

Jun 1, 2024
Is my SN plan good?

(48 hour regiment) [Day 1] 11:00 • 1 Metoclopramide | 19:00 • 1 Metoclopramide | 3:00 • 1 Metoclopramide | [Day 2] 11:00 • 1 Metoclopramide | 15:30 ~ 16:00 • Last meal | 19:00 • 1 Metoclopramide | 2:00 • 1 Paracetamol | 2:15 • 1 Metoclopramide + Propranolol | 2:40 • 20 Crushed Diazepam | 3:00 • Mix 25g SN with 100 ml water |
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
Are you sure about the 20 crushed diazepam 20 minutes before SN? Would you be alert enough to drink the first cup or second one if need be?
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Jun 1, 2024
Are you sure about the 20 crushed diazepam 20 minutes before SN? Would you be alert enough to drink the first cup or second one if need be?
you made me think about it... maybe i should change it...


Sep 3, 2024
Mon forfait SN est-il bon ?

(Régime de 48 heures) [Jour 1] 11h00 • 1 métoclopramide | 19h00 • 1 métoclopramide | 3h00 • 1 métoclopramide | [Jour 2] 11h00 • 1 métoclopramide | 15h30 ~ 16h00 • Dernier repas | 19h00 • 1 métoclopramide | 2h00 • 1 paracétamol | 2h15 • 1 métoclopramide + propranolol | 2h40 • 20 diazépam écrasé | 3h00 • Mélanger 25 g de SN avec 100 ml d'eau |
In fact, simply understand that the faster the heart rate, the faster the absorption of SN will be and therefore the loss of consciousness as well as death will probably be faster as well.
Taking a beta blocker will slow down the heart rate and therefore help you to stress less but it will also slow down the absorption of SN which will have the consequence of prolonging the process leading to you losing consciousness and you are more likely to feel the effects secondary symptoms of NS such as difficulty breathing, headache, convulsions and dizziness as well as nausea and vomiting.
The PPEH recommends against it and it is therefore not for nothing so do not take Propranolol.
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Jun 1, 2024
Le propranolol n'est pas conseillé dans les services d'urgence de santé pour le moment, car il entraîne un temps de perte de connaissance plus long.
En fait, comprenez simplement que plus le rythme cardiaque est rapide, plus l'absorption de SN sera rapide et donc la perte de conscience ainsi que la mort seront probablement plus rapides également.
La prise d'un bêtabloquant va ralentir le rythme cardiaque et donc vous aider à moins stresser mais elle va aussi ralentir l'absorption du SN ce qui aura pour conséquence de prolonger le processus vous amenant à perdre connaissance et vous risquez davantage de ressentir les effets secondaires du SN tels que des difficultés respiratoires, des maux de tête, des convulsions et des étourdissements ainsi que des nausées et des vomissements.
Le PPEH le déconseille et ce n'est donc pas pour rien qu'il ne faut pas prendre de Propranolol.
would you say everything else is fine if i remove the propranolol and decrease the wait time between taking diazepam and taking SN? i was also thinking about removing the last meal because i don't really care about it and i've heard it's better if i go on longer without eating


Sep 3, 2024
would you say everything else is fine if i remove the propranolol and decrease the wait time between taking diazepam and taking SN? i was also thinking about removing the last meal because i don't really care about it and i've heard it's better if i go on longer without eating
Medicines in crushed form will be absorbed more quickly and therefore if you do not have a great resistance to diazepam, I advise taking it 10 to 15 minutes before the NS.
For the last meal, in fact the emptier the digestive system, the better it will therefore be at least 8 hours between taking the SN and the last meal, more time will be preferable but not obligatory.
You can take the beta blocker but if you are resistant you are more likely to take longer to lose consciousness and the side effects of SN are sometimes unpleasant depending on the people, and tachycardia does not seem to me to be the most annoying of the effects, it It's a little disturbing to feel your heart beating very fast but not painful and ultimately it can also accelerate your loss of consciousness so I would prefer not to use a beta blocker, but it's up to you of course. Good luck anyway
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Jun 1, 2024
Medicines in crushed form will be absorbed more quickly and therefore if you do not have a great resistance to diazepam, I advise taking it 10 to 15 minutes before the NS.
For the last meal, in fact the emptier the digestive system, the better it will therefore be at least 8 hours between taking the SN and the last meal, more time will be preferable but not obligatory.
You can take the beta blocker but if you are resistant you are more likely to take longer to lose consciousness and the side effects of SN are sometimes unpleasant depending on the people, and tachycardia does not seem to me to be the most annoying of the effects, it It's a little disturbing to feel your heart beating very fast but not painful and ultimately it can also accelerate your loss of consciousness so I would prefer not to use a beta blocker, but it's up to you of course. Good luck anyway
i'm planning to go on 48 hours without eating. do you think there's any room for improvement with what i currently have?
- 30x1g Paracetamol
- 20x10mg Metoclopramide
- 30x10mg Diazepam
- 50x40mg Propranolol (planning to remove it)


Sep 3, 2024
Screenshot 20240909 040638 Gallery
This is the PPEH protocol advised
No need to extend protocol 2 days before but if you want you can, so just check the other pic i will post below
No need to extend protocol 2 days before but if you want you can, so just check the other pic i will post below
Screenshot 20240904 010615 Chrome
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Sep 3, 2024
Pic is in french cause i am but you can see the protocol as :
Day 1:
8:00 am 1x10 mg meto
16:00 pm 1x10 mg meto
24:00 am 1x10 mg meto
Day 2:
8:00 am 1x10 mg meto
16:00 pm 1x10 mg meto
23:00 pm 600 mg ibuprofene or 1000 mg Paracetamol
23:20 pm 3x10 mg meto

Wait for 40 minutes. During this time, prepare 25 gr SN disolved in 50 ml of water and prepare 2 glasses in case vomiting.

