

she/her, terminally silly :3
Sep 10, 2024
i am objectively just bad and i deserve some kind of like punishment for it but i'm either too scared of it or i just don't have enough self control to force me to do it even i recognise i deserve it.

Like i could cut or something (which i tried once recently and it helped) but like i'm worried my parents will find it and worry about me more thus making me even worse of a person. I can't like stop eating or drinking or anything, or delete my social media or anything because i don't have that level of self control. I really wanna ctb but i don't have a reliable method yet. what the fuck do i do about this? how can i appropriately punish myself?

I wish i could find someone irl that would punish me tbh but idk where to do that or how or etc etc and like i barely leave the house and dont even have a car nor can i drive and idfk.
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Mirrory Me

Mirrory Me

"Life's a mirror, but 'whose' mirror?"
Mar 23, 2023
I wonder which body part people could cut off to not feel that way.


Jul 15, 2024
I have found that mere existence is often the worst punishment that can be endured.
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
I have found that mere existence is often the worst punishment that can be endured.
My thoughts as well...

You're active on a suicide forum, implying a great deal of suffering already happening... Perhaps it's fair to say you're already living out your penance.

I wonder which body part people could cut off to not feel that way.
I don't think it's possible to live without a brain. Or...... let me rethink that......
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Firstly, are you certain that you have done awful things and it's not you internalising what other people are trying to guilt in to believing?

Secondly, I don't think it's going to benefit them- however you decide to punish yourself. If they care about you, they will just worry about you more. I would think it would be better to profusely apologise for whatever it is you feel you've done wrong and do your best to not repeat the behaviour.
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Apr 15, 2024
I don't think it's possible to live without a brain. Or...... let me rethink that......
You can live without a cerebellum and other parts, but once the not brainstem is damaged, your consciousness ceases.
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she/her, terminally silly :3
Sep 10, 2024
Firstly, are you certain that you have done awful things and it's not you internalising what other people are trying to guilt in to believing?

Secondly, I don't think it's going to benefit them- however you decide to punish yourself. If they care about you, they will just worry about you more. I would think it would be better to profusely apologise for whatever it is you feel you've done wrong and do your best to not repeat the behaviour.
i am certain i am an awful person i constantly make them worry and bother them with my stupid attention seeking insane behaviour and last night i accused all my friends of secretly hating me and just pretending they dont just to like toy with me or something. only an awful person could say that after everything theyve done for me. then one of them reached out to me and i was just extremely fucking rude. all i do is hurt them and the worst thing is i just cant stop doing it like no matter what i try i just cant stop which is the worst bit. if i can recognise that its bad yet i just keep doing it that makes me like 50x worse, and this is a constant pattern. I either have such low level of self control so i cant stop it, which means i should just not be around anyone (yet i cant because i need to be with them for my life to have any meaning) and am dangerous, or i just enjoy causing harm to people deep down on some level in which case the same applies. yet i cannot bring myself to stay away from them. i keep making friends and keep contact with them despite hurting them all the time (well its never been as bad as this group) thus i am just objectively bad and i need someone to punish me or just to die.
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
The best punishment is community service. Hurting yourself doesn't do anything.

Your punishment is that you have to be good and patient to those around you, care for your community, and think of other's needs first.

It may sound silly, but that is the appropriate measure to take. It's not easy, and it's not getting off the hook. Basically hard labor.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
i am certain i am an awful person i constantly make them worry and bother them with my stupid attention seeking insane behaviour and last night i accused all my friends of secretly hating me and just pretending they dont just to like toy with me or something. only an awful person could say that after everything theyve done for me. then one of them reached out to me and i was just extremely fucking rude. all i do is hurt them and the worst thing is i just cant stop doing it like no matter what i try i just cant stop which is the worst bit. if i can recognise that its bad yet i just keep doing it that makes me like 50x worse, and this is a constant pattern. I either have such low level of self control so i cant stop it, which means i should just not be around anyone (yet i cant because i need to be with them for my life to have any meaning) and am dangerous, or i just enjoy causing harm to people deep down on some level in which case the same applies. yet i cannot bring myself to stay away from them. i keep making friends and keep contact with them despite hurting them all the time (well its never been as bad as this group) thus i am just objectively bad and i need someone to punish me or just to die.

