i genera una mica de baixa autoestima. Però es millor que no obessionar-se en acabar tot el que comences i acabar rebentat de tant exigents que ens hi posem en fer les coses bé.