

Sep 10, 2018
Fuck this country!

I was told I'm a mentally ill retarded eternally at baby's level shithead who can never be allowed to adopt or have any bodily autonomy or rights yet the same fuckers say that just because I have asperger it's not a reason that I can't go to college, get a degree and have a job.
FUCK THOSE FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope Shitland gets invated by the USA. I'll tell you all our secrets USA! I swear there's a billion litres of oil right here! Come and drill!

Either let aspergers adopt or let them get neetbux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's like this world was created just to torture aspergers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want neetbuxxxxxxxxx!!!!

Neetbux=disability money that you get for being unable to work

Seriously though, another reason to ctb. I'm running low on money, and I'm not entitled to get money because "Lol, asperger isn't a real disability".

Why?! Why is it that when I want to adopt I'm told by doctors "You have asperger, you're a mentally retarded idiot, you can't do that!" Yet when I say "Okay, then I can't work, give me money!" they answer "Wow, asperger in no way makes you any different from any other person! There's absolutely no difference between asperger and NT, in truth, asperger doesn't even exist! Go to work"
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Jun 14, 2018
I have aspergers and it sucks in many ways. They view it as someone who is high functioning so that is why you won't be classified for getting money. I am lucky I also suffer Anorexia nervosa which qualities me for getting money to live, but it makes it a shit life just wanting to die every day long.
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Nov 13, 2018
Finland, right? I think in Sweden you get disability for autism but in Finland you don't. I hope this gets corrected in the future.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
High-functioning autism is the worst. I've always had to do jobs that I struggle at and barely have the emotional capacity to do, while neurotypical people breeze through the day by comparison. Not to mention running a whole household on a single income and coping with total isolation. This is why we need voluntary euthanasia.
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Sep 10, 2018
Finland, right? I think in Sweden you get disability for autism but in Finland you don't. I hope this gets corrected in the future.
If only I was born a few hundred kilometers west. Why is Sweden in many things so much better than Finland? No wonder my distant cousin went there to study despite not even speaking Swedish and living in Finland. My uncle and aunt live in there too. If I had been born to them I could get neetbux money and maybe they'd be better parents.

The reason I'm not getting any money is because the psychiatrists change all the time and while the previous ones just said "Message if you need anything" and left me alone the new one insisted that I probably don't even have asperger and there are no meds for asperger and I have depression and that I need to eat ten thousand pills for the rest of my life and he constantly called me and wouldn't leave me alone.

I'm the most anti-psychiatry and anti-brainwashpill person in the world so I couldn't take it. Especially because I feared that he'd send me to thought prison if I didn't do what he said. So I went full no contact to them. And well, that's the tale.

I wish I could meet a psychiatrist, tell them "Hey I have asperger and insomnia, could you give some meds and write a paper that I can never work?" and they'd give me meds for my insomnia and give some "if you get a panic attack you might try these but only if you want" pills.

It was so frustrating. "Oh you don't keep eyecontact! You must be crazy and depressed!". And I'd be like "I'm not depressed, I'm not crazy! I have asperger and my parents suck!".

I can't take this anymore. Like, I like having asperger. I don't mind that I don't fit in with most people, I don't mind that I'm not dating anyone, I don't mind any of it. (I do wish I had more friends though), I love how I can see and sense the world differently. But when I'm treated like crap...

I have aspergers and it sucks in many ways. They view it as someone who is high functioning so that is why you won't be classified for getting money. I am lucky I also suffer Anorexia nervosa which qualities me for getting money to live, but it makes it a shit life just wanting to die every day long.
High functioning isn't fully functioning, I wish they knew that. Every person who gives aspies money is mentally sane, every person who doesn't is mentally insane. Neurotypicals really shouldn't be deciding anything. Imagine if all politicians were aspergers. Aspergers often hate lying so every politician would tell the truth. Sorry you suffer.

High-functioning autism is the worst. I've always had to do jobs that I struggle at and barely have the emotional capacity to do, while neurotypical people breeze through the day by comparison. Not to mention running a whole household on a single income and coping with total isolation. This is why we need voluntary euthanasia.
Yeah, I almost wish I was low functioning so I could get more love. No one should do jobs. Neurowhatiswrongwiththemwhyarenttheygreatlikeaspergers don't often breeze through them either, they just voluntarily have a brain death, coming back to life on weekends and evenings. Neuroeuros commit suicides because of work too. I've read 90% of aspies can't do jobs at all, and the rest 10% suffer so much, thus aspies should be no no at work places. I like total isolation, but I can understand that it can be hard. I agree we need voluntary euthanasia. And voluntary 3000€ per month neetbux money for coming up with the greatest of inventions. All great music, art, and technical inventions exist because aspergers dreamed of getting 3000€ per month and powered by that thought they made great things. We'd be living in caves without aspies.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I don't mind that I'm not dating anyone
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Apr 19, 2020
I have aspergers and adhd. I had to quit my career, but don't receive disability. They do treat you like you're retarded.

I contacted Dignitas to find out if they'd take me with aspergers, but they just replied with general information on their services.

The world doesn't understand what autism is and they never know how to classify us or know what to do with us. The worst thing is sitting in front of a retarded neurotypical doctor trying to explain what the problem is and you detect that they don't have the intellect to grasp the problem. It's embarrassing.
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Jan 14, 2020
I'm so sorry that's happening to you. Having autism really really sucks. This world is definitely not made for people like us… I wish it was different but it's just the reality that it isn't. People keep telling me I can fit in and live a 'normal and happy' life. No I can't, that's fucking impossible in this world when having autism.

