

The call of the void
Dec 29, 2018
For me it seems more and more that my homosexuality has a horrible genetic background. I am suffering because of that. Something fishy about my DNA.

I have sequenced my DNA (full genome sequencing)and sequenced my gene(exome sequencing)

If its not genetic, then its epigenetic dysregulated. My brain has clealy some inborn structural flaws. Also some biochemical ongoing are flawed. Could be genetic or epigenetic. I prefere genetics.

Very often I got insulted that my face would look gay, too.

Thats because sexual orientation is biological. And my face is that something biological is flawed.
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Oct 4, 2020
Should this be in the suicide discussion sub?
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The Lonely

The Lonely

Jan 26, 2021
See… There's something called "Neurodiversity"…

Its about recognizing that people's brains gets several kind of different developments and arrangements …
Leading to: Neuro-Divergent people :)

That neurodiversity in the end would also contemplate sexuality issues… by the same way they do about food issues…attention, sociability and so on)…

If sexuality then is linked to a family string?… well… it's possible because of those features I listed up there that are generally linked to inherited conditions as: Asperger or Borderline which are all inherited issues…


May 30, 2021
I feel the same about being trans. For me at-least I am 100% certain that there are genetic factors. I showed signs of it literally as a toddler with zero nurture experiences that could explain it. In my head I have always been a girl. With my sexuality I too desire men. But I don't see it as gay but rather straight. I grew up with a socially conservative family who were anti-LGBT especially my father. Went to church when I was younger, and all that jazz. But I am still like this. So, it has to be a genetic curse.
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Apr 5, 2020
There is almost definitely a genetic basis to sexuality. However there may also be environmental factors involved. Annoyinglyly, the exact causal factors of homosexuality haven't yet been identified, so knowing your genome won't help to confirm anything, but it's still cool that you got that done I think.
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The call of the void
Dec 29, 2018
If it is not genetic then its kind of neurobiological and epigenetic issue.

Epigenetic means genregulation.
On a long run I am considering suicide because biological pretty flawed.

I believe the mojor biological explanation for male homosexuality is neurodeversity. You know the brainchemistry is just different. But no genetic or hormonal cause.

I dont know why MY HOMOSEXUALITY is biological so clearly biogical off! I dont understand that.

I should have commited suicide long time ago. Its totally bullshit.
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Dec 14, 2018
For me it seems more and more that my homosexuality has a horrible genetic background. I am suffering because of that. Something fishy about my DNA.

I have sequenced my DNA (full genome sequencing)and sequenced my gene(exome sequencing)

If its not genetic, then its epigenetic dysregulated. My brain has clealy some inborn structural flaws. Also some biochemical ongoing are flawed. Could be genetic or epigenetic. I prefere genetics.

Very often I got insulted that my face would look gay, too.

Thats because sexual orientation is biological. And my face is that something biological is flawed.
I don't think this is a flaw.

did you know that animals in the wild sometimes have same sex relations?

this isn't a flaw. It's just nature.

Here's a link.



Apr 25, 2021
I don't think this is a flaw.

did you know that animals in the wild sometimes have same sex relations?

this isn't a flaw. It's just nature.

Here's a link.

I'm gay so I have nothing against gay people or animals but there is certainly many other traits in animals that one could call natural simply because animals do it. These aren't socially acceptable though so it simply being natural doesn't make it alright, one has to look deeper than nature to find the answer to why homosexuality wouldn't be wrong (and it isn't wrong in my opinion)
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The call of the void
Dec 29, 2018
I prefere suicide.
I'm gay so I have nothing against gay people or animals but there is certainly many other traits in animals that one could call natural simply because animals do it. These aren't socially acceptable though so it simply being natural doesn't make it alright, one has to look deeper than nature to find the answer to why homosexuality wouldn't be wrong (and it isn't wrong in my opinion)
My face is the biological something is little bit not right.

I do not understand why neuroscientist do not want to study sexual orientation.

its neurobiological.
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Dec 14, 2018
My face is the living proof that sexual orientation is biological. And no in my case clealy flawed.
Is it genetic caused? Because would be strange if I had a twin and he would have this problem.
I don't want to create trouble for you by "disagreeing" - I respect your view and your perspective. I just don't know how to be supportive of your feelings, which are completely valid and understandable.

so how can I meet you in the middle about it?

in my opinion - I see a person.
I see a person with feelings.
I see a person, regardless of gender, regardless of sexual orientation or preferences, I see someone who exists.
Simply that.
I see a person that just is.

there is nothing wrong with your genetics, your face, or the assumptions when you look in the mirror. Only you know yourself and your body. Maybe the outside world isn't so sure of it, or maybe they are.

are you blaming yourself for being attracted to the same gender?
You are not to blame for what nature brought you.

