
140+ IQ
Jan 15, 2024
We all doomed becus we are low iq ppl
They control us just becus they are smart than us !!

We cant change our DNA !!!

Thats it


Aug 4, 2022
agreed, that sucks, if you are low iq, you are doomed


Jan 14, 2024
looks + smarts pretty much determine your life imo. My smarts are fine but my looks are awful and it ruins everything. Make no mistake, people who are good looking + smart have life on easy mode and low smarts + unattractive people are massively screwed and have to face so many struggles.
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Too many mistakes and regrets
Jan 1, 2024
I'm high IQ and very academically and financially sound. Look what happened to me
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living failure
Jan 3, 2024
It's probably true that most of those who are at the helm have a high IQ. But I think the implication of the statement is problematic. There are a lot of highly intelligent people here in the forum, and if they had everything under control, they would hardly be here. The most intelligent person I have ever met lives a secluded life in the countryside. A friend of mine, one of the smartest people I've ever met at my age, who was in international clubs for highly intelligent and gifted people and in communities for chess geniuses, became a drug addict and took his own life two years ago. The statement that "they" can only control "us" on the basis of differences in IQ is, due to the simplification of the concept of intelligence, a gross generalisation and would also mean that there are no equally intelligent people in the controlled masses. There are far more factors that play a role than IQ.
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Mar 11, 2019
I think it's the opposite lol
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140+ IQ
Jan 15, 2024
agreed, that sucks, if you are low iq, you are doomed
looks + smarts pretty much determine your life imo. My smarts are fine but my looks are awful and it ruins everything. Make no mistake, people who are good looking + smart have life on easy mode and low smarts + unattractive people are massively screwed and have to face so many struggles.
When smart people speak, there are no gaps in their speech. They speak with a very fast response time, their response is fast, their thinking is fast, and their recall of information is fast.
I cant be smart bro
It's probably true that most of those who are at the helm have a high IQ. But I think the implication of the statement is problematic. There are a lot of highly intelligent people here in the forum, and if they had everything under control, they would hardly be here. The most intelligent person I have ever met lives a secluded life in the countryside. A friend of mine, one of the smartest people I've ever met at my age, who was in international clubs for highly intelligent and gifted people and in communities for chess geniuses, became a drug addict and took his own life two years ago. The statement that "they" can only control "us" on the basis of differences in IQ is, due to the simplification of the concept of intelligence, a gross generalisation and would also mean that there are no equally intelligent people in the controlled masses. There are far more factors that play a role than IQ.
Bro iam sorry
But in genral smart ppl can do better than us i dont want be number 2 i want to be smart
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Jul 8, 2023
...and the low-IQ people aren't making it very hard for them to do so either.

The low-IQ have been easily covinced that flaunting Louis Vuittion, the latest iPhone and $600 Nike Air Jordans is a sign of wealth and status.

Easily convinced that jolting the elderly and infant babies out of their sleep with maliciously loud, illegally-modified vehicle exhausts is edgy and cool.

Easily convinced that the Kardashians, Jenners and D'Amelios are the pinnacle of role models for females in society.

Easily convinced to invest in digital ponzi coins that have no intrinsic value.

Easily convinced to give their money to NPC livestreamers on social media and useless celebrity hussies on OnlyFans.

Easily convinced that the useless children they are giving birth to is a blessing to this world.

Easily convinced that feeding said children processed foods with "healthy" labeling is good them.

That is the reality of this world. It's either find a way to tolerate it or patiently wait at the bus stop. Because it's never going to get any better. The disgusting human race isn't simply going to magically fix itself one day. The low-IQ will continue to reproduce more low-IQ offspring and things are going to get exponentially worse.
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Nov 19, 2023
When smart people speak, there are no gaps in their speech. They speak with a very fast response time, their response is fast, their thinking is fast, and their recall of information is fast.
This is simply untrue.... 140IQ here and we struggle to maintain a face to face conversation. Our speech rate is very inconsistent and we often freeze mid sentence. Our information recollection varies greatly, and we certainly aren't running anything other than our mental health into the ground.
The people that speak like that tend to be less intelligent. They don't question a single thing they say, and don't think anything through before giving a response. They also tend to have overwhelming confidence and can never understand when they are wrong.