I hate to sound so cliche and I'm not 100% sure I even believe in it myself but- have you ever spoken to a therapist or anyone about it? Clearly, it's something you want to change and you feel terrible about it when it happens but- you can't seem to change it by yourself. I'd hope that a good therapist could work out with you why you behave like it and- how to change it.

I guess the obvious thing to suggest would be to try and pause and think before you say something. If it's hurtful- why are you saying it? What is it you need? I don't know. I'm just trying to work out what I would do.

From what you've said, it sounds more to me like you're afraid that the people you need in your life may not like you as much as you like them. I think that's a common fear a lot of people have. Ultimately, I suppose it's fear of abandonment but again, I'm kind of guessing here.

Regardless though, I don't think getting in to self harm will prevent this behaviour. I think it would be more effective to figure out why you do it. What triggers it. Whether you can get what you need- reassurance or whatever a more gentle way.
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
@coolgal82 -- you have an illness, and the behaviour you're describing is a manifestation of that illness.

There is a difference between the action ("accusing all my friends of secretly hating me," etc. -- whatever "acting awful" looks like) and the label ("I'm an awful person"). One does not necessarily predicate the other, and I'd argue that this applies especially here because if you were truly an awful person, you wouldn't be experiencing all this guilt and feeling the need to punish yourself for it.

It's OK to reach out to them, walk it back if you have to, apologize, offer to make amends (or ask them what you can do to make it up to them), tell them you'll make a genuine effort going forward (without making any promises), and if it makes sense to do so, tell them how they can help you or how they can best respond/react to you if/when a situation happens again in the future.
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she/her, terminally silly :3
Sep 10, 2024
@coolgal82 -- you have an illness, and the behaviour you're describing is a manifestation of that illness.

There is a difference between the action ("accusing all my friends of secretly hating me," etc. -- whatever "acting awful" looks like) and the label ("I'm an awful person"). One does not necessarily predicate the other, and I'd argue that this applies especially here because if you were truly an awful person, you wouldn't be experiencing all this guilt and feeling the need to punish yourself for it.

It's OK to reach out to them, walk it back if you have to, apologize, offer to make amends (or ask them what you can do to make it up to them), tell them you'll make a genuine effort going forward (without making any promises), and if it makes sense to do so, tell them how they can help you or how they can best respond/react to you if/when a situation happens again in the future.
the thing is i do that all the time and yet i just keep hurting them, i say sorry and feel awful and just repeat the behaviour because idfk. i wanna say it feels like im not in control of my own brain but that sounds like im trying to avoid responsibility but like thats the only way i can describe it. and like maybe if i punished myself i'd be less awful but the thing is i don't yknow?
tbh i dont think its physically possible for me to ne a good person my brain just isnt like wired that way theres no changing it. i need to either die or never contact any other human being again and idfk how to do either. at this point im close to downing a few boxes of paracetamol and hoping for the 1% chance they actually kill me. i know they very likely wont but they could if i get lucky and take enough and maybe take some other stuff too.
I hate to sound so cliche and I'm not 100% sure I even believe in it myself but- have you ever spoken to a therapist or anyone about it? Clearly, it's something you want to change and you feel terrible about it when it happens but- you can't seem to change it by yourself. I'd hope that a good therapist could work out with you why you behave like it and- how to change it.

I guess the obvious thing to suggest would be to try and pause and think before you say something. If it's hurtful- why are you saying it? What is it you need? I don't know. I'm just trying to work out what I would do.

From what you've said, it sounds more to me like you're afraid that the people you need in your life may not like you as much as you like them. I think that's a common fear a lot of people have. Ultimately, I suppose it's fear of abandonment but again, I'm kind of guessing here.

