I think I am immensely biased.
My first memory, at least I beileve it is my first, is of me thinking of ctb. My mom was mad at me for something, and when my mom was mad my dad would be allowed to yell at me worse than usual. He used to yell at me harshly for asking for something like an apple after fast food, or scream at me to stop crying while having a panic attack, so I knew this would be bad. I didn't want that to happen again, so I pulled up a chair to a counter and somehow managed to open up a big bottle of ibuprophen. I remember holding a ton of pills in my hand and looking at them. Child logic said it would kill me or make me very sick quickly, but I heard my dad coming downstairs so I put them all away. I must have been in 3rdish grade.
When death becomes an option at such a young age, its no longer this huge deal. Its now a flippant choice you can make. Being bullied? I can ctb tomorrow. Failing school? Let me down some DPH. You get the point. It no longer becomes a serious decision because suddenly you were meant to die a long time ago. Life lost its value then and there. And whats worse is, like another user said, there is no before. I dont remember valuing or deeply enjoying life. I remember fear.
There are some other childhood traumas that definitely also impacted how I view myself and my place in this world. I wont go into detail, but it had the impact that the only way I can get people to like me/want me is by being a sex object- so this combined with above leads me to beileve that I am the only person that exists with no inherent value due to being human. The world does not want me. I know logically this is not true, but deep down it feels like a fact.
How can I prevent these biases? I really, really do not know. If I knew I do not think I would be here, because then there is weight to my death. I would be more fearful and sorrowful upon possibly losing my life.
I hope all of that made sense and is what you were kinda looking for, might have gone on too much of a rant lol