Neither are the rest of us.

it may feel like nobody loves you because of what your preferences are. But know that what you do behind closed doors, what your feelings for the same gender are, and what your clothing covers - those things do not define you as a person or make you any less worthy of love, respect, or healthy relationships.

You are worth all of those things. You matter to me and I don't see you as a flaw. I see you as a person who simply exists. Just like me.
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The call of the void
Dec 29, 2018
I have to go into biological research. Because something is off.

The fact that I can study my genom is very strong.

You have to cut off post mortem brains and study these different brains strucctures like hypothalmic nuclei, BNST, septal nuclei, thalamic nuclei, Basal nuclei, Amygdaloid nuclei and two more.

Then I will study it and I could find a hint about the neurobiology of sexual orientation.
There are only only two possibilities 1. I have genetic issue2. There is genetic dysregulation(epigenetic, transcriptomics).
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The call of the void
Dec 29, 2018
Your face does not show that you are gay. Your face tells me that you're an idiot for thinking that in the first place.

Your welcome.
And why I got insulted by many people that I would look gay?

Call me an idiot. I know who I am and there is biological something not as it should be.

On a long run I will consider suicide.
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Dec 14, 2018
Your face does not show that you are gay. Your face tells me that you're an idiot for thinking that in the first place.

Your welcome.
That was cruel. I think we've had enough of your opinion for now.
And why I got insulted by many people that I would look gay?

Call me an idiot. I know who I am and there is biological something not as it should be.

On a long run I will consider suicide.
You're not an idiot. That person is just a bully.
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The call of the void
Dec 29, 2018
I do look gay, weird, stupid because biological something is totally off. Sexual orientation is indeed biological.

If you believe this doesnt bother me, then you are wrong. Do you even know that with this face I have zero chance finding a partner. If you believe I will be happy when I am always alone and singel, you are wrong.
Your face does not show that you are gay. Your face tells me that you're an idiot for thinking that in the first place.

Your welcome.
Can you explain me why I get so often insulted by strangers that my face would look gay.

once a stranger woman inulted me that I would look weird.

I have indeed inborn biological problems. Could be that my homosexuality is genetic caused.
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Dec 14, 2018
I do look gay, weird, stupid because biological something is totally off. Sexual orientation is indeed biological.

If you believe this doesnt bother me, then you are wrong. Do you even know that with this face I have zero chance finding a partner. If you believe I will be happy when I am always alone and singel, you are wrong.

Can you explain me why I get so often insulted by strangers that my face would look gay.

once a stranger woman inulted me that I would look weird.

I have indeed inborn biological problems. Could be that my homosexuality is genetic caused.
It is natural and normal to desire a partner. And happiness can be quite difficult to reach when we feel stuck in the dark. I don't discount that for even a moment.

you might be insulted by strangers because they are unkind. They are unruly, they are ignorant, and they are cruel. That's not on you. That's on them.

people insult people just to entertain themselves. To make themselves feel superior and to belittle you, making you the target of their own insecurities, frustrations, and cruelty.

people do it all the time. It's the same preschool and kindergarten bullies that made fun of you in childhood, just in adult bodies. They are still the same childish freaks of nature that sit there and hurt you for no reason at all.

don't pay any mind to that. I know it's difficult not to let them bother you, society's beauty standards are based on lies. You may not believe it but there are so many people that would appreciate you and your smile if they only knew how to care about you and with you.

the problem is that people are selfish, there's been insult to injury, the next latest and greatest partner. The next crowd, the next trend. It may seem difficult to even believe any of that but I can guarantee you that your appearance isn't the problem, society is. Society is the problem and how they view/treat others.
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Dear Agony

