
Jun 20, 2024
Sorry for the word-salad title and post, I tried to pack everything I wanted to say in it. I hope this won't turn into a debate. I fully accept that this subject matter is silly to those who don't relate.

Just wondering if anyone can relate to my frustrations. At some point I came to the conclusion that our five senses can't perceive all there is in reality (due to multiple drug experiences). This opened the door for me to explore more esoteric avenues.

I tried praying, meditation, reading scripture, water-fasting for three weeks, fasting and abstaining sexual activity at certain points of the lunar calendar ("sacred secretion"), Neville Goddard, yoga, kundalini-related breathing and exercise techniques, and much more. The full list is long and laughably dumb, but I was really reaching for a spiritual connection out of sheer desperation, a type of connection that MANY people testify having from doing a lot less.

It's frustrating because you hear a lot about "unconditional love" in these sort of circles, and how all you have to do is "just ask for it and receive it bro." Yet, here I am doing all this work over the course of years with nothing to show for it. I know nothing is owed and I sound like a spoiled brat, but it's discouraging. It's like opening the door for God or "love" to come in, meeting halfway and putting in the effort, yet no one shows up. The religious and spiritual will start moving goalposts, saying you didn't do this or that. If you name it, I very likely tried it. Only thing is I haven't tried lately is asking people to pray for me. Seems a bit too selfish to ask for someone flawed like me. I'll only disappoint those people. I had a previous experience with a church group in my youth that prayed for me and I am ashamed of how I turned out despite all their kindness and hope towards me.

After some years, at the end of of my patience, all I started asking for was simply communication from Jesus/God. That's it. I haven't received anything unfortunately.

Anyone else have related experiences?
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Jan 1, 2024
I tried to get into Paganism without success I have friends who seem to be greatly comforted and recieve messages from their Gods. Although I believe in some sort of afterlife and spirits I dont believe they can help my fucked up brain chemistry
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incapable of shutting up
May 2, 2024
YES. I really have. It's why I get angry when people tell me to pray or seek religion. I try not to snap if it seems like they're really trying to help, but it's hard. Sometimes I want to scream at them that yeah, I tried that, and now I just feel like multiple gods abandoned me.

They often assume I only ever asked for things and never really tried to be a good member of my religion, and that's just not true. For years, I prayed, attended services, changed who I was, and spent money and effort making offerings and doing things to show my praise and loyalty. If all that's not enough for me to get any help from any god, then nothing will ever be enough, and it feels pointless.

Sorry for going on a rant on your thread. It's kind of a relief to hear someone understand my point of view (even though I'm sorry that you do)
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Jun 20, 2024

I appreciate you posting your experience. Don't be sorry! What those people assumed kind of goes against this idea of "grace" and how it's freely given to those who believe and accept. In terms of money offerings, I'm reminded of a sermon I attended that was just a bunch of guilt tripping to make us fill up the offering plate a little more that week. I sympathize with the church asking for funds, but even that was a bit too much for me.
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Brain rotted, often missing word
Apr 8, 2024
I tried my best to get into religions and I just can't get into them. I am certainly not one of these atheists/agnostics that looks down on religious people, I actually admire them because I can see how it can sooth the pain of existence, but no matter how hard I try I can't get myself to believe in anything else than some Gnosticism that has zero positive impact on my outlook on life.
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