
Jul 1, 2019
I smoke a pack a day and i can not seem to quit, tried wellbutrin and nicotine replacement therapies. What can you recommend?
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
I started vaping and found it far more enjoyable. Then I got ill and couldn't manage to keep supplied with vaping stuff so I just stopped out of necessity. Now, though I miss having a smoke break, I couldn't face a cigarette.


Oct 5, 2019
I quit two different times. One time I used Chantix. The other time I read this book called the easy way to quit smoking by Allen Carr. It worked for me


Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
I didn't. I gave up in for a week in 2005 when I supposedly had problems and when my mum didn't help me with them went back to it. That memory plays on a loop.


gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
I always say smoking quit me. I woke up one morning and my lungs Just Said No. I had already messed them up beyond repair so I don't recommend it.
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Jul 7, 2019
I've tried with vaping, but then I noticed that I vaped far more than what I used to smoke. I was basically breathing through my vape.

went back to cigarettes after my vape broke early this year, I'll try to quit smoking again when I fix it, but I know myself, so this will be the same all over again.

Still, vaping may be healthier and I know personally some people who quit smoking through it, so it may be worth giving it a try.


Account Wipe.
Apr 30, 2020
I was a light smoker but I quit by transitioning to vaping and eventually quit because vaping gave me mild pneumonia,
also because tax on cigarettes are too expensive here in NZ.

I'm grateful for the government doing something good for once, making us better, supposedly.

Now I drink occasionally and meditate.
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May 14, 2018
This book called Allen Carr The Easy Way To Quit Smoking. Really helped me. I kept reading it and it made more sense every time. I did start smoking more pot though. Here's the Illustrated version it was too big to attach. Good luck.


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After The End

After The End

The lily whispers, “I wait.”
Jul 31, 2019
Varenicline / Champix works as far as preventing withdrawals, but it's still a habit and stopping isn't easy. I've given up before and I'm trying to give up now but it's really important to have things to do. Like if you normally smoke while doing X, find something else to do, if you don't normally smoke while doing Y, do Y. The stuff will potentially make you more depressed.


Aug 17, 2020
I was smoking 40 to 50 cigarettes a day and had tried literally everything to stop but never could (over a 25 year period). I've now been stopped for over 3 months, although I use a vape tank (very low power one) that I'm planning on quitting using soon.

The way I finally succeeded was to realise 2 things:

1) The actual nicotine withdrawal isn't that bad, it's the fear of not being able to cope with it that gets you.

2) In the past I've thought "I'm going to use patches INSTEAD of smoking. Or gum INSTEAD of smoking. Or vape INSTEAD of smoking, etc".

If you think like that you can't help but compare your new thing to smoking, and it doesn't compare, so you end up going back to smoking.

What I did instead was think "I'm going to to quit smoking for good. And I'm going to use patches to get over the nicotine withdrawl (so NOT instead of smoking)".

I used patches and an ecig when I felt really nicotine withdrawn - like a couple of puffs of the vape thing to just get over the bump.

After about 1 week I stopped the patches, and have used the vape since, but kept stepping the nicotine content down.

I now don't even think about cigarettes, although at 7 days, 10 days and probably 20 days I was dreaming about smoking and it was SOoooooo good in my dream. I even dreamed I was smoking cigars and a pipe (I've never used those), probably because of all the smoke they produce lol.
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Winona [restored]

Winona [restored]

Sep 12, 2020
Once I felt a lump in my throat because of my of anxiety. It did not disappear for a long time, and I really thought it was throat cancer. Since then I have not smoked
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Blank Dreamer

Blank Dreamer

Seeker of Dreams
Sep 11, 2020
I don't think I ever smoked a pack on a daily basis. The only times I ever smoked a pack in a day is when I am out drinking with my friends once upon a time. I smoked cigarettes for a sum amount of years and quit about 6 years ago. I tried to quit cigarettes via cold turkey at least 3 times before. All attempts failed as you would've guessed. The way I went about quitting cigarettes is with using vapes.

I honestly believe that vapes should be used as a strict method to help people quit cigarettes. Not as a "healthier" alternative to cigarettes. Back then, I did a lot of research and read up on people's accounts of quitting cigarettes with vaping successfully. Having said that, just because you switched to vaping does not guarantee that you will quit smoking. You need to discipline yourself and be serious in your determination to quit cigarettes. I cannot stress this enough.

Back then, I purchased a vape pen kit that came with a charger and juice from the get go. I also smoked my last cigarette on the same day I got my vape and never touched a cigarette ever again. I was using 12 mg of nicotine for my juices. I've always preferred "fruitier" juices. I still never understand how some people prefer the pastry flavored juices for their vapes. But if that is what you like then more power to you.

The pen worked really well honestly. However I was advised by a vape store staff that mechanical mods make quitting cigarettes so much easier. They weren't wrong. You will be spending a lot more money on mods for sure. But it is definitely worth it since you are quitting cigarettes right? Do not vape 12 mg of nicotine on mods though. Mods allow you to inhale a huge volume of vape compared to the pen. I wouldn't recommend it. After switching to mods, I eventually started with 6 mg and worked my way down to 0 mg of nicotine. It took me, at most, 3 months to progress from 6 mg of nicotine to 0 mg. I still continued to vape about a year and a half after reaching 0 mg of nicotine.

Before I knew it, I didn't have any urges to vape anymore whenever I didn't vape for a whole day or longer. It's rather humorous because I eventually became bored of vaping after a while, lol. Looking back, I could've quit vaping and not have any urge to smoke cigarettes so much sooner than I did. The last mod I had was a Sigelei box mod with an Aspire Atlantis tank. I've always preferred tanks when compared to drip tip. I never liked how drip tips have that constant maintenance that they require.

The first couple of days were probably the most difficult for me while switching to vapes. But afterwards, you should have no trouble reaching your goal. You don't need to quit cigarettes on the same day you start vaping. That's just a limitation I set for myself. You can still smoke and vape at the same time in the beginning to sort of test the water. If you're really serious on quitting then you can do it with the vape route at a higher chance of success. I myself and so many other people have done it. You can do it too. Best of luck to you.


Aug 21, 2019
I recommend switching to vaping. I was never a cigarette smoker but I smoked pipes/cigars and used dip/chew. I am very glad I made the switch because it saved me thousands of dollars, which I picked up another habit that had costed me that much :ahhha:


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Aug 8, 2020
Personally, I kinda just stopped. But my parents have been smokers since they were in their late teens. They switched over to vaping a year and a half ago. My mom hasn't had a cigarette since, and I believe is even vaping nicotine free now. My dad has had a couple cigarettes every now and then with friends but other than that he's pretty much stopped as well and it vaping with nicotine. Both my parents tried champix multiple times but it never worked for them for more than a couple months.