Dear Agony

The Void
Jan 24, 2020
No it isn't lol, there is nothing wrong with being gay, most people believe there is because of religion, which is a fiction created by humans. Animals can engage in homosexual acts too.
If there is a biological factor to being gay, then there is a biological factor for being bisexual, asexual, and all other sexualities people may possibly identify with too. There are just too many of us.
Like, what would it change anyways if there was? Why are you looking for reasons to something you can't fix? You haven't chosen your sexuality anyways. No one does. So why bother? Like, just live your life. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, and I do hope you're not considering CTB because of that alone.
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The call of the void
Dec 29, 2018
No it isn't lol, there is nothing wrong with being gay, most people believe there is because of religion, which is a fiction created by humans. Animals can engage in homosexual acts too.
If there is a biological factor to being gay, then there is a biological factor for being bisexual, asexual, and all other sexualities people may possibly identify with too. There are just too many of us.
Like, what would it change anyways if there was? Why are you looking for reasons to something you can't fix? You haven't chosen your sexuality anyways. No one does. So why bother? Like, just live your life. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, and I do hope you're not considering CTB because of that alone.
Some homosexuals have indeed a biological issue. Me included.
Dear Agony

Dear Agony

The Void
Jan 24, 2020
Some homosexuals have indeed a biological issue. Me included.
What do you mean by "issue"? Because I don't consider homosexuality to be an issue at all, that's the thing.


The call of the void
Dec 29, 2018
What do you mean by "issue"? Because I don't consider homosexuality to be an issue at all, that's the thing.
I have met two homosexual guy, one in Swiss highschool the other in Swiss military. And I can garantee you both had some genetic issues. Thats not only me who thought that, other people said the same.
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
For me it seems more and more that my homosexuality has a horrible genetic background. I am suffering because of that. Something fishy about my DNA.

I have sequenced my DNA (full genome sequencing)and sequenced my gene(exome sequencing)

If its not genetic, then its epigenetic dysregulated. My brain has clealy some inborn structural flaws. Also some biochemical ongoing are flawed. Could be genetic or epigenetic. I prefere genetics.

Very often I got insulted that my face would look gay, too.

Thats because sexual orientation is biological. And my face is that something biological is flawed.
I read that homosexuality is probably determined in the first three months the fetus is developing, based on hormonal fluctuations the tiny brain is bathed in.

All fetuses start out as female. It's probably a delicate balance of hormones that determine gender and sexual orientation. And the timing and mix of hormones from the mother has to be just right although genetics might also play a role.
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The call of the void
Dec 29, 2018
I read that homosexuality is probably determined in the first three months the fetus is developing, based on hormonal fluctuations the tiny brain is bathed in.

All fetuses start out as female. It's probably a delicate balance of hormones that determine gender and sexual orientation. And the timing and mix of hormones from the mother has to be just right although genetics might also play a role.
Yes then it would epigenetic and transcriptomic(genregulation).
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
I agree that homosexuality is physiological wether its caused by genetics or enviroment but the end result is different nervous system than the normal or than that of heterosexual
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
As I recall, and I read this a long time ago so my memory is not clear where I read it, brain studies have shown an area of the brain in men who are homosexual that more closely resembles a female brain. It's an interesting subject.
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The call of the void
Dec 29, 2018
As I recall, and I read this a long time ago so my memory is not clear where I read it, brain studies have shown an area of the brain in men who are homosexual that more closely resembles a female brain. It's an interesting subject.
Yes its neurobiological, structures and neurobiochemistry.

My brain does not release dopamin or/and serotonin when I look at naked women. I dont get a booner when a pretty woman is next to me.
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May 3, 2021
But what is bad about it? I am born with a desire for the opposite sex, you are born with a desire for the same sex. How does that make you or me better than each other? If desiring the same sex is a "fault", what is it that desiring the opposite sex is not a fault?

Societies are generally heteronormative, and a point can be made about how cultures that "encouraged" getting a lot of children used to spread more rapidly. That may be a reason why heteronormative cultures ended up dominating.

But we're in a different age now. Earth is massively overpopulated and we need fewer children, not more. Whatever may have helped a culture spread in the past is now a danger to all of mankind. Even if you accept that suppressing homosexuality might have helped a culture to spread in the past, nowadays that is moot. What made past cultures condemn homosexuality is no longer valid. If you feel condemned for being homosexual, the fault is not on you. It's on the people mindlessly trying to uphold outdated cultural principles.

What I'm trying to say: society has no business telling you that you're wrong for being homosexual. If society is heteronormative, it's society's fault for being that, not yours for not fitting in.

If people condemn you for being homosexual, seriously, they are wrong, not you. Any worthwhile human being will accept you for who you are. Those who don't aren't worth bothering with.

