Hospitals are a game of chance. I've been hospitalized 10 times across 4 different hospitals and each visit was different. Sometimes you'll get a great doctor, while other times they'll be completely ignorant to what's going on, and give you a cookie cutter solution. "You want to die? Just take these pills!!" Even the people you're placed with is like flipping a coin. I've been lucky enough to be placed with very nice people, however there's been times where there was utter chaos. Some traumas don't mix and it creates a harsh environment for everyone. The best experiences gave me an escape from reality, however that's all it is. An escape. The worst experiences involved being locked in an empty room for hours on end alone. But overall from my experience, the hospital wasn't the worse part, rather the aftermath. I failed some classes due to being absent and now every time I "act out" my family will send me to the hospital so they don't have to deal with me. Hospitals make the mistake of not effectively targeting the reason you were admitted in the first place and instead want to solve everything by overloading you with medication. Unless you want the help and are going to a decent hospital I don't recommend.