

hopelessly hopeful
May 8, 2024
Hi everyone,

I'm thinking about having alcohol, promethazine and xanax (if i find them, if there's something easily attainable that's better please let me know🙏🏼) and hyperventilating as much as i can, taking NOS with a ballon until i pass out, laying in a bathtub.

My idea is that i'll pass out in the tub from the balloons and hyperventilating and drown while unconscious. I might put a 2kg ankle weight around my neck just in case unconscious SI kicks in and my head pops out before i drown. The idea is that i die without panicking too much.

I'm not sure how much of the substances to take so that i don't throw up but also don't black out before i actually get to it, i might just chill in the bath for a long time. I also heard it's better if the water is warm/hot. Im not sure what else to do to make sure i CTB without inducing pain or panic.

Just in case you need to know. I am 19, 4'11 and 45kg, and i work out doing weights and weighted cardio every day for over an hour. My body is quite strong, and i regularly drink every other day.

I am someone who has survived dozens of attempts in my life to the point where doctors in the past were genuinely scared of me for a bit because i ended up with close to no side effects apart from brain damage. I am chronically suicidal with a lot of other issues from extreme, continuous trauma and also being neurodivergent. After spending majority of my life begging for help, despite being a 'top priority' in the eyes of the government, i have been messed around with, abused mentally and physically (in a psych ward) and neglected by the NHS for almost a decade. After recent events I truly realise now i won't get help, but i am unable to live like this. My illnesses are ones I cannot recover from truly, and I can't even begin that without external help which i'm being refused. Please help 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
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hopelessly hopeful
May 8, 2024
Also might do ketamine but i'm scared it might make me throw up or anything like that in combination with the other stuff


Apr 15, 2022
How long is the bathtub? How are you planning on "slipping down" until your head is under the water. I think intentionally trying to drown in a bathtub can work, meaning you, consciously, hold your head under water until you drown, but that takes GREAT will and fortitude. But, by just trying to do it through "happenstance" after falling unconscious, has an infinitesimally small chance of succeeding. I just don't see it working, drugs or not.
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hopelessly hopeful
May 8, 2024
How long is the bathtub? How are you planning on "slipping down" until your head is under the water. I think intentionally trying to drown in a bathtub can work, meaning you, consciously, hold your head under water until you drown, but that takes GREAT will and fortitude. But, by just trying to do it through "happenstance" after falling unconscious, has an infinitesimally small chance of succeeding. I just don't see it working, drugs or not.
The bathtub is long enough that i can bend my knees but because i'm really short i can't actually lay in the tub and relax without my head going under the water if that makes sense? I've got to use bath cushions to be able to sit up without slipping and i've almost drowned before by accident because i wasn't careful. This is why i'm thinking about using the ankle weights i've got 2 of them as well.

The reason i'm thinking about using NOS is because i've passed out a lot doing it and not woken up when i fell on stuff not even realised i passed out until someone tells me so i have a feeling that mixed with everything else i won't even realise i'm gone

You definitely have a point this could really go wrong if i fuck it up so i'm trying to find ways that will kind of back it up idk how to phrase this but i hope you get what i mean


Apr 15, 2022
You definitely have a point this could really go wrong if i fuck it up so i'm trying to find ways that will kind of back it up idk how to phrase this but i hope you get what i mean
I get what you mean. I think it would take something really strong, to put you way "under", because I'd be concerned that once I slipped under the water and started swallowing water, and gasping for air, that that would be enough to bring me back to consciousness.


Kill me
Nov 26, 2023
I can't imagine drowning to ever be painless but that's not to say u understand the logistics of the unconscious brain either.


hopelessly hopeful
May 8, 2024
I get what you mean. I think it would take something really strong, to put you way "under", because I'd be concerned that once I slipped under the water and started swallowing water, and gasping for air, that that would be enough to bring me back to consciousness.
yepp that's my only concern that's why i'm tryna black out with all the promethazine cos i definitely plan on oding but knowing me i feel like i probably will flop 🫠 i wish this was easy
I can't imagine drowning to ever be painless but that's not to say u understand the logistics of the unconscious brain either.
i imagine due to all the substances and lack of oxygen already if i just let myself fall into the water when i pass out it won't be like 100% painless but sounds a bit better than the other methods i've seen but idk tbh it's just a work in progress rn the shallow water method inspired this idea but i definitelyy need to do more research
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Apr 15, 2022
yepp that's my only concern that's why i'm tryna pass out with all the promethazine cos i definitely plan on oding but knowing me i feel like i probably will flop 🫠 i wish this was easy
I don't think it has anything to do with you. I think most would flop with this method. I don't know what's powerful enough to guarantee unconsciousness. I was going to suggest chloroform (you can make it yourself), but as soon as you went underwater and the chloroform was removed, you'd wake up shortly after. IDK.


