

Shattered Mannequin
Nov 21, 2018
I know it's a broad brush question to what can be considered writing or am I specifically cheesing grammar but all in all I just wanna know how do I let my words flow out like colors spilling from a rainbow versus a hard knock to the brains of insulted by bad english?
I know this isn't suicide related but I am working towards becoming a better person and would appreciate any tips you guys have!
Thanks in advance for at least reading this dude.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
First, what genres do you like/want to write in? And for what audiences (if you know)?


Fiction - short stories, novels, sub genres like sci-fi, romance, adventure, crime YA, children's, etc.
Creative non-fiction - essays, memoir

Second, my writing developed by sharing it with others and getting constructive criticism. It's never meant to be personal, but to help the work be the best it can, and so that the audience can connect with it.

Finally, start by letting it flow. Writing is 10% writing, and 90% editing and re-writing.

If you've written something and would like to PM me a sample, I'll give you input. I have extensive education in a variety of genres, have been published a little bit (nothing major like a New York Times bestseller!), was a military journalist, and have editing experience. Maybe I can help you find some direction.
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Shattered Mannequin
Nov 21, 2018
First, what genres do you like/want to write in? And for what audiences (if you know)?


Fiction - short stories, novels, sub genres like sci-fi, romance, adventure, crime YA, children's, etc.
Creative non-fiction - essays, memoir

Second, my writing developed by sharing it with others and getting constructive criticism. It's never meant to be personal, but to help the work be the best it can, and so that the audience can connect with it.

Finally, start by letting it flow. Writing is 10% writing, and 90% editing and re-writing.

If you've written something and would like to PM me a sample, I'll give you input. I have extensive education in a variety of genres, have been published a little bit (nothing major like a New York Times bestseller!), was a military journalist, and have editing experience. Maybe I can help you find some direction.
Thanks, I'll be sure to do that.
I'll practice and send you something when I get it finish which should be tonight, thanks again!
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existence is futile
Jul 10, 2019
Just write what comes from your heart, don't think about it to much, BUT maybe your writing is good already, and you just can't see it, I blog and have been told my writing is amazing, even people from this forum whom have seen it, say about it, yet I do not see it, I think its badly written and could be improved.

Do you have a genre that captures your attention, and just don't over think it, write it, save it, go back to it, re read it, edit it, check grammar, when comfortable share with someone privately, get their feedback, then write more, then maybe if you ever want to, publish it,
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Shattered Mannequin
Nov 21, 2018
Just write what comes from your heart, don't think about it to much, BUT maybe your writing is good already, and you just can't see it, I blog and have been told my writing is amazing, even people from this forum whom have seen it, say about it, yet I do not see it, I think its badly written and could be improved.

Do you have a genre that captures your attention, and just don't over think it, write it, save it, go back to it, re read it, edit it, check grammar, when comfortable share with someone privately, get their feedback, then write more, then maybe if you ever want to, publish it,
Okay, I'll try doing that then.
I've never received feedback from anybody so this is pretty new to me.
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existence is futile
Jul 10, 2019
Okay, I'll try doing that then.
I've never received feedback from anybody so this is pretty new to me.

I chose never to get feedback as my blog is my personal journal, so not something that needs feedback but I still got it!!

Keep this thread updated on how you get on!
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
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Feb 23, 2020
I became a better writer by reading many books without writing one word
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Aug 23, 2018
READ READ READ! Different styles, genres, expose yourself to as much as possible.
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Shattered Mannequin
Nov 21, 2018
"Somewhere in the late 2030's, chaos enveloped the world order to take desperate measures in investing great resources towards the great unknown. This unknown was kept a secret after the end of WW2 and was once a great battleground between the two powers of the old cold war. Now in a desperation by chaotic fears the world powers looked to this unknown that bears no academic name or any proper scientific name for through common laymen tongue these series of gates that gave transport to the tubular tunnel of earth-like reality in between worlds was simply called 'The Dreamlands'. What happened next in the following years brought about something so great and powerful that changed the destiny of the entire human race that this great force also brought more fear by shattering what we actually know about the human species itself, this great force from the outer space of voids unknown bore a human face of past human ancestry." –Unknown


The wind of nearing autumn blew a bristle of leaves across the yard as Amber closed the door to her mother's house and took a deep breath of what was about to happen.

'Time to leave this dreadful hellhole' She thought once she stepped out of the yard and onto the paved pathways of the suburbs sidewalks.

The post-afternoon air brought about a serene calm as Amber begun to make her way towards downtown in hope that her ride out of Shawn's Peak Utah will be there waiting and in possession of something to smoke the big stress off.