I finally get money since about a year ago, after a fight of many many years. I finally met the right person a year ago who didn't take 'no' for an answer. But in about a year they will reevaluate and the fight will probably start again. I'm not ready for that, I'm done with fighting.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
They do treat you like you're retarded.
It's funny, since the reason we get a "level 1/aspie" diagnosis is because we're not intellectually impaired.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I'm sorry you have been through this. It is hypocritical the way they treat those with autism. I have aspergers too and I think many people who don't have it themselves do not understand what it is like.
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Felis Sapien
Jan 5, 2020
I'm not entirely surprised that people with autism/Asperger's get this sort of treatment when any kind of mental illness seems to be considered synonymous with being "retarded".

I've had my IQ tested around 14 years ago and the results I was given put me in the top 2 percent. It was quite a surprise to me, but that's what it revealed and also that I'm dyslexic.

I'm not an idiot and I don't struggle to understand quite a wide gamut of things, from mundane to abstract. Yet, when I have been dealing with "professionals" in recent years, I have been spoken to in "that" tone. You, I'm sure, know the one I mean. The one they use to tell you, condescendingly, of some ridiculous, self evident, chunk of wisdom, like "Well you know, you need to pay your bills Flippy, you can't just expect someone else to do it!" Thus implying that firstly, I didn't know I needed to pay my bills, and secondly, I was sitting around just expecting someone else to do it.

I have a mental illness not fucking brain damage. The fact that I understand some very complex and abstract things appears to not factor into their thinking. Basically dismissing anything I can do as being simple, as it must be since a thicko like me can do it.

The worst thing is when the rules are in opposition. One says that you aren't competent to do "A" eg. Adopt. The other says that you are competent to do "B" eg. Work. Ok, well that seems a little like taking with both hands to me.

There are some real fucking meat heads out there that breed like rabbits, who raise meat heads to breed more meat heads. But that's just fine as they are considered (as you said) neuro-typical. The fact that you wouldn't trust them to tie their own shoelaces, apparently not a problem.

My mother, who should never have been allowed within 100 feet of kids, nevertheless, was permitted to "raise" 3 kids, torturing the shit out of 2 in particular into adulthood and beyond. But that's fine, as long as it's your own kids apparently. And if I occasionally feel a bit crap about the situation, or mournful that I missed my opportunities to have a better life due to the damaged caused, well, "that's all in the past, so it doesn't matter, we just want to talk about the future."

What about what I would like to talk about you fuck head?!

There's a quote, hmmm, can't quite remember it, hmmmm, something about failing to remember or acknowledge the past and, erm something about, ermmmm, hmmmm, repeating mistakes? Is that it? I mean I have a mental illness so maybe I'm just too retarded to understand?
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Melon Master
Aug 19, 2019
This is why we need voluntary euthanasia.
Yes, it's frustrating to no end that you have to basically be old and dying of a terminal illness just to get it.. Just let anyone with any kind of life altering mental illness be eligible damn it. :hmph: Asperger's is a living hell.
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Quiet Desperation

Lonely wanderer
Dec 7, 2020
I'm not entirely surprised that people with autism/Asperger's get this sort of treatment when any kind of mental illness seems to be considered synonymous with being "retarded".

I've had my IQ tested around 14 years ago and the results I was given put me in the top 2 percent. It was quite a surprise to me, but that's what it revealed and also that I'm dyslexic.

I'm not an idiot and I don't struggle to understand quite a wide gamut of things, from mundane to abstract. Yet, when I have been dealing with "professionals" in recent years, I have been spoken to in "that" tone. You, I'm sure, know the one I mean. The one they use to tell you, condescendingly, of some ridiculous, self evident, chunk of wisdom, like "Well you know, you need to pay your bills Flippy, you can't just expect someone else to do it!" Thus implying that firstly, I didn't know I needed to pay my bills, and secondly, I was sitting around just expecting someone else to do it.

Same situation, same IQ category as you, same experience. The last therapist I tried suggested I read two books written for 3-5 year olds. For this helpful advice I was charged $250. That was the end of my interest in therapy.
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Sep 10, 2018
Hahaha, I have wondered about it myself. I did want to date for the first 25 years of my life, but now... I guess I have been alone for so long that I feel I couldn't be compatible with anyone. And I don't want to change myself to be more compatible with someone. I don't want to sacrifice my soul/being in order to please others. And if I found someone from here, it might make me not want to ctb, and I have dreams associated with ctb. And what is dating here in this world? The other person would just wageslave from dawn to dusk, they'd be spending more of their waking time with their workmates/boss than with me. If I'm rarely gonna see the other person, I might as well date a sack of potatoes.

I have aspergers and adhd. I had to quit my career, but don't receive disability. They do treat you like you're retarded.

I contacted Dignitas to find out if they'd take me with aspergers, but they just replied with general information on their services.