Sep 10, 2023
How long is the bathtub? How are you planning on "slipping down" until your head is under the water. I think intentionally trying to drown in a bathtub can work, meaning you, consciously, hold your head under water until you drown, but that takes GREAT will and fortitude. But, by just trying to do it through "happenstance" after falling unconscious, has an infinitesimally small chance of succeeding. I just don't see it working, drugs or not.
I get what you mean. I think it would take something really strong, to put you way "under", because I'd be concerned that once I slipped under the water and started swallowing water, and gasping for air, that that would be enough to bring me back to consciousness.
I don't think it has anything to do with you. I think most would flop with this method. I don't know what's powerful enough to guarantee unconsciousness. I was going to suggest chloroform (you can make it yourself), but as soon as you went underwater and the chloroform was removed, you'd wake up shortly after. IDK.

Not true. A lot of people die every year from accidentally drowning in bathtubs and hot tubs after passing out from alcohol and/or drugs.

Water temperature seems to have an impact too:
Alcohol Use Likely Culprit In Hot Tub Drownings
Safety experts were surprised when told tub drownings are more likely to occur in Western states. But they were quick to suggest the likely culprit in many cases may be alcohol use in hot tubs, which are much more common in the West than in the Northeast.
"You get into a hot tub to relax and you drink to relax. When you put those two things together, you get more than you bargain for," Jonathan Howland, an epidemiologist at Boston University and a national expert on death by drowning, told the Times. "The heat leads to dilation of the blood vessels, along with the alcohol. People are basically having a drop of blood pressure and having the equivalent of a faint," said Howland.
Tony Gomez, manager of the Injury and Violence Prevention Division at the Seattle Public Health Department told the Times that up to 70 percent of all hot tub and pool drownings involving adults that are investigated by his department are alcohol-related.

"What we hear from those that survive or those that witnessed a drowning with alcohol impaired swimmers (and) soakers is that they just fell asleep or went unconscious and slipped under the water," Gomez said.

There are also some well known cases of celebrities, including these:
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Apr 15, 2022
Not true. A lot of people die every year from accidentally drowning in bathtubs and hot tubs after passing out from alcohol and/or drugs.
Sources please.


Apr 15, 2022
You're the one making the claim. I don't need to back up other's claims. If you just wish to make reguritations as fact, just say so. And no, I NEVER "google". GOOGLE SUCKS!


Ready to go home
Jun 14, 2024
There are a lot of factors to consider. You gotta be on a strong combo of drugs and alcohol to black out. You also gotta have a big enough tub to pass out in. And it has to have enough depth to allow a decent amount of water to build. You could also leave the shower head on, idk.

I think your biggest threat is SI. The human body does interesting things unconsciously.

People can drown though. Didn't Whitney Houston and her daughter both drown? They both had cardiac episodes but they weren't found until later and both were under water in the tub when they were found.
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hopelessly hopeful
May 8, 2024
i was thinking about whitney houston as well !! i could add coke to my od but i gotta research what that will do


I'm a priest from the underworld, Guess who?
Feb 27, 2023
This method seemed to work pretty mint for Dolores O'Riordan. I would assume drowning while unconscious is pretty painless and spares you from the fear of drowning as well. The slew of drugs you described may work but I think you could accomplish similar results with just a heap of liquor.
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hopelessly hopeful
May 8, 2024
This method seemed to work pretty mint for Dolores O'Riordan. I would assume drowning while unconscious is pretty painless and spares you from the fear of drowning as well. The slew of drugs you described may work but I think you could accomplish similar results with just a heap of liquor.
i really really hope so 🙃
Thinking about adding quetapine/seroquel to my little mix too actually it used to make every drug or drink feel like xans
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