Regardless though, I don't think getting in to self harm will prevent this behaviour. I think it would be more effective to figure out why you do it. What triggers it. Whether you can get what you need- reassurance or whatever a more gentle way.
also like ive tried therapy in the past, not for this specifically but fir general stuff, and it never lasts. the sessions always just end up being mostly silence because im too scared to say anything and idk what to say or whatever.
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
the thing is i do that all the time and yet i just keep hurting them, i say sorry and feel awful and just repeat the behaviour because idfk. i wanna say it feels like im not in control of my own brain but that sounds like im trying to avoid responsibility but like thats the only way i can describe it. and like maybe if i punished myself i'd be less awful but the thing is i don't yknow?
I'm really sorry you're in so much pain with this. It's palpable... I can feel it coming through in your words.

It's OK to attribute problematic behaviours to your illness (this is just the "why it's happening" of the situation) while also taking responsibility for it (this is the full-on apology including an acknowledgement of the behaviour and offering amends and effort towards doing better going forward).

Have you ever been to therapy for this or had a diagnosis or done your own research that identifies a potential diagnosis? It would help narrow down how to best approach this as far as trying to regain more self-control.

I hate to sound so cliche and I'm not 100% sure I even believe in it myself but- have you ever spoken to a therapist or anyone about it? Clearly, it's something you want to change and you feel terrible about it when it happens but- you can't seem to change it by yourself. I'd hope that a good therapist could work out with you why you behave like it and- how to change it.
^ Professional therapy of course could be an option. I've heard people have some success with ChatGPT. And there are a lot of mental health conditions that have self-guided courses online as far as adopting coping mechanisms and training/conditioning your brain to better handle them (eg. catching itself before an outburst happens).

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) comes to mind as having potential to help address the behaviours you're describing. DBT goes towards regaining control of your emotions (reducing their intensity, coping mechanisms for handling distress), grounding yourself in the moment (aka meditation or mindfulness, co-existing with your thoughts rather than dwelling on them, experiencing your feelings without judging them), and techniques for maintaining healthier interpersonal relationships (reducing volatility in relationships, ways to handle and cope with conflict).

If this doesn't sound appealing, then perhaps you could look at it as... a punishment...? (I'm kind of hesitant to frame any type of therapy as a punishment, but, I mean, "whatever it takes...")

For the part of your friends: They know you're ill, and they know this leads to outbursts on occasion. Yes, you are responsible for your own behaviour. However, on the other side of this, your friends are responsible for establishing their own boundaries as far as what behaviour they are able and willing to tolerate or withstand. It's up to them to balance your behaviours with those boundaries and then reconcile with whatever that (im)balance looks like, and then communicate what they need from you (if anything) in moving forward.

Another way you can look at this: What if it was one of your friends exhibiting this behaviour? Would you condemn them and want to cut them out of your life? Or would you have an understanding and try to make allowances for them, even if it's challenging to withstand at times? If they owned up to their behaviour and pledged to try to do better, would you reject them, or would you be more inclined to forgive them and ask how you can help?

Lastly, you tell yourself you're "avoiding responsibility..." I don't know about that. Everything you're telling us here, the need to punish yourself, the guilt coming across in your words to a point where I can literally feel some of your pain... This really isn't reading to me as "avoiding responsibility." It's more like you're saying, "I am responsible. What can I do about this?" ...which is one of the most responsible things somebody in your position can do.
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she/her, terminally silly :3
Sep 10, 2024
I'm really sorry you're in so much pain with this. It's palpable... I can feel it coming through in your words.

It's OK to attribute problematic behaviours to your illness (this is just the "why it's happening" of the situation) while also taking responsibility for it (this is the full-on apology including an acknowledgement of the behaviour and offering amends and effort towards doing better going forward).

Have you ever been to therapy for this or had a diagnosis or done your own research that identifies a potential diagnosis? It would help narrow down how to best approach this as far as trying to regain more self-control.

^ Professional therapy of course could be an option. I've heard people have some success with ChatGPT. And there are a lot of mental health conditions that have self-guided courses online as far as adopting coping mechanisms and training/conditioning your brain to better handle them (eg. catching itself before an outburst happens).

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) comes to mind as having potential to help address the behaviours you're describing. DBT goes towards regaining control of your emotions (reducing their intensity, coping mechanisms for handling distress), grounding yourself in the moment (aka meditation or mindfulness, co-existing with your thoughts rather than dwelling on them, experiencing your feelings without judging them), and techniques for maintaining healthier interpersonal relationships (reducing volatility in relationships, ways to handle and cope with conflict).