The world doesn't understand what autism is and they never know how to classify us or know what to do with us. The worst thing is sitting in front of a retarded neurotypical doctor trying to explain what the problem is and you detect that they don't have the intellect to grasp the problem. It's embarrassing.
I'm sorry for your situation. You do deserve all the money in the world regardless of what some pennypincher think. I don't know what Dignitas is but fuck them if they won't help you. Asperger... it's like a color that no one can see, a color that is so unique to the person, that sometimes not even other aspergers can see it. Neurousuality is a condition that lives in external things, asperger lives in internal. Kinda like I can imagine a cool dragon, but when I try to draw it, none of the drawn dragons look anything like it. Kinda like raw magic. Aspergers are their own worlds and they cannot be translated to this world. The same way that you can't write John in Chinese because Chinese just doesn't work that way. I believe asperger is the way humans are meant to be, and to be something else is to be broken, a puppet.

I dream of places where aspergers can truly embrace themselves, their uniqueness.

Hmm, I wonder how many aspergers have similar thoughts and feelings and experiences that I do, but they can never reveal them, because no non-asperger would ever understand and because they fear that other aspergers wouldn't understand either.

Aspergers are often really smart. Like one aspie asked "Why can't we wear swimwear at workplace?", neuroneuros would get heart attacks if they saw people in swimwear at offices but couldn't explain why "You're not supposed to do that!" is all they can vomit. Who the hell should give a shit about what you're supposed to do. Neurotypicals are the real autists, they stop functioning the second they see someone doing something they're not used to, because "mah traditions". Aspergers are unique, they don't care all about that nonsencial blahblah. And aspergers are inquisitive. Half of intelligence is being curious, the other half is ignoring anything others say and finding your own path. All social rules are fake. Made up. And they change from culture to culture. Asperger is what a human is supposed to be.

But yeah, psychiatrists suck. They can only say things they have heard and do things they have seen. They are nothing but recorded voice lines. Their coding is to be easily brainwashed to be a puppet of this world, and that's all they can ever do. It makes me laugh.

I hope you get money from somewhere. Or get into a world where money isn't needed.

I'm so sorry that's happening to you. Having autism really really sucks. This world is definitely not made for people like us… I wish it was different but it's just the reality that it isn't. People keep telling me I can fit in and live a 'normal and happy' life. No I can't, that's fucking impossible in this world when having autism.

I finally get money since about a year ago, after a fight of many many years. I finally met the right person a year ago who didn't take 'no' for an answer. But in about a year they will reevaluate and the fight will probably start again. I'm not ready for that, I'm done with fighting.

If you try to forcelly fit something in, it just breaks, and still might not fit in. I have had some real happines in my life. But they just take it away by putting in artifical difficulty like money, rotten houses, breaking ceilings, dirty water. There's no such thing as normal. Working is the fartherst thing from normal. That whole fight every year sucks so much. In Shitland, if you are literally born without any limbs you still have to provide proof every single year that you're still limbless. Like they expect people to grow limbs. Like there are already huge waiting lines, and they are even more filled because "Sheesh, I wonder if Ann who has been limbless for 42 years has finally grown limbs". It's like it's some subciousness remnant from a real world where people can grow limbs.

Good that you got some bucks, but yeah, unreal humans do unreal things that hurt real humans.

I'm sorry you have been through this. It is hypocritical the way they treat those with autism. I have aspergers too and I think many people who don't have it themselves do not understand what it is like.
True, true. Asperger is like being the only speaker of a language in a world where everyone else speaks some other language. I have wondered, in this place, men decide whether woman are allowed to have abortion or sterilization, heteros decide whether gays are allowed to marry or have sex, and normies decide how aspergers are treated. It's all illogical and upside down. Let aspergers decide their own things.

A country for only aspergers would be nice, eh?

I'm not entirely surprised that people with autism/Asperger's get this sort of treatment when any kind of mental illness seems to be considered synonymous with being "retarded".

I've had my IQ tested around 14 years ago and the results I was given put me in the top 2 percent. It was quite a surprise to me, but that's what it revealed and also that I'm dyslexic.

I'm not an idiot and I don't struggle to understand quite a wide gamut of things, from mundane to abstract. Yet, when I have been dealing with "professionals" in recent years, I have been spoken to in "that" tone. You, I'm sure, know the one I mean. The one they use to tell you, condescendingly, of some ridiculous, self evident, chunk of wisdom, like "Well you know, you need to pay your bills Flippy, you can't just expect someone else to do it!" Thus implying that firstly, I didn't know I needed to pay my bills, and secondly, I was sitting around just expecting someone else to do it.

I have a mental illness not fucking brain damage. The fact that I understand some very complex and abstract things appears to not factor into their thinking. Basically dismissing anything I can do as being simple, as it must be since a thicko like me can do it.

The worst thing is when the rules are in opposition. One says that you aren't competent to do "A" eg. Adopt. The other says that you are competent to do "B" eg. Work. Ok, well that seems a little like taking with both hands to me.

There are some real fucking meat heads out there that breed like rabbits, who raise meat heads to breed more meat heads. But that's just fine as they are considered (as you said) neuro-typical. The fact that you wouldn't trust them to tie their own shoelaces, apparently not a problem.

My mother, who should never have been allowed within 100 feet of kids, nevertheless, was permitted to "raise" 3 kids, torturing the shit out of 2 in particular into adulthood and beyond. But that's fine, as long as it's your own kids apparently. And if I occasionally feel a bit crap about the situation, or mournful that I missed my opportunities to have a better life due to the damaged caused, well, "that's all in the past, so it doesn't matter, we just want to talk about the future."

