I once wrote that if life after death existed (I do not believe in it), there would be some kind of reward for CTB. Religion scares people with hell and punishment after death in order to control them, for them people are cattle that must be kept in a stall.
I am an atheist, but if I'm wrong and reincarnation really exists, then this is something that must be avoided at all costs. Never settle for it if it is voluntary (which is unlikely), fuck them!
Do not believe in any "angels" or "dead relatives" if you see them: perhaps this is just a computer simulation or hologramm. Maybe some technology reads your memory, psychology and thoughts and create the appearance of something familiar to you (like "angels", "spiritual mentors" or dead father for example) in such a way to manipulate you.
Perhaps I once saw in the hallucination or dream (I'm not so crazy to believe in such things) one of them. This can't be real i think, but just in case if i wrong, if it still exists there are no angels as it is portrayed in churches, this is not their real appearance - in fact they look different and are forced to take on an anthropomorphic appearance because most people would frighten to hell by their real appearance: this "i don't know what" has big horns on their heads, head that looks like a dragon's head (as they are usually portrayed), they have different eyes - eyes of a predator, but they are not look like stupid scary monsters at all - the one that I saw was very beautiful, perfect, very intelligent it seems (more than humans i bet). They use very advanced technology, computers, electronic devices, as well as nanotechnology (looks alike) (?), this is not magic, all these "spiritual things" - this seems to be a very advanced technology.
I have a theory about who they are if they really exist (i think this not some aliens): perhaps it is the result of the evolution of dinosaurs to intelligent life forms, source for legends about different dragons that for some unknown reason can be found on all continents (how could ancient people on different continents believe in the same creatures?). Their civilization maybe was here before and they reached a technological singularity and created a real AI - now they live in simulations and create new ones, they are the legitimate owners of this planet because were here for millions of years before humans.