i dont have a useful answer, i just wanna let you know you're not alone, ive felt the same way for as long as i can remember. it makes my anxiety worse and results in me isolating myself just so i dont inconvenience everyone around me. the only thing i can think of that might help would be trying to do little things for those you care about to try and be helpful or make them smile, maybe seeing their reactions might help you reframe your image of yourself? i know its easier said than done, for a long time i was afraid of doing anything for fear of fucking up and just being even more of a burden, but just tiny things like getting them their favourite food or asking how their day was might prove to yourself that you're actually not a burden, just a human being with human flaws that doesn't need to feel bad for them. for example, whenever i see one of my friends i try to get her her favourite chocolate just because seeing how she responds to that small gesture just helps shut my head up for a second lol. its definitely just scratching the surface of the problem, its much deeper than that, but its something. and if you dont get nice reactions for doing something nice for someone, then maybe theyre a part of the reason you feel like such a burden and you shouldnt keep them in your life. idk, just a thought, hope this made sense and was maybe helpful. i wish you all the best.