What about what I would like to talk about you fuck head?!

There's a quote, hmmm, can't quite remember it, hmmmm, something about failing to remember or acknowledge the past and, erm something about, ermmmm, hmmmm, repeating mistakes? Is that it? I mean I have a mental illness so maybe I'm just too retarded to understand?
I hate it. Aspergers are often the smarter ones. Like aspergers are often good with coding, and I think coding is so hard, only few can do it without help. But how could a stupid normie understand an intelligent asperger the same way a pig can't read a book.

Intelligence has nothing to do with being able to read. Intelligence is just curiosity and the willingness to adapt your thinking. You could never see a single book and be the most intelligent. Information and knowledge is just a side effect of intelligence. Of course intelligence can be trained. I saw a test where a school of African kids took an IQ test, got an average of 70 points, trained two weeks and got 90 points.

Aah, I hate when they treat people like dorks. Sorry you had to experience it. I had a 63 year old psychologist explain to me what a DevArt is despite the fact that I have been a member of DevArt since I was 13. So for over 10 years and he had never even visited the site only heard of it. :\ Feminists would call it mansplaining, I call it retardness.

I'm bad at paying bills sometimes. Like, humans didn't evolve to pay bills. If I'm able to pay bills, I'll prove that I'm not a human. O_O' Hahaha, just kidding, but fuck mundane tasks. A person can be a brainsurgerer and be bad at trying shoes (it took me ages to learn to tie shoes). Aspergers excel at what interests them.

If asperger is a mental illness, I don't even want to know what neurotypicality is. Mental nonexistence? Well, I'm glad my asperger isn't a mental illness.

Neurotypical are things that act on keywords. There's a check inside them and when it gets clicked on, nothing can turn it off. Kinda like how in a computer game once an NPC likes you, you can hit them with a sword and blast magic at them, and they are all "I love you, you're our hero!". They don't have anymore coded lines. They don't have reactions to other things. The same NPCs aka non-aspergers see "asperger" and then you can do pretty much anything to them, doesn't work, their imperfect code says "asperger=stupid" instead of "Oh, Henry said some some things. Henry=smart".

I'm very sorry for the smart neurotypicals. I don't hate good neurotypicals. Just the ones who treat aspergers badly.

Yeah, the rules in opposition. I feel like I have all the responsibilities and none of the rights.

Well said. Meatheads be meatheads, or should I say, meadheads. It's funny actually, intelligent people breed less so there are not many of us. Iirc 90IQ is the perfect to have if you want kids.

Fuck. Sorry you have a shithead mother too. I actually had a talk about that just a while ago. I was speaking with someone on an anonymous mental health chat about all the abuse I have suffered in my n parents hands since I was born. The person took me very seriously and promised to help me get justice, until they found out I wasn't a minor anymore. The fact that they expect minors to report child abuse is absolutely fucked. A minor isn't allowed to vote, but they are expected to report child abuse. Meanwhile a 18 year old can vote but isn't allowed to report child abuse. That's equilevant to person A robbing and beating up person B while B is only 17,999999999999 years old, the person B waiting a week and turning 18,000000, going to police and the police saying "You should have here two days ago when you were still a minor". Child abuse leaves scars. Scars are only healed with justice. Or by waking up from this nightmare.

You seem like a smart and cool person. The people around you are the ones truly mentally ill or mentally nonexistent. I hope you can find justice someday someway somewhere.
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Reactions: Stroopwafel., demuic, Flippy and 1 other person


Felis Sapien
Jan 5, 2020
Hahaha, I have wondered about it myself. I did want to date for the first 25 years of my life, but now... I guess I have been alone for so long that I feel I couldn't be compatible with anyone. And I don't want to change myself to be more compatible with someone. I don't want to sacrifice my soul/being in order to please others. And if I found someone from here, it might make me not want to ctb, and I have dreams associated with ctb. And what is dating here in this world? The other person would just wageslave from dawn to dusk, they'd be spending more of their waking time with their workmates/boss than with me. If I'm rarely gonna see the other person, I might as well date a sack of potatoes.

I'm sorry for your situation. You do deserve all the money in the world regardless of what some pennypincher think. I don't know what Dignitas is but fuck them if they won't help you. Asperger... it's like a color that no one can see, a color that is so unique to the person, that sometimes not even other aspergers can see it. Neurousuality is a condition that lives in external things, asperger lives in internal. Kinda like I can imagine a cool dragon, but when I try to draw it, none of the drawn dragons look anything like it. Kinda like raw magic. Aspergers are their own worlds and they cannot be translated to this world. The same way that you can't write John in Chinese because Chinese just doesn't work that way. I believe asperger is the way humans are meant to be, and to be something else is to be broken, a puppet.

I dream of places where aspergers can truly embrace themselves, their uniqueness.

Hmm, I wonder how many aspergers have similar thoughts and feelings and experiences that I do, but they can never reveal them, because no non-asperger would ever understand and because they fear that other aspergers wouldn't understand either.

Aspergers are often really smart. Like one aspie asked "Why can't we wear swimwear at workplace?", neuroneuros would get heart attacks if they saw people in swimwear at offices but couldn't explain why "You're not supposed to do that!" is all they can vomit. Who the hell should give a shit about what you're supposed to do. Neurotypicals are the real autists, they stop functioning the second they see someone doing something they're not used to, because "mah traditions". Aspergers are unique, they don't care all about that nonsencial blahblah. And aspergers are inquisitive. Half of intelligence is being curious, the other half is ignoring anything others say and finding your own path. All social rules are fake. Made up. And they change from culture to culture. Asperger is what a human is supposed to be.

