
May 23, 2023
Very negative hopeless rant. Will probably make you feel worse.

You know how humans have bred dogs from wolves down to little rats with breathing problems? That's humans. That's us. I'm evidence of that. Mental illness, depression, suicide, adhd, etc, are all prevalent. Do you think adhd was a thing BEFORE everyone was forced go sit and be still in a chair for 8 hours a day? That shit isn't natural. It never was. People are getting fucked up in every way, getting unnatural disorders and shit because they're in an unnatural world. Adhd brains are screaming Hey! This shit dont work! Ok lemme just give you some pills! Then big pharma (along with the food industry because I mean...) not only benefits from cancer patients and diabetes and obesity, but the depression and mental anguish that comes with it too! That's just money! Who gives a shit! What's done cant be undone, and it changes everything forever. You think as hard and unlikely as it is for an individual to quit an addiction at all, or not relapse, not mentioning the fact that the strong urges to go back to those addictions will torture that person forever, a SOCIETY who's serotonin and dopamine have been zapped by the food they eat, being addicted to technology, etc. has hope? Let's not take big decisions seriously though man dont get all offended or paranoid or be dumb and believe in conspiracies. Let's just hate each other in silence or online, even though we can all agree that societies FUCKED and all the evidence shows that, let's not be productive about it though dude. Lets look back at how the political divide has gotten to this point too. The feeling of being socially accepted and like you're on the same team as someone? Attacked. Destroyed. Family? Fuck that. You're into traditional shit? Beautiful. Let's NOT make your children feel safe or looked out for, and dont give them any advice or accountability. Actually, dont look out for them at all! Dont even parent! Im sure the cringey, lazy, suicidal younger generations felt loved and respected by their parents and felt like they could trust and respect them in return. I'm sure a society without trust or respect within the family, their peers, or for opposite sex will magically learn respect and it wont keep collapsing. DEFINITELY DONT blame yourself for your child being an annoying sjw with colored hair dude. It's just an extension of you and your shit parenting. I'm sure all these mentally ill, obese, adhd kids had fathers that made them feel safe existing and looked out for, and mothers who gave such great guidance and love, teaching their kids manners and showing them the reality they should happily look forward to! Whatever your political stance, whatever you're anything, YOU FAILED. We live in a society where SUCCEEDING... what is that? Is it possible? What even would it look like? I know this is a suicide forum but uh.. anyone got an actual example of WINNING in life? Anyone know anyone who's content or fulfilled? Do you even know what having a life worth living for you looks like in any aspect, and do you think you could manage? I have no hope at all for myself. I also don't see why or how anyone else does or can. Maybe they got lucky in different ways, maybe it's a facade, or maybe it's just a matter of time before they snap, and/or society collapses. Starts with adhd from an unnatural, impossible living situation that we can not escape, so our brains are rejecting it and unable to focus or do it... is it crazy to think people snapping and killing each other and themselves more and more would be next OH WAIT everyone knows about the current epidemic of suicide and mental illness that's already been happening. It's just going to get worse. How would it get better? How would bringing a life into a world like this be a good thing? That's also unnatural and very depressing. To feel like and to know that having a partner, having a baby, isnt a positive or hopeful experience. It is less and less because doing well in life becomes more and more difficult. A 50 year marriage used to be normal, now its 2 years of dating in fear while judging the opposite sex. Medias great and getting better too! Any influence really. Anything rewarding is made scarier, more difficult to obtain, its corrupted more and more. Think about what sells though, drama, corruption. WE ARE ALL ONLY HUMAN. If it's that hard for a person, why would they make another person? Theres plenty of reasons to feel that way. That's still HORRIBLE. Its unnatural. Its unlivable. It's just impossible. I dont see any winning. We are lab rats that are being lied to, and no one really cares.
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