And if I may... I'd be careful about sharing photos of myself on the internet, especially in a place like this. For what it's worth, if you're asking that, no I don't see anything homosexual in your pictures. But I've shared my name and pictures of myself on the internet in the past and I came to regret it. I know the desire to show myself, but I encourage you to remove photos of yourself, especially in a place like this, because it might backfire in the future.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
But what is bad about it? I am born with a desire for the opposite sex, you are born with a desire for the same sex. How does that make you or me better than each other? If desiring the same sex is a "fault", what is it that desiring the opposite sex is not a fault?
OP suffers from OCD & has intrusive (recurring, unwanted & highly distressing) thoughts about being gay. He might not even be sexually attracted to other males. It's very hard to reason with someone who suffers from severe obsessions...
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The call of the void
Dec 29, 2018
I am better off dead.
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The call of the void
Dec 29, 2018
But what is bad about it? I am born with a desire for the opposite sex, you are born with a desire for the same sex. How does that make you or me better than each other? If desiring the same sex is a "fault", what is it that desiring the opposite sex is not a fault?

Societies are generally heteronormative, and a point can be made about how cultures that "encouraged" getting a lot of children used to spread more rapidly. That may be a reason why heteronormative cultures ended up dominating.

But we're in a different age now. Earth is massively overpopulated and we need fewer children, not more. Whatever may have helped a culture spread in the past is now a danger to all of mankind. Even if you accept that suppressing homosexuality might have helped a culture to spread in the past, nowadays that is moot. What made past cultures condemn homosexuality is no longer valid. If you feel condemned for being homosexual, the fault is not on you. It's on the people mindlessly trying to uphold outdated cultural principles.

What I'm trying to say: society has no business telling you that you're wrong for being homosexual. If society is heteronormative, it's society's fault for being that, not yours for not fitting in.

If people condemn you for being homosexual, seriously, they are wrong, not you. Any worthwhile human being will accept you for who you are. Those who don't aren't worth bothering with.

And if I may... I'd be careful about sharing photos of myself on the internet, especially in a place like this. For what it's worth, if you're asking that, no I don't see anything homosexual in your pictures. But I've shared my name and pictures of myself on the internet in the past and I came to regret it. I know the desire to show myself, but I encourage you to remove photos of yourself, especially in a place like this, because it might backfire in the future.
My homose
But what is bad about it? I am born with a desire for the opposite sex, you are born with a desire for the same sex. How does that make you or me better than each other? If desiring the same sex is a "fault", what is it that desiring the opposite sex is not a fault?

Societies are generally heteronormative, and a point can be made about how cultures that "encouraged" getting a lot of children used to spread more rapidly. That may be a reason why heteronormative cultures ended up dominating.

But we're in a different age now. Earth is massively overpopulated and we need fewer children, not more. Whatever may have helped a culture spread in the past is now a danger to all of mankind. Even if you accept that suppressing homosexuality might have helped a culture to spread in the past, nowadays that is moot. What made past cultures condemn homosexuality is no longer valid. If you feel condemned for being homosexual, the fault is not on you. It's on the people mindlessly trying to uphold outdated cultural principles.

What I'm trying to say: society has no business telling you that you're wrong for being homosexual. If society is heteronormative, it's society's fault for being that, not yours for not fitting in.

If people condemn you for being homosexual, seriously, they are wrong, not you. Any worthwhile human being will accept you for who you are. Those who don't aren't worth bothering with.

And if I may... I'd be careful about sharing photos of myself on the internet, especially in a place like this. For what it's worth, if you're asking that, no I don't see anything homosexual in your pictures. But I've shared my name and pictures of myself on the internet in the past and I came to regret it. I know the desire to show myself, but I encourage you to remove photos of yourself, especially in a place like this, because it might backfire in the future.
You dont see any homosexual? What a big lie.
I don't think anything about your face necessarily looks gay.
A lot of people, strangers, policeman, pupils, has a different opinion.

Once I passed by two policeman and I got insulted by them that I would look gay. Once I wanted buy a sandwich, and I heard how the seller indirectly insulted me that I would look gay.

Once a son of my fathers friend insulted me indirectly that I would look gay.

Once I was swimmgpool then I ate there an hamburger. I brought back the things and when I turned around I heard the woman saying that I was gay. How she knew that? Because I look like that.
I also got insulted as faxxot by many people.

My homosexuality has clealy a horrible biological explanation. I have no clue what the cause is genetic? hormonal or neurobiological epigenetic(brain itself has undergone biological errors.
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