'Rico is missing and already I'm cursing myself out for not saying the final goodbye I had known about Bigfoot running off with the adorable bastard.'

Amber passes by the row of houses of new and old, taking the last few looks at the memories that will now be old. 'Heh, don't see myself ever returning back here, even if Mom kicks the bucket! Bitch deserved it!' Amber felt a sense of pride in admitting that in her innermost reaches of her conscious thought and became gleeful in the 'what if' scenarios once she makes it out Utah to green top Colorado.

'Weed for days and ain't no Mormon in sight! Damn what a liberation!'

As Amber approached downtown, she begun to hear the loud revving sounds of a fast car making it's way around town.' Isn't my worry anymore' She thought to herself when she begun to pass across the road towards the elementary school where her ride might be waiting.

However once in the middle of the road she feels something odd and powerful beginning to weigh her to stop without no real reason in sight within her mind, the ebony dice cube of her makeshift necklace begins to randomly vibrate intensely that stole her gaze downwards away from the nearing oncoming car that is fast approaching. 'What the f-?' Amber thought before quickly turning and seeing the car coming close to her at breakneck speed, it was being driven by a sight she hoped not to see.

'THAT CRAZY BITCH!' Amber quickly fumbled out of her pocket a 357. Magnum revolver and took aim at her approaching target, it was her high school arch nemesis Lacey.

With a heightened sense of focus she takes aim at what looks to be a seriously blood thirsted angered Lacey and after proper positioning she begins to press down on the trigger to meet a series of loud shots at the driver's window.

*Pop,Crack* *pop,Crack* *pop,crack*

A spray of blood can be seen splattering the car window and satisfied, Amber tries to dodge out of the way only to be stop by the same ethereal force that first hold her in place.

'What the f-!' Before she can finish the car crashes straight into her, sending her flying high up over the vehicle and entering into a slow-mo trance of lingering in the air before the final hard crash.

'PROTECT!' A ghostly sound emitted from with her head with a commanding eldritch vocal force behind it, a quick image of a figure flashes in her vision of what appears to be a girl no older than her but with something really off about her too.

'Protect!' It sounded off again. Then the slow-mo stopped and with a speedy return she quickly descends into the ground only to be met with a car sized portal perfectly cut into the black pavement.

"HOLY SH-!" Amber screamed out loud as she descended into the unknown portal and into a dark void that seemed like a hole that doesn't have no end.

Once lost in sight, the portal closes after enveloping Amber inside, never to be seen again.

"44 Years ago I was just 16 when you're people attacked and invaded us! Do you really want to know what it was like when you defeated us, it was quiet, too quiet, so silent, we really thought it was just meteor shower that cause the chaos, not you!" –Lady Taelva (TAIL-VA), an unedited interview with a terran for the journalistic biography,' The History of Terra and Terrans' by Chora Jadu (YA-DU), circa AD 44 for Terran eyes.

Note: Interview was edited to give a more 'favorable' look on the current standing government, no bias against such will be tolerated!
Last edited:


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I don't ever bullshit. You have definite talent and writing skills.

This is how I would workshop the piece in a class, that is, my constructive feedback for the purpose of helping you make the work the best it can be. Take what you want from this, dump what you don't:

You have an excellent handle on bringing in the sensory aspects to make a scene alive: sounds, colors, etc.

You have a great imagination, and a flair for action and suspense.

I would start the piece at,

'Weed for days and ain't no Mormon in sight! Damn what a liberation!'

A strong opening draws in the reader. Often what we start with as writers is vomit that we need to get out first, then cut it once the real start is revealed.

Writer's rule of thumb: never be afraid to kill your darlings. You may be attached to something you wrote, but if it doesn't benefit the piece, be ruthless. Cut and save it for another piece, a different chapter, etc.

Note that you switch between present and past tense, choose whichever one resonates more. Are you telling about something that happened or is happening? Because it the scene so vivid and so now, I would keep it present tense to be there with Amber. I feel like I'm invisibly walking along side her. That's good.

Writer's rule of thumb: show, don't tell. You already have a good start on this. Show what the character is feeling by how she moves, walks, kicks things, through her actions. This will reveal her inner world, what motivates her. I wouldn't tell much if any of her inner world at this point, if ever. I would let her actions, interactions, and dialogue reveal it.

Know your characters' deepest desire, deepest fear, biggest regret, Achille's heels to overcome, blind spots, what they're proud of, etc. These things may never be revealed to the reader, or maybe they will, but this will make your characters real to you, and they will write their own stories, they will do things you don't expect but are totally authentic.