If this doesn't sound appealing, then perhaps you could look at it as... a punishment...? (I'm kind of hesitant to frame any type of therapy as a punishment, but, I mean, "whatever it takes...")

For the part of your friends: They know you're ill, and they know this leads to outbursts on occasion. Yes, you are responsible for your own behaviour. However, on the other side of this, your friends are responsible for establishing their own boundaries as far as what behaviour they are able and willing to tolerate or withstand. It's up to them to balance your behaviours with those boundaries and then reconcile with whatever that (im)balance looks like, and then communicate what they need from you (if anything) in moving forward.

Another way you can look at this: What if it was one of your friends exhibiting this behaviour? Would you condemn them and want to cut them out of your life? Or would you have an understanding and try to make allowances for them, even if it's challenging to withstand at times? If they owned up to their behaviour and pledged to try to do better, would you reject them, or would you be more inclined to forgive them and ask how you can help?

Lastly, you tell yourself you're "avoiding responsibility..." I don't know about that. Everything you're telling us here, the need to punish yourself, the guilt coming across in your words to a point where I can literally feel some of your pain... This really isn't reading to me as "avoiding responsibility." It's more like you're saying, "I am responsible. What can I do about this?" ...which is one of the most responsible things somebody in your position can do.
havent had anything diagnosed yet (well i have autism and adhd but i dont think theyre causing this) but am looking into it but like idk. and like it's not just an occasional thing it's becoming almost daily at this point. and like honestly idk if this sounds rude but if i was my friend i would be tired of it by now i think so they must be at this point. especially when its like again almost daily and "blah blah im sorry i wanna do better don't hate me" acting like a pathetic little innocent creature while truly just being an inhuman monster and doing nothing to change those behaviours or make stuff better/right.

honestly like i'm not even looking to right anything i'm just looking to like just punish myself as if that like alleviates me of any of the guilt because im just fucking selfish like that like i think i can just do this and then everything is fine or something, theres nothing more selfish than that i dont think. it's all me me me me i'm only thinking about me not them just me. the only thing i can do at this point to prevent further harm is to just die i think (which is still like running away but then atleast i cant come back and then cause more harm)
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
havent had anything diagnosed yet (well i have autism and adhd but i dont think theyre causing this) but am looking into it but like idk. and like it's not just an occasional thing it's becoming almost daily at this point. and like honestly idk if this sounds rude but if i was my friend i would be tired of it by now i think so they must be at this point. especially when its like again almost daily and "blah blah im sorry i wanna do better don't hate me" acting like a pathetic little innocent creature while truly just being an inhuman monster and doing nothing to change those behaviours or make stuff better/right.

honestly like i'm not even looking to right anything i'm just looking to like just punish myself as if that like alleviates me of any of the guilt because im just fucking selfish like that like i think i can just do this and then everything is fine or something, theres nothing more selfish than that i dont think. it's all me me me me i'm only thinking about me not them just me. the only thing i can do at this point to prevent further harm is to just die i think (which is still like running away but then atleast i cant come back and then cause more harm)
I feel like if I push back any further on your self-criticism, I'd be risking harm to you or risking invalidating what you're feeling, so I'm not going to reply to you again in this thread unless you specifically tell me you want me to reply. (I'm absolutely not abandoning you here.)

I really hope you can find some self-compassion and find a way to forgive yourself, and I'm wishing you as best as can be under the circumstances.


she/her, terminally silly :3
Sep 10, 2024
I feel like if I push back any further on your self-criticism, I'd be risking harm to you or risking invalidating what you're feeling, so I'm not going to reply to you again in this thread unless you specifically tell me you want me to reply. (I'm absolutely not abandoning you here.)

I really hope you can find some self-compassion and find a way to forgive yourself, and I'm wishing you as best as can be under the circumstances.
im sorry its my fault i'm just an asshole who refuses to accept/acknowledge what people say to me im sorry but like idk thanks for trying atleast idk im sorry
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