Mornings are often hardest for me too. Sometimes I try to break things down into the "simplest steps" one at a time. Sitting up, drinking water, taking my meds are my steps 1 through 3.
Then I try to journal, listen to a guided meditation, there's some great guided meditation and positive affirmation podcasts. They can help just get my brain moving in a better direction while still in bed. It doesn't always work, but I try!
If I can get out of bed, I make some tea, but often that's hard, so I usually try to keep some iced tea (or coffee) by bed to help in the morning and a snack. My next steps are whatever I can do that's manageable - brush my teeth, brush my hair, change my clothes, put on deodorant. Sometimes showering can feel like too much, but just freshening up can feel good. And a few, I can do from bed (deodorant, I keep clean clothes in reach)
I try to plan out the night before just 1-2 things I need to do the next day (but simplify them if I can). So instead of tackling a big project, maybe it's just open my computer, read the email, plan a reply, send out one thing - any small step I can do to make progress. (I also make a little note in Notepad or Notion and "check" them off - including all my self care! Even checking off that I brushed my teeth, helps remind my brain that I'm making progress and gets some momentum)
Sometimes it all feels too overwhelming (especially feeling behind!) but I try to view it as just chipping away one little step at the time. It doesn't work every day, but the days that it works feels good to make a little progress
I hope this helps!