IQ is also an absolutely awful indicator of intelligence. It should be phased out completely. There is also evidence that shows that how you are raised has the highest impact on intelligence, not genetics. Having access to quality education from an early age makes much more of a difference than any genetic factor aside from exceptionally rare exceptions. Some are born truly gifted, however most worked for it. In our case, our pattern recognition is so far beyond the average person that we can see connections between events they don't. That still doesn't help us in day to day existence. It also doesn't help us learn new skills. It actually became a hindrance. We are so used to breezing through everything, that we lose motivation if faced with a challenge we can't solve fairly quickly. And since nothing is enjoyable, that means we lose interest in anything we can't pick up very quickly.

As for the thread statement, that is also simply untrue. Rich sociopaths run the world. People who inherited multiple generations of compounding wealth and have no qualms about exploiting everyone they can to increase that wealth and their power including making sure everyone else struggles as they wrongly see us as less than them.

Looks and intelligence aren't everything. We had both and they got us nowhere useful or beneficial because of our issues interacting with other people.
We can be very hard to get along with if someone has the intent of trying to abuse us in any way such as what occurs at nearly every job now and others tend to very much not like that, and as a result, tend to not like us if their own viewpoint isn't malleable.

The constant overthinking also contributes very heavily to both our anxiety and depression. How can we not be depressed when we can't ignore that the majority of the world is suffering, not because they must, but so a few can hoard resources they could never reasonably use in a thousand lifetimes?
We can see the problems in the world, we can see how to fix them, and yet are powerless to do anything about it. At the end of the day, someone with generational wealth who can't even do basic maintenance on anything they own will make the decisions that influence the state of the world.

The following quote holds true.
"Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know."
― Ernest Hemingway, The Garden of Eden

With great intelligence, tends to come great misery. The most intelligent people we know, are also the most miserable. The truly unintelligent tend to be much happier. If we could start over never having been like this, we likely would have been a lot happier in life rather than considering ending it.

The least intelligent person we ever knew was always overflowing with confidence and was usually happy. That same person did not even pause before trying to grab something that got tangled in a lawn mower blade with the mower still running. That same person then went on to go from employee to manager of a company in just a few months because others like him enjoyed their company. Meanwhile, we were denied a promised promotion not because we couldn't excel at the job, but because we refused to be pushed around by upper management and they found our personality to be disagreeable.
Blanket statements like some of those already found in this thread just cause more problems and solve nothing. We honestly don't know why we are bothering to reply to this thread at all. Reading most of the responses to this thread is sickening. We guess it just caught our attention as we wake up. This should also really be in off-topic.
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Sep 12, 2023
What? We? Are you saying I am stupid?? :p

Hehe, but from joke to real. I am actually not stupid, I used to be a straight A student. But depression and fucked up mindset definitely in many cases doesn't make someone very smart.
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Sleeper System

Sleeper System

Z z Z z Z z Z z Z z Z
May 5, 2022
I don't agree. People with High IQ can be supressed by those with a balance of average IQ and EQ.
The people in power aren't all geniuses but they do know enough to keep smart people around them.
It actually only takes common sense, experience, and the ability to make simple deductive choices.
The people pulling the strings also have strings on their back and so on and so forth. No one person or group really sits at the top. It's a collective of different powers and interests working symbiotically. Like a parasite.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
This is simply untrue.... 140IQ here and we struggle to maintain a face to face conversation. Our speech rate is very inconsistent and we often freeze mid sentence. Our information recollection varies greatly, and we certainly aren't running anything other than our mental health into the ground.
The people that speak like that tend to be less intelligent. They don't question a single thing they say, and don't think anything through before giving a response. They also tend to have overwhelming confidence and can never understand when they are wrong.