Crush 20x30 mg oxazepam or equivalent of other benzo and mixed with some water to be drinks.

23:45 pm Take the benzo

24:00 pm Take the SN
This is the protocol that i will follow when i will plan to CTB
I will prefer Paracetamol cause ibuprofene cause sometimes gastric troubles.
And possible that i will choose to take one single dose of 30 mg meto the day CTB
i would like to know the personal opinion from someone though 🤔... i've already read that part from the PPEH but it didn't really help that much personally...
PPEH was written by Philip Nitschke, doctor and researcher within the Exit association, he masters his subject relatively well and his recommendations are based on numerous case studies listed so I will not doubt its legitimacy, which is surely more operational than the personal opinions of ordinary people
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Jun 1, 2024
Pic is in french cause i am but you can see the protocol as :
Day 1:
8:00 am 1x10 mg meto
16:00 pm 1x10 mg meto
24:00 am 1x10 mg meto
Day 2:
8:00 am 1x10 mg meto
16:00 pm 1x10 mg meto
23:00 pm 600 mg ibuprofene or 1000 mg Paracetamol
23:20 pm 3x10 mg meto

Wait for 40 minutes. During this time, prepare 25 gr SN disolved in 50 ml of water and prepare 2 glasses in case vomiting.

Crush 20x30 mg oxazepam or equivalent of other benzo and mixed with some water to be drinks.

23:45 pm Take the benzo

24:00 pm Take the SN
This is the protocol that i will follow when i will plan to CTB
I will prefer Paracetamol cause ibuprofene cause sometimes gastric troubles.
And possible that i will choose to take one single dose of 30 mg meto the day CTB

PPEH was written by Philip Nitschke, doctor and researcher within the Exit association, he masters his subject relatively well and his recommendations are based on numerous case studies listed so I will not doubt its legitimacy, which is surely more operational than the personal opinions of ordinary people
thank you so much ❤
if anyone else could contribute to this... i'd really appreciate it...


Sep 3, 2024
It is also important to understand that if the PPEH advises against taking benzos before the SN, it is because the risk of vomiting can occur any time between taking SN and losing consciousness, and if you take the benzos too much. early, depending on your resistance you could lose consciousness only a few minutes after swallowing the SN and if you vomit you will not be able to notice it, but if you vomit it is possible that you survive in the case where the SN does not would not have been sufficiently absorbed. This is why it is better to remain conscious for at least 10 minutes after taking the SN to ensure perfect absorption, and if vomiting occurs immediately or repeatedly, then drink a second glass of SN to maximize the chances of success. And to do this you have to remain conscious, and even if benzos sometimes take up to 40 minutes to act, in crushed form and in large quantities, their action is faster, around twenty minutes.
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Jun 1, 2024
is my SN plan better now?

48 hour fasting

[Day 1]
11:00 • 1x10 mg Metoclopramide
19:00 • 1x10 mg Metoclopramide
3:00 • 1x10 mg Metoclopramide

[Day 2]
11:00 • 1x10 mg Metoclopramide
19:00 • 1x10 mg Metoclopramide
2:00 • 1x1 g Paracetamol
2:15 • 3x10 mg Metoclopramide
2:50 • 20x10 mg Crushed Diazepam mixed with ??? ml water
3:00 • 25 g SN mixed with 100 ml water
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Sep 3, 2024
On Day
is my SN plan better now?

48 hour fasting

[Day 1]
11:00 • 1x10 mg Metoclopramide
19:00 • 1x10 mg Metoclopramide
3:00 • 1x10 mg Metoclopramide

[Day 2]
11:00 • 1x10 mg Metoclopramide
19:00 • 1x10 mg Metoclopramide
2:00 • 1x1 g Paracetamol
2:15 • 3x10 mg Metoclopramide
2:50 • 20x10 mg Crushed Diazepam mixed with ??? ml water
3:00 • 25 g SN mixed with 100 ml water
On day 2, after Paracetamol only 3x10 mg meto, and 25 gr SN in 50 ml of water, 100 ml is too high.
But it seems good
You can take 100 ml of water but 50 ml should be easiest because the taste is strong
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Jun 1, 2024
On Day

On day 2, after Paracetamol only 3x10 mg meto, and 25 gr SN in 50 ml of water, 100 ml is too high.
But it seems good
You can take 100 ml of water but 50 ml should be easiest because the taste is strong
i did say 3x10 mg meto after paracetamol tho lol, but thank you :)


Sep 3, 2024
Yes all seems good !
I don't know how much, it depend of diazepam solubility
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Aug 23, 2024
is my SN plan better now?

48 hour fasting

[Day 1]
11:00 • 1x10 mg Metoclopramide
19:00 • 1x10 mg Metoclopramide
3:00 • 1x10 mg Metoclopramide

[Day 2]
11:00 • 1x10 mg Metoclopramide
19:00 • 1x10 mg Metoclopramide
2:00 • 1x1 g Paracetamol
2:15 • 3x10 mg Metoclopramide
2:50 • 20x10 mg Crushed Diazepam mixed with ??? ml water
3:00 • 25 g SN mixed with 100 ml water
From my understanding, the less water the better. The quicker the absorption since its less water and also less to be vomitted if that happens. For your SN, its better with 50ml water.

Hope all goes well for you, my friend
To the eternal sleep in peace 💛🙏🏻
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