But yeah, psychiatrists suck. They can only say things they have heard and do things they have seen. They are nothing but recorded voice lines. Their coding is to be easily brainwashed to be a puppet of this world, and that's all they can ever do. It makes me laugh.

I hope you get money from somewhere. Or get into a world where money isn't needed.

If you try to forcelly fit something in, it just breaks, and still might not fit in. I have had some real happines in my life. But they just take it away by putting in artifical difficulty like money, rotten houses, breaking ceilings, dirty water. There's no such thing as normal. Working is the fartherst thing from normal. That whole fight every year sucks so much. In Shitland, if you are literally born without any limbs you still have to provide proof every single year that you're still limbless. Like they expect people to grow limbs. Like there are already huge waiting lines, and they are even more filled because "Sheesh, I wonder if Ann who has been limbless for 42 years has finally grown limbs". It's like it's some subciousness remnant from a real world where people can grow limbs.

Good that you got some bucks, but yeah, unreal humans do unreal things that hurt real humans.

True, true. Asperger is like being the only speaker of a language in a world where everyone else speaks some other language. I have wondered, in this place, men decide whether woman are allowed to have abortion or sterilization, heteros decide whether gays are allowed to marry or have sex, and normies decide how aspergers are treated. It's all illogical and upside down. Let aspergers decide their own things.

A country for only aspergers would be nice, eh?

I hate it. Aspergers are often the smarter ones. Like aspergers are often good with coding, and I think coding is so hard, only few can do it without help. But how could a stupid normie understand an intelligent asperger the same way a pig can't read a book.

Intelligence has nothing to do with being able to read. Intelligence is just curiosity and the willingness to adapt your thinking. You could never see a single book and be the most intelligent. Information and knowledge is just a side effect of intelligence. Of course intelligence can be trained. I saw a test where a school of African kids took an IQ test, got an average of 70 points, trained two weeks and got 90 points.

Aah, I hate when they treat people like dorks. Sorry you had to experience it. I had a 63 year old psychologist explain to me what a DevArt is despite the fact that I have been a member of DevArt since I was 13. So for over 10 years and he had never even visited the site only heard of it. :\ Feminists would call it mansplaining, I call it retardness.

I'm bad at paying bills sometimes. Like, humans didn't evolve to pay bills. If I'm able to pay bills, I'll prove that I'm not a human. O_O' Hahaha, just kidding, but fuck mundane tasks. A person can be a brainsurgerer and be bad at trying shoes (it took me ages to learn to tie shoes). Aspergers excel at what interests them.

If asperger is a mental illness, I don't even want to know what neurotypicality is. Mental nonexistence? Well, I'm glad my asperger isn't a mental illness.

Neurotypical are things that act on keywords. There's a check inside them and when it gets clicked on, nothing can turn it off. Kinda like how in a computer game once an NPC likes you, you can hit them with a sword and blast magic at them, and they are all "I love you, you're our hero!". They don't have anymore coded lines. They don't have reactions to other things. The same NPCs aka non-aspergers see "asperger" and then you can do pretty much anything to them, doesn't work, their imperfect code says "asperger=stupid" instead of "Oh, Henry said some some things. Henry=smart".

I'm very sorry for the smart neurotypicals. I don't hate good neurotypicals. Just the ones who treat aspergers badly.

Yeah, the rules in opposition. I feel like I have all the responsibilities and none of the rights.

Well said. Meatheads be meatheads, or should I say, meadheads. It's funny actually, intelligent people breed less so there are not many of us. Iirc 90IQ is the perfect to have if you want kids.

Fuck. Sorry you have a shithead mother too. I actually had a talk about that just a while ago. I was speaking with someone on an anonymous mental health chat about all the abuse I have suffered in my n parents hands since I was born. The person took me very seriously and promised to help me get justice, until they found out I wasn't a minor anymore. The fact that they expect minors to report child abuse is absolutely fucked. A minor isn't allowed to vote, but they are expected to report child abuse. Meanwhile a 18 year old can vote but isn't allowed to report child abuse. That's equilevant to person A robbing and beating up person B while B is only 17,999999999999 years old, the person B waiting a week and turning 18,000000, going to police and the police saying "You should have here two days ago when you were still a minor". Child abuse leaves scars. Scars are only healed with justice. Or by waking up from this nightmare.

You seem like a smart and cool person. The people around you are the ones truly mentally ill or mentally nonexistent. I hope you can find justice someday someway somewhere.
I have been known to do some coding too actually, but I'm not great at it. It can be pretty hard to do. I tend to think in hardware terms, I can picture how the signals all work going into logic chips etc. On a good day I can hold quite a lot in my head. But once it's inside the CPU it all starts getting a bit muddled, like there's a break in continuity between the hardware and the code. But if you enjoy it too I'd definitely recommend staying with it, you can do many things with coding skills. Most normies can't even begin to understand it. It just takes time before it starts slotting into place.

I like your analogy about people being like NPC, actually it articulates something I've not been able to really get across very well. People do seem to become hopelessly attached to a depricated concept about someone and will become extremely defensive despite evidence that contradicts it.