IQ is also an absolutely awful indicator of intelligence. It should be phased out completely. There is also evidence that shows that how you are raised has the highest impact on intelligence, not genetics. Having access to quality education from an early age makes much more of a difference than any genetic factor aside from exceptionally rare exceptions. Some are born truly gifted, however most worked for it. In our case, our pattern recognition is so far beyond the average person that we can see connections between events they don't. That still doesn't help us in day to day existence. It also doesn't help us learn new skills. It actually became a hindrance. We are so used to breezing through everything, that we lose motivation if faced with a challenge we can't solve fairly quickly. And since nothing is enjoyable, that means we lose interest in anything we can't pick up very quickly.

As for the thread statement, that is also simply untrue. Rich sociopaths run the world. People who inherited multiple generations of compounding wealth and have no qualms about exploiting everyone they can to increase that wealth and their power including making sure everyone else struggles as they wrongly see us as less than them.

Looks and intelligence aren't everything. We had both and they got us nowhere useful or beneficial because of our issues interacting with other people.
We can be very hard to get along with if someone has the intent of trying to abuse us in any way such as what occurs at nearly every job now and others tend to very much not like that, and as a result, tend to not like us if their own viewpoint isn't malleable.

The constant overthinking also contributes very heavily to both our anxiety and depression. How can we not be depressed when we can't ignore that the majority of the world is suffering, not because they must, but so a few can hoard resources they could never reasonably use in a thousand lifetimes?
We can see the problems in the world, we can see how to fix them, and yet are powerless to do anything about it. At the end of the day, someone with generational wealth who can't even do basic maintenance on anything they own will make the decisions that influence the state of the world.

The following quote holds true.
"Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know."

― Ernest Hemingway, The Garden of Eden

With great intelligence, tends to come great misery. The most intelligent people we know, are also the most miserable. The truly unintelligent tend to be much happier. If we could start over never having been like this, we likely would have been a lot happier in life rather than considering ending it.

The least intelligent person we ever knew was always overflowing with confidence and was usually happy. That same person did not even pause before trying to grab something that got tangled in a lawn mower blade with the mower still running. That same person then went on to go from employee to manager of a company in just a few months because others like him enjoyed their company. Meanwhile, we were denied a promised promotion not because we couldn't excel at the job, but because we refused to be pushed around by upper management and they found our personality to be disagreeable.
Blanket statements like some of those already found in this thread just cause more problems and solve nothing. We honestly don't know why we are bothering to reply to this thread at all. Reading most of the responses to this thread is sickening. We guess it just caught our attention as we wake up. This should also really be in off-topic.

Yeah, I was going to bring this up too. I've known some pretty dim (likely) sociopaths do extremely well in life. This world is cruel. Corporations are cruel. They need people who will act ruthlessly, without compassion, without conscience, without remorse and they don't necessarily need to be all that smart! All they need to do is follow the unscrupulous orders handed down to them by- ok- the real evil masterminds behind it. They may not be right at the top- granted but, they'll likely still be senior management. So- not at all bad in terms of salary and status. A nightmare to work with though!
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Too many mistakes and regrets
Jan 1, 2024
Dam bro you are god whats going bro?
Hard to explain, but my mental health took a deep dip once as I entered my 20's. I have never been the same person since then.
And over the course of the next 10 years, I made poor decisions in life and ruined my mental health even more, instead of working on it.
Now my dreams are just filled with flashbacks of when I was a kid and how everything was perfect back then; Every day I just wish to cease existing
and telling myself that I've had enough.


death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Having a high IQ isn't the only factor that's required to control the world or be successful. For example, no matter how much of a high IQ you have, it doesn't mean anything to anybody if you don't have the adequate social skills to demonstrate it. From what I noticed, people tend to place those who are confident or who sound confident as somebody who is intelligent over somebody who is.. actually intelligent. Also, it takes resilience, determination, persistence and all of these other words that make me sick to my stomach to utter to be successful. Additionally, those who are intelligent but fucked by their circumstances and/or environments (i.e. maybe they live in a 3rd world country) don't really get a chance to let their intelligence shine
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Just Existing
Sep 27, 2023
When smart people speak, there are no gaps in their speech. They speak with a very fast response time, their response is fast, their thinking is fast, and their recall of information is fast.
I disagree. You can speak or write words very quickly but without any substance or cohesive logic, and as long as it sounds vaguely like what they want to hear, the masses will follow you anywhere. (imo)

There are also many people like me who string together fancy sounding but excessively complicated phrases like

"You can speak or write words very quickly but without any substance or cohesive logic"

instead of saying

"you can speak quick but got no meaning".