It was a bit abrupt to identify her high school nemesis, make the reader curious and reveal it later. Show the nemesis, show her behind the wheel, show how the car is moving, make the sounds, etc. Make the reader curious as to why the protagonist would have such an extreme reaction, reveal it later. High school nemesis at this point feels weak.

Avoid adverbs. Use the show don't tell rule. Adverbs are weak and take away opportunities to reveal character or story. One can walk quickly, or one can stomp across crisp leaves, muttering in cadence, "That BITCH! I HOPE she DIES to-DAY!"

I think the intro and the intermission are for your benefit to guide you in world- and plot-building. What lies between those two parts feels like a prologue. I am sucked in. Next would be a totally different scene in the present, and Amber's story would come in and continue later.

Future writing tips: write a scene from different points of view: each character, an observer, a object in the room, etc. When a scene isn't working or is dull, see what happens if you bring in someone new and totally unexpected, even incongruous. Maybe someone you saw in public, someone you know or knew. This may even develop into a character, or it may reveal what's lacking in the scene or in character development, bit it usually helps the writer see that it's time to shake shit up.

I hope this helps and encourages you! You've got great potential and natural talent, I think you will also develop great skill! I think you have a natural voice and it won't take you long to really make it work for you. Keep going. When you find your voice, you'll know it, and I suspect it won't take long.

If you do a rewrite of this scene, I hope you'll share it! :heart:
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Shattered Mannequin
Nov 21, 2018
I don't ever bullshit. You have definite talent and writing skills.

This is how I would workshop the piece in a class, that is, my constructive feedback for the purpose of helping you make the work the best it can be. Take what you want from this, dump what you don't:

You have an excellent handle on bringing in the sensory aspects to make a scene alive: sounds, colors, etc.

You have a great imagination, and a flair for action and suspense.

I would start the piece at,

'Weed for days and ain't no Mormon in sight! Damn what a liberation!'

A strong opening draws in the reader. Often what we start with as writers is vomit that we need to get out first, then cut it once the real start is revealed.

Writer's rule of thumb: never be afraid to kill your darlings. You may be attached to something you wrote, but if it doesn't benefit the piece, be ruthless. Cut and save it for another piece, a different chapter, etc.

Note that you switch between present and past tense, choose whichever one resonates more. Are you telling about something that happened or is happening? Because it the scene so vivid and so now, I would keep it present tense to be there with Amber. I feel like I'm invisibly walking along side her. That's good.

Writer's rule of thumb: show, don't tell. You already have a good start on this. Show what the character is feeling by how she moves, walks, kicks things, through her actions. This will reveal her inner world, what motivates her. I wouldn't tell much if any of her inner world at this point, if ever. I would let her actions, interactions, and dialogue reveal it.

Know your characters' deepest desire, deepest fear, biggest regret, Achille's heels to overcome, blind spots, what they're proud of, etc. These things may never be revealed to the reader, or maybe they will, but this will make your characters real to you, and they will write their own stories, they will do things you don't expect but are totally authentic.

It was a bit abrupt to identify her high school nemesis, make the reader curious and reveal it later. Show the nemesis, show her behind the wheel, show how the car is moving, make the sounds, etc. Make the reader curious as to why the protagonist would have such an extreme reaction, reveal it later. High school nemesis at this point feels weak.

Avoid adverbs. Use the show don't tell rule. Adverbs are weak and take away opportunities to reveal character or story. One can walk quickly, or one can stomp across crisp leaves, muttering in cadence, "That BITCH! I HOPE she DIES to-DAY!"

I think the intro and the intermission are for your benefit to guide you in world- and plot-building. What lies between those two parts feels like a prologue. I am sucked in. Next would be a totally different scene in the present, and Amber's story would come in and continue later.

Future writing tips: write a scene from different points of view: each character, an observer, a object in the room, etc. When a scene isn't working or is dull, see what happens if you bring in someone new and totally unexpected, even incongruous. Maybe someone you saw in public, someone you know or knew. This may even develop into a character, or it may reveal what's lacking in the scene or in character development, bit it usually helps the writer see that it's time to shake shit up.

I hope this helps and encourages you! You've got great potential and natural talent, I think you will also develop great skill! I think you have a natural voice and it won't take you long to really make it work for you. Keep going. When you find your voice, you'll know it, and I suspect it won't take long.

If you do a rewrite of this scene, I hope you'll share it! :heart:
Thank you so much! I'll appreciate the advice a lot and I will share the finished product once I am done! Thanks again!
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