So yeah, I've had that sinking feeling that what's going on in a psychiatrists mind is "oh Flippy is here and is reporting suicidal urges" Flippy = manipulative. Rather than thinking "oh Flippy is here and reporting suicidal urges." Flippy = distressed and genuinely seeking help. Well, what I'm trying to say is, I've detected that "switch" being flipped and the feeling like you are digging a deeper hole by not challenging it but ironically if you don't, you have, in their minds, tacitly agreed with them.

Incidentally, have you watched the film "Idiocracy"? It's funny as hell, you may have already have seen it, but if not if might just be your cup of tea! It certainly ties in with the "low IQ" lot breed like rabits!

I'm sorry that you suffered abuse too :-( You make a good point about the irony that nothing is done about historic child abuse. Another example of the rules being in opposition again!

I have wondered if perhaps I might be on the autistic spectrum myself, but I have usually concluded that I simply don't have enough of the traits. However, I do excel at the things in interested in, as you described, and (lol) I took a bit of a while to learn to tie my shoe laces, though I expect that has more to do with my mother's mother, who was abusive too (my mother was well aware of this as she was her victim too) going totally nuts because I couldn't tie my shoelaces at 3 years old.

One thing has become abundantly clear as the years have gone by is that I absolutely, without a doubt, do not think like the majority of people I encounter. It can make communication of ideas and concepts of solutions incredibly difficult to impart to others as they simply can't conceptualize something I find almost trivially intuitive. The only person I've never had this problem with is my best friend, who has an autistic son and believes he is also likely mildly autistic. So make of that what you will.

You are quite right of course, child abuse does leave scars. It's odd how a lot of "professionals" both simultaneously acknowledge and deny this. They might say "well it's known child abuse leaves damage.." But if I start to talk about the damage, they basically say "what damage are you talking about?!".

Thanks very much for the compliment! You seem cool and smart yourself! I hope you will find your niche in this world so you can make some of the rules for a change and they won't be in opposition quite so much and you get the respect you deserve!
Same situation, same IQ category as you, same experience. The last therapist I tried suggested I read two books written for 3-5 year olds. For this helpful advice I was charged $250. That was the end of my interest in therapy.
Jeeeeeezus! What the hell!? That must have been insanely insulting! I think it's this "benevolent", calming of the "savage inner child". Like you might say "my mother failed to...[insert milestone activity here]" . And the therapist says "Ahhhhh, your mother never took you on a picnic!" Then make you read a kids book about a mother and child preparing for and going on a picnic. Is that basically somewhere near their thinking?

If that was suggested to me, I would probably find it hard not to throw the book at them. The other thing is that I would probably find it quite triggering to look at the wholesome pictures and words and not be triggered by thinking of "3 year old Flippy" reading the books and thinking that the world would just be full of endless opportunities to go on a fun picnics with his mother.

it's obviously hypothetical, but it's actually making feel a bit sad imagining that. I really don't think it would have done me any good. I'm sorry such a dumb idea robbed you of $250 and the opportunity to actually maybe benefit from therapy.

Actually that kind of reminds me of my first therapist who used to have me turn the chair around so she could surreptitiously sleep while I was talking. At the time I was starting to experience psychosis for perhaps the first time and when I saw her sleeping there, I thought it was a test that aliens/demons/simulation manipulators were trying to see if I was "awake" and would notice. I've often described my experience as being "Matrix" like but actually that's my shortcut way to describe it as it was more like the theme from a similar movie called Dark City, where sleep is part of how the aliens manipulate the "simulation".

Most people are aware of the Matrix movies but not the Dark City movie so I used that as I felt it similar enough that it conveys the experience. Sadly this was a poor choice on my part as the difference between the world in Dark City and the Matrix is that the world of the Matrix doesn't exist and the one in Dark City is physical. So they added "derealisation" to my symptoms when that wasn't accurate.

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Felis Sapien
Jan 5, 2020
Some questions / observations -

1) If you don't have any money and don't want to work, how are you going to support a child? Are you asking for a kid just to get govt assistance?

2) If you can take care of a child, then guess what? You can work in a day care; and maybe that's the best option b/c you will earn money and you will be in a setting that includes supervision of your interactions with children. (Don't get mad at me, these are not my thoughts. They are the thoughts of government entities. They have an entire section on these forms (in the US and likely elsewhere) dealing with your ability to care for others as part of the application for funds. The government has developed a science to unknowingly back you into admitting that you are qualified to work.)

3) You have a real problem if you are antipsychiatry. If you are communicating to them that you aren't depressed yet fully functional outside of being awkward and staring at the floor, then they are thinking that you can easily work a desk job and alternate b/w staring at the computer and staring at the floor all day. Talking to people isn't heavily required in some desk jobs b/c there's email. And you can even wear a bikini as long as you work from home.:tongue: Even being a janitor doesn't require heavy social interaction. Governments don't care as long as you meet the qualification of being able to perform a task. They are even thinking that when they ask how often you empty the garbage.

It seems as if you are really communicating to them "I don't want to work in a setting designed for "normies" b/c I have to morph and I'm frustrated with that."; then you'd have a better time saying "I have Aspbergers and I'm depressed about my life thus I can't work." But then you'd have to accept the pills. I'm not tellning you to lie. I'm just stating that's when you now have a valid reason the government will listen to.