The substance and the logic of both arguments are (practically speaking) the same, except the two people are using different sets of vocabulary to express themselves.

Tragically, it seems like vocabulary, sentence structure, and speed are unconsciously used by people as measurements of someone's intelligence, when these things are more determined by your socio-economic background and/ or access to relatively decent public institutions.

Maybe the real tragedy though is that our society cares enough in the first place about intelligence and the infinite comparisons that can be made between people.
Tears in Rain

Tears in Rain

Dec 12, 2023
People like Donald Trump control the world.
Obviously very high IQ.
Screenshot 20240116 113901
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
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Aug 4, 2022
This is simply untrue.... 140IQ here and we struggle to maintain a face to face conversation. Our speech rate is very inconsistent and we often freeze mid sentence. Our information recollection varies greatly, and we certainly aren't running anything other than our mental health into the ground.
The people that speak like that tend to be less intelligent. They don't question a single thing they say, and don't think anything through before giving a response. They also tend to have overwhelming confidence and can never understand when they are wrong.

IQ is also an absolutely awful indicator of intelligence. It should be phased out completely. There is also evidence that shows that how you are raised has the highest impact on intelligence, not genetics. Having access to quality education from an early age makes much more of a difference than any genetic factor aside from exceptionally rare exceptions. Some are born truly gifted, however most worked for it. In our case, our pattern recognition is so far beyond the average person that we can see connections between events they don't. That still doesn't help us in day to day existence. It also doesn't help us learn new skills. It actually became a hindrance. We are so used to breezing through everything, that we lose motivation if faced with a challenge we can't solve fairly quickly. And since nothing is enjoyable, that means we lose interest in anything we can't pick up very quickly.

As for the thread statement, that is also simply untrue. Rich sociopaths run the world. People who inherited multiple generations of compounding wealth and have no qualms about exploiting everyone they can to increase that wealth and their power including making sure everyone else struggles as they wrongly see us as less than them.

Looks and intelligence aren't everything. We had both and they got us nowhere useful or beneficial because of our issues interacting with other people.
We can be very hard to get along with if someone has the intent of trying to abuse us in any way such as what occurs at nearly every job now and others tend to very much not like that, and as a result, tend to not like us if their own viewpoint isn't malleable.

The constant overthinking also contributes very heavily to both our anxiety and depression. How can we not be depressed when we can't ignore that the majority of the world is suffering, not because they must, but so a few can hoard resources they could never reasonably use in a thousand lifetimes?
We can see the problems in the world, we can see how to fix them, and yet are powerless to do anything about it. At the end of the day, someone with generational wealth who can't even do basic maintenance on anything they own will make the decisions that influence the state of the world.

The following quote holds true.
"Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know."

― Ernest Hemingway, The Garden of Eden

With great intelligence, tends to come great misery. The most intelligent people we know, are also the most miserable. The truly unintelligent tend to be much happier. If we could start over never having been like this, we likely would have been a lot happier in life rather than considering ending it.

The least intelligent person we ever knew was always overflowing with confidence and was usually happy. That same person did not even pause before trying to grab something that got tangled in a lawn mower blade with the mower still running. That same person then went on to go from employee to manager of a company in just a few months because others like him enjoyed their company. Meanwhile, we were denied a promised promotion not because we couldn't excel at the job, but because we refused to be pushed around by upper management and they found our personality to be disagreeable.
Blanket statements like some of those already found in this thread just cause more problems and solve nothing. We honestly don't know why we are bothering to reply to this thread at all. Reading most of the responses to this thread is sickening. We guess it just caught our attention as we wake up. This should also really be in off-topic.
nah its a perfectly good predictor. We can map by iq the probablity of success of an individual
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Aug 29, 2023
nah its a perfectly good predictor. We can map by iq the probablity of success of an individual
its a predictor for future success, which does not imply that future success itself is biologically determined.


