I'm so sorry you're feeling hopeless. It's such an overpowering and suffocating feeling- it makes you feel like nothing you do to try to move forward is worth the hassle.
Is it possible for you to just accept where you are right now and just work from there? By that I mean, can you just accept to yourself, "Okay, I feel completely hopeless right now and I don't see how I'll ever feel better, but I'm going to keep taking small steps anyway and see where it leads me"?
It's okay to not know what to do. It's okay to feel hopeless and lost and overwhelmed by the prospect of recovery when the pain feels insurmountable. It's okay to be where you are right now. When we attempt recovery, sometimes we can feel frustrated and hopeless because we don't see
how we're ever going to reach the light at the end of the tunnel.
But, we don't necessarily need to know the "how" in order to take the action steps forward. I've found that as I keep experimenting with different treatment options and taking those tiny action steps , the how is slowly revealing itself and the path ahead is becoming much clearer.
It's okay to do the absolute bare minimum required to function in your daily life and to feel hopeless while doing so at first. That's normal, I believe.
Perhaps you can view it as an experiment, like "I don't know if I believe I have a future, but I'm going to pretend like I do and take the small steps I'd need to take if I DID have a future". This line of thinking might sound strange, but I have utilized it myself, sometimes for months at a time, and I found that "faking it" eventually led me towards genuine feelings of hope and improvement. The change does take time as well as trial and error, though.
I hope this is helpful for you