4) Why don't you just have a child on your own then? They can't stop you from doing that. I'm just not sure how you are going to pay for that. (BTW I think anyone who wants kids should be paying for them. I don't care for perpetual welfare queens / kings paid for with tax dollars. I'm empathetic if you temporarily require welfare b/c something unanticipated occurs.) (If I somehow missed that you are sterile, I apologize. Please disregard this question in its entirety.)

On another note, I have a friend whose mother had Aspbergers. He talked a lot about how specific things were weird for him growing up, or his mom would do something that didn't make sense to him. He mentioned a lot of quirks with his mom that registered as someone emotionally insufficient to care for him. His father did most of the practical things such as cooking and changing his pampers. His mother wasn't intentionally abusive or anything. He just wasn't getting some of this basic needs met. When he became an adult he realized that his mom was different and developed empathy for her; but nonetheless it still affected his life and he needed something emotionally that his mom wasn't capable of giving to him. If there are studies to show that this is a common thread for children of aspies, then the government has a valid reason to not allow adoption. Wouldn't you worry that your child could be missing something important (especially if they are "normal")? (I'm just asking a question.)

I once dated someone who I later found out was autistic / Aspie. I knew a few of his family members before I dated him. When his family members found out they gave me weird looks. I got the feeling they knew something I didn't. A few months passed and I start putting things together. Despite being a high functioning business owner, he did and said a lot of things that were not "normal" for someone of his age. For example, he enjoyed cartoon princess movies and recommended we watch them. Or I'd stop by his home and he'd disappear into his basement for hours; I'm talking the whole day gone. He once took a picture of his nephew sleeping on my décolletage; he showed the picture to all his family saying the kid was trying to steal his boob. I was mortified but he wouldn't stop. There were also some emotional connection issues. He'd probe my face trying to understand my expressions during serious discussions. I stopped dating him early on. I could see these problems progressing.

Conclusion: An adult could handle this if chosen but the emotional needs of a child are non-negotiable.

EDIT: PS - I'm not judging. I really want to learn / understand your perspective.
I don't think OP actually wants to adopt, I think that they are simply pointing out the hypocrisy of those who make the decisions regarding what they have the "right" to.

It's like that old saying "Everyone can eat at the Ritz, but not everyone can eat at the Ritz."

I believe they are simply using a tongue and cheek bit of 'hyperbole" to illustrate a point. If they are considered not capable of adopted a child then why would they be able to work.

It's not entirely an unreasonable question to ask.

My situation has some similarities in a way. On a really very good day, I might, if I try extremely hard, be able to do some amount of work on say, my dad's car. Someone witnessing this might say "well you can't have any physical problems, so you should be working." What they don't see is the aftermath, I'm usually in excruciating pain for days afterwards and can't sleep as a result. It's not something I can sustain for more than a brief time. This can affect my mood too. It can really knock me sideways.

So basically, it's like a specific issue being extrapolated over all generalised areas of your life.

It's unfair and dishonest. So in a sense, if they aren't suitable to adopt due to "not being capable of the responsibility" that begs the question (not usually logically valid but it's to illustrate a point), why should we be so selective about what they should be capable of. So if they are denied things due to an immutable feature of their being, then where's the upside?

So I think this is their way of saying "If I'm so fucking retarded then, why don't I qualify for assistance?".

Its like society says "We won't ever let you do 'A', but 'B', that thing that causes you distress and misery, oh we will move heaven and earth to 'enable' you to do 'B', you'll be helping us, won't that be good!? But no, no, no, we won't be making any effort to enable you to do 'A', we don't want to help you."

That's how I interpret it anyway.
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Good Bye
Aug 2, 2021
I don't think OP actually wants to adopt, I think that they are simply pointing out the hypocrisy of those who make the decisions regarding what they have the "right" to.

It's like that old saying "Everyone can eat at the Ritz, but not everyone can eat at the Ritz."

I believe they are simply using a tongue and cheek bit of 'hyperbole" to illustrate a point. If they are considered not capable of adopted a child then why would they be able to work.

It's not entirely an unreasonable question to ask.

My situation has some similarities in a way. On a really very good day, I might, if I try extremely hard, be able to do some amount of work on say, my dad's car. Someone witnessing this might say "well you can't have any physical problems, so you should be working." What they don't see is the aftermath, I'm usually in excruciating pain for days afterwards and can't sleep as a result. It's not something I can sustain for more than a brief time. This can affect my mood too. It can really knock me sideways.

So basically, it's like a specific issue being extrapolated over all generalised areas of your life.

It's unfair and dishonest. So in a sense, if they aren't suitable to adopt due to "not being capable of the responsibility" that begs the question (not usually logically valid but it's to illustrate a point), why should we be so selective about what they should be capable of. So if they are denied things due to an immutable feature of their being, then where's the upside?

So I think this is their way of saying "If I'm so fucking retarded then, why don't I qualify for assistance?".

Its like society says "We won't ever let you do 'A', but 'B', that thing that causes you distress and misery, oh we will move heaven and earth to 'enable' you to do 'B', you'll be helping us, won't that be good!? But no, no, no, we won't be making any effort to enable you to do 'A', we don't want to help you."

That's how I interpret it anyway.

Ahhhhhh...Okay, I've seen that type of hyperbole used before and it was obvious. This one I didn't quite get it.