Aug 4, 2022
its a predictor for future success, which does not imply that future success itself is biologically determined.
i mean its a pretty good indicator of how well they are goonna do in school


Aug 29, 2023
i mean its a pretty good indicator of how well they are goonna do in school
no because academic success is determined by other factors i.e attention, willpower, motivation, health, etc. there are many people who do poorly in school and succeed later, and vice versa. moreover, as far as i am aware standardized iq tests are not common in schools, so an adult who takes an iq test and scores highly would only be able to determine a posteori their success in academia as resulting from a high iq.


Aug 4, 2022
no because academic success is determined by other factors i.e attention, willpower, motivation, health, etc. there are many people who do poorly in school and succeed later, and vice versa. moreover, as far as i am aware standardized iq tests are not common in schools, so an adult who takes an iq test and scores highly would only be able to determine a posteori their success in academia as resulting from a high iq.
self control is not as important as iq for future long term success according to the study. Truth is, some people study hard and get the same grades as those who barely open the textbooks. So there is definitely initial iq at play


Aug 29, 2023
self control is not as important as iq for future long term success according to the study. Truth is, some people study hard and get the same grades as those who barely open the textbooks. So there is definitely initial iq at play
will read this paper, but already right off the bat we have discarded 'iq' for 'intelligence', which are not synonymous. i would argue that hours aren't a good quantifier for performance, since what matters are study habits rather than brute hours. you could argue that this results from the intelligence of the child being able to develop healthy such habits, but then we are forced to discount the many influences that form the habits of a child i.e parents, tutors, teachers, etc. self-control and motivation are not synonymous, with the latter probably playing a greater role than the former.


Aug 4, 2022
will read this paper, but already right off the bat we have discarded 'iq' for 'intelligence', which are not synonymous. i would argue that hours aren't a good quantifier for performance, since what matters are study habits rather than brute hours. you could argue that this results from the intelligence of the child being able to develop healthy such habits, but then we are forced to discount the many influences that form the habits of a child i.e parents, tutors, teachers, etc. self-control and motivation are not synonymous, with the latter probably playing a greater role than the former.
Well its just one measure of intelligence. But its a pretty good measure and its been proven to correlate with academic and career success. For instance we have a good measure of IQ for white people with different degrees
No degree: 87
High school diploma/GED: 99 Associate's Degree: 104
Bachelor's Degree: 113
Master's Degree: 117
PhD, LLD, MD, DDS: 124
of course there are other factors at play but to say that IQ isnt an important factor is just a mistake


Aug 29, 2023
Well its just one measure of intelligence. But its a pretty good measure and its been proven to correlate with academic and career success. For instance we have a good measure of IQ for white people with different degrees
No degree: 87
High school diploma/GED: 99 Associate's Degree: 104
Bachelor's Degree: 113
Master's Degree: 117
PhD, LLD, MD, DDS: 124
of course there are other factors at play but to say that IQ isnt an important factor is just a mistake
iq is a predictor, not a factor. we determine iq to be an 'accurate' measure of intelligence -- and not just a predictor -- because it correlates well with other factors., which arguably better determine ones future success. its like taking a function and defining it as the composition of several functions, and then describing its output as solely determined by the former, neglecting its definition.

also, cite please.


Aug 4, 2022
iq is a predictor, not a factor. we determine iq to be an 'accurate' measure of intelligence -- and not just a predictor -- because it correlates well with other factors., which arguably better determine ones future success. its like taking a function and defining it as the composition of several functions, and then describing its output as solely determined by the former, neglecting its definition.

also, cite please.
all sources at the bottom. I think its clear what the biggest predictor of success is


brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I think that IQ is a factor in success, but it also comes down to EQ because the essence of life is interacting with other people. Social interaction is an inescapable part of life. There's a reason why highly successful people (CEO's, etc) are often sociopaths and psychopaths: because they have the people skills required to succeed. I think it's accurate to say that high IQ and EQ people control the world.
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