
Aug 18, 2020
First I want to say that arguments are quite natural. In such an internet forum with several thousand users there will always be arguments. Sometimes there are discussions emotionally heated and people get hurt. I think one cannot fully prevent that. The chemistry of each individual is too different for that.

I think it is pretty difficult to moderate this forum. There will always be people who diagree with decisions who to deal with a certain member.
I think there were some good decision recently. Two people got banned during the last weeks which I welcomed. Either the people trolled too much or they spread toxic behavior/ provoked other people intentionally/ said disgusting things.

It is hard to filter these people out. I think some of them have of an annoying scheme. Sometimes they stay subtle or vague so that when people call them out for their behavior, they can pretend they did not mean it this way. They are searching for opportunities to find an excuse for their behavior. Gladly when this repeates too often the people get eventually banned. And I find this very good. Currently I think I could name 2 members who troll too much. This is pretty individual and other people probably perceive this differently. We see this when discussions about bans emerge. Different people people see things differently.

I think this problem is not unique for this forum. I think literally every internet forum has trolls. Personally I have the experience that in other forums it is way worse. Especially because suicidal people are often only a minority and they are often treated as outcasts. This is at least what happened to me.

Yeah I think at least 2 times members hurt me emotionally. But it was rather the surprise which hurt me. I was not prepared for it because usually I feel well protected by the mods. And I think the average user of this forum is kind of tolerant. We all know that we are in a simlar boat. We suffer a lot.

Though I don't feel empathy for people who troll vulnerable people. I see them as garbage and they don't deserve any attention. They probably suffer too but they cope by looking down at people. which is quite disgusting.

I am quite optimistic the people I think about will banned eventually. I can understand why it is sometimes hard to decide whether to ban these people. They often pretend to be innocent and leave room for interpretation. They think they were smart but in reality they are just pretty pathetic individuals.

I don't really blame this forum for it. You will find people who don't know how to behave everywhere on the internet. It is hard to spot them in a forum in which people come and go. Places with a lot of traffic.

Have you ever felt (emotionally) hurt by someone in this forum? And how have you handled the situation?
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Atari hazure?
Jul 24, 2022
having my methods told is stupid and to 'enjoy your walk'. not everyone can get or wants to associate with drug dealers for N and the only methods are things around my tiny corner
im used to it if it comes i am a slug afterall
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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
I've not been here for more than just a few days, but so far people have been quite nice to me.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
ya, at least 2. technically like 20 but i only counted really bad/repeated times. ive had people actually look out for my threads just to bitch at me, like fuck off. and the worse part was not only did they purposefully start shit but what they were commenting on was about my abusive husband before i realized he was abusive. so not only was this asshole harassing me, but he was harassing me about a topic that already has enough problems without outside dicks.
this is only 1 person and the biggest problem ive had here. the other person just had a tendency to say things, delete it, cry then blame you.
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Reactions: Lily (Osako), Dead Meat, narval and 1 other person


Mar 28, 2022
I've had a few people here say that it was my fault that I was raped and that I should feel disgusting for it. Those messages hurt me quite a lot.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
No, I could never be hurt by someones words on the internet. I see it as best to just focus on writing my own replies when I am on here rather than paying too much attention towards what others write. That is the only way in which this forum is bearable for me. People have tried to hurt me on here in the past with their words but I don't care. To me, all words are so empty and meaningless after all and this website feels pointless.

Honestly, its quite pathetic how pro lifers have came on here just to insult people and it's even more pathetic when supposedly pro choice people 'love heart' these comments, but as I said it's best not to pay too much attention to that. I don't care. Nowhere is free from pro lifers in a life like this. I'm already suffering, words cannot hurt me. If you open up about your suffering anywhere there is always a chance that you will be invalidated in some way. That is what people do.

Also, new members should be warned that there is often hostility on here. It is clear that some people do not think before they type. This website is not a safe space, it's just like everywhere else on the internet. But this forum still allows laugh reacts on here even know this forum is full of desperate, suicidal people so I guess it kinda encourages trolling in a way.

The truth is that suicide forums should never need to exist. We should all be able to get euthanasia instead without all of the endless discussions about methods. This website is certainly not comforting in any way, anything but and nowhere is free from the cruelty of people. Only death will ever bring relief. I think that I just envy those who come on here for methods and just go. They never feel a need to stay around on this website. They are the lucky ones.
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Jul 13, 2022
I've had a few people here say that it was my fault that I was raped and that I should feel disgusting for it. Those messages hurt me quite a lot.
That's disgusting that someone could think of saying that. I'm sorry that happened to you.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Three times:

1. By someone who betrayed the website and went to the media
2. Bullying and intimidation from an overzealous mod
3. Someone who ghosted me

# 3 was definitely the worst. I don't know if they're alive or dead, and some of the things they said in DMs hinted that they may have known me in real life. If that user was who I think it was, she's still alive and ghosted me twice.
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Aug 25, 2021
I genuinely don't understand how people have the energy to argue/troll, especially in this forum. I cant even get myself to read a thread that's more than 5 replies long. If someone tries to start an argument I'm generally like "yeah whatever nothing matters" and leave the thread. That's how it goes IRL too for me. Because genuinely nothing matters anymore.

Seriously, you're this close to exiting the world and you use your last remaining time/energy to flame a suicide forum? I'll never get such people.
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Lily (Osako)

Lily (Osako)

Everything all at once
Jul 30, 2022
Everyone has been really nice to me so far.
My biggest fear is me saying the wrong thing or not wording it properly and ending up hurting someone else.
If I ever do that, please let me know and I'll do what I can to correct it.
The last thing I want is to cause anyone here any more pain than they are already in.
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Jul 11, 2021
No, I could never be hurt by someones words on the internet. I see it as best to just focus on writing my own replies when I am on here rather than paying too much attention towards what others write. That is the only way in which this forum is bearable for me. People have tried to hurt me on here in the past with their words but I don't care. To me, all words are so empty and meaningless after all and this website feels pointless.

Honestly, its quite pathetic how pro lifers have came on here just to insult people and it's even more pathetic when supposedly pro choice people 'love heart' these comments, but as I said it's best not to pay too much attention to that. I don't care. Nowhere is free from pro lifers in a life like this. I'm already suffering, words cannot hurt me. If you open up about your suffering anywhere there is always a chance that you will be invalidated in some way. That is what people do.

Also, new members should be warned that there is often hostility on here. It is clear that some people do not think before they type. This website is not a safe space, it's just like everywhere else on the internet. But this forum still allows laugh reacts on here even know this forum is full of desperate, suicidal people so I guess it kinda encourages trolling in a way.

The truth is that suicide forums should never need to exist. We should all be able to get euthanasia instead without all of the endless discussions about methods. This website is certainly not comforting in any way, anything but and nowhere is free from the cruelty of people. Only death will ever bring relief. I think that I just envy those who come on here for methods and just go. They never feel a need to stay around on this website. They are the lucky ones.
I have never seen you stand up and speak from your heart like this before. I can only say that I loved it.

Words can be meaningless and empty, but they're all we have in here and it's always nice to read yours.

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Jun 26, 2022
Yes, I've been "hurt" by people here - mainly people who can't be honest with themselves, me, or others. Or only want to talk about themselves. Thankfully, there are plenty of nice people here to replace them.
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