I think because having children is different it may not be the best one to use if talking to non-aspies/autistics. The same emotional sufficiency isn't required to mop a floor 9-5 than to raise a baby 24/7.

if you want to complain to the authorities pick one that gets 'em in the pants. I'm sure there are many!

Anyway thanks for clearing that up... *hugs*
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Felis Sapien
Jan 5, 2020
Ahhhhhh...Okay, I've seen that type of hyperbole used before and it was obvious. This one I didn't quite get it.

I think because having children is different it may not be the best one to use if talking to non-aspies/autistics. The same emotional sufficiency isn't required to mop a floor 9-5 than to raise a baby 24/7.

if you want to complain to the authorities pick one that gets 'em in the pants. I'm sure there are many!

Anyway thanks for clearing that up... *hugs*
Well it's just my interpretation of course, so I may be wrong :-)

I think the other subtext to this may be that, they probably quite rightly have more potential than simply mopping floors. Not that I'm saying you would volunteer them for such an employment.

I've personally done lots of monotonous, miserable work and managed to stay emotionally detached so it didn't drive me crazy. So long as there was consistency, in other words, things weren't changed on a whim or someone was sticking their oar in needlessly. Basically I could let part of my mind go on auto pilot and the remainder would be designing computers or writing songs. But, in a just world that situation would have been reversed I feel.

Now despite being physically unable to do that kind of demanding labor, I get condescending comments about how I'm not smart enough to do anything other than miserable demeaning work from "professionals".

To be honest, if I could depend on my body not letting me down, I would happily clean toilets or mop floors. However, in these types of employment, usually they don't deliver what they promise. Quite rapidly, you find you are treated like a work horse, at the beck and call 24-7 of some shit head. These jobs have a habit I've found, through bitter experience, of taking over your life.

You become a toilet cleaning machine, and that's all you are allowed to be. It doesn't matter that your intellectual, personal or aesthetic life withers away. Not great when you feel suicidal.

It's particularly irritating when some intellectual pipsqueak, chastises you for hoping that maybe you could have a little help to find a better opportunity.
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Sep 1, 2021
That's some bullsh1t bro I'm getting pissed off and I'm not even affected by the situation


Sep 3, 2021
Liget! I cant do anything Have anything! But can I please have any money to live? Nah. Just the government doing what they can to make money any way they can not caring for us at all
The Lonely

The Lonely

Jan 26, 2021
Asperger qualifies people to end up at this site.

But not before suffering a life of bullying and the classic "I don't Fit anywhere" feeling.
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Felis Sapien
Jan 5, 2020
I'm actually low-iq
What makes you think that? Have you ever done an IQ test? Sadly, there are a lot of smart people in this world who have been trampled down so much that they doubt their own intelligence.

Prior to having an IQ test, I thought I was dumb. I thought I must be as not many people seemed to understand me, anything I showed an aptitude for was dismissed as trivial and useless, by people who claimed that they "could do it", they just "didn't bother as it was so simple."

You should look into the Dunning Kruger effect. In a nutshell, truly dumb people usually can't perceive how truly dumb they are, so conclude that they must be really smart. Smart people often doubt their intelligence.

So, unless you have irrefutable evidence that you do have a low IQ, for example from a professional educational psychologist, then there's every possibility that you are a lot smarter than you think. You may just lack confidence.

Even a high IQ doesn't stop people doing dumb things though. In my view, an IQ score simply points to what you have to potential to do with your grey matter if you start to leverage it.
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Nonbinary Hysteric
Mar 27, 2019
I have autism too (I don't like calling it Asperger's, considering Hans Asperger collaborated with nazis in euthanizing disabled children- I wish they'd just drop that label entirely) and I've been denied neetbux as well. I'm currently fighting their decision in court and my mom hired a lawyer with what money we have left from selling our old apartment and moving.

The difference between your country and mine is probably that the system in Poland is literally *designed* to refuse anyone disability money. ZUS, the organization in charge of social insurance, retirement and disability financial aid, is incredibly greedy- and this has been the case for a long time now. When I was in court I saw a schedule pinned to the wall. There were countless other people fighting ZUS' refusal.

I have a very long medical history. I was first treated at 8-9 years old. I was even given antipsychotics (which are typically NOT safe in the long-term) as a child. My medical history is an entire, thick stack of papers, and yet while browsing through my documents, the ZUS doctor accused me of wanting money for parties and alcohol (after making me cry by getting offended by an innocuous question... I had to sit there, choking back tears).

The psychiatrist, meanwhile, said that the immense exhaustion I reported experiencing was because of my antidepressants, the very same ones that were supposed to TREAT my condition. Granted, fatigue is a side effect of some antidepressants, but if you're depressed, wouldn't you feel fatigued either way, on meds or off of them?

Now, I have to admit, I've never experienced any ableism that particularly stayed with me like you have, but I understand your pain. I might be luckier than some if I do win this court case, though, as they're supposedly hiring an impartial psychiatrist and psychologist.

Are you not able to refute their decision? Fight it in court like I am? North Europe supposedly has very developed social services, so why can't they give you any legal help?


Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
Finland, right? I think in Sweden you get disability for autism but in Finland you don't. I hope this gets corrected in the future.
You don't get anything in the USA. Like most who are disabled get nothing at all.


Aug 25, 2020

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