

Feb 23, 2019
I essentially just have a few questions and want some extra tips, including ones that aren't directly related to the method (for example, blocking all entrances into the house to make it harder for people to get to my body to be revived)

I think the "Night-Night" method sounds perfect. I give great thanks to the person who created the thread: https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/the-night-night-method-mega-thread.6834/
I tested it with my hand and I believe it worked correctly. I was extremely pleased, almost euphoric at how easy and comfortable it was.

Essentially, it sounds like partial hanging but 10x more comfortable. Don't have to worry about a rope digging into your trachea and you have full control over the pressure applied.

I have a few questions though:
  1. This method is relatively painless, correct? Just some pressure on your neck and you become unconscious and you're completely dead in less than 1 hour. Right?
  2. It seems to be difficult to find a pulse in my neck, I'm guessing it's because I'm a bit overweight, but either way... I applied pressure with my hands to where the arteries should be, to the left and right of my Adam's Apple. I could still breathe (although not very well, but enough to where I wasn't panicking) and I felt a heavy, but painless, pressure throughout my head. After a few seconds, the words on my phone became blurry, then I stopped. Does that all sound correct? Is this the feeling I should expect when I finally CTB with this method?

Another question that's unrelated to the method:
  • I assume using some of my preferred drugs wouldn't have any effect on my method. All are downers. Pills, alcohol, etc. If anything, I'm guessing these would only help achieving death. Let me know if there's any reason I shouldn't use these.
Now on to the tips. If you have any general tips, let me know.
Things such as :
  • Don't tell anyone where you are
  • Make it difficult for people to get inside and revive you
  • Do it at a time where no one is going to come around or wonder why you aren't responding to calls/messages (12am-3